Need answers before end of day


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Well-known member
Dec 5, 2006
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I want to enter a talent show but have been procrastinating the part of thinking of what i would do. I can do alot of things, but i don't want it to be too "boring, stupid, or old." Any great ideas that i can use without humiliating myself? I need some answers soon... the deadline is today!

If you could help i would really appreciate it!

I want to enter a talent show but have been procrastinating the part of thinking of what i would do. I can do alot of things, but i don't want it to be too "boring, stupid, or old." Any great ideas that i can use without humiliating myself? I need some answers soon... the deadline is today!
If you could help i would really appreciate it!
Add your own mix to a song, and sing it.

Okay, so mines pretty stupid, but you have to admit it's funny. It needs a lot of people, tho. so... You have a look.

Lil' Romeo and Julie-May

Recreated by: ****** R. Shirley (sry, don't wanna give name)


"Two families. Absolutely nothing alike.

(In DeWitt Arkansas, where we tell our story.)

An old fight between the rappers and the rednecks

that's lasted for quite some time now.

Where the not so good people only become

worse. And in all the clashing, two lovers

try to get together. Both very unlucky to

have such horrible family breakdowns.

They try to not do what their parents say.

Yet someone has to die, because that's the way

the story goes. So listen up all you ladies and

rednecks. The story of Lil' Romeo and Julie-May.

Scene One:

*Enter Sammy and Greg*

Sammy: There is no way we are just gona get dissed like dat, Greg.

Greg: Yea, Sammy! cus den we'd be losers.

Sammy: If dat were to happen then I'd have to get me gun out.

Greg: Ay, ya should try and do dat soon, befur our lives end urselves.

Sammy: But they won't be taken me down! Not, befur I get to um first!

Greg: Ya ain't that fast now.

Sammy: Then I'll just kick their dang dog!

Greg: If ya gona do that then count me in!

Sammy: Ay, and kick em hard, too, Greg.

Greg: We'll slauter em all!

Sammy: Yea! and we'll shoot em like a dear and mount their heads in our hunt'in lauge like the animals they are.

Greg: O.K….. I think that’s a little far.

*enter Addy*

Sammy: er comes one now! Get ready!

Greg: Yea right! Like ya uv all peoples got the guts to take one on.

Sammy: I ain't scared.

Greg: okay then, bring it on.

Sammy: I'll throw them a few comments as e pass by! "giggles"

*Addy walks by*

Sammy: Hey! Ya look dumber than a deer with no points!

Addy: I'm sorry, but was that supposed to be a threat? I know you! Sammy, if that’s the best you can do than yo mama so ugly and fat that when she walked into McDonalds they said, "Hey, I thought the cows were already in patties!"

*people backstage make ooo sounds*

Sammy: ooo! you gona pay for that!

*starts to pull gun off back*

Greg: *stops sammy by grabbing arm* don't do that. We're not in the favor here. look. *Bollie walks in and leans on wall* There's another one.

Addy: boght time ya got hur.

Bollie: Wut u up to now, Addy. some more losers *saying loud and annoyingly*

Sammy: Hey forget this! *Pulls gun off back and points it at Addy*

*Mr. Boss walk in*

Mr. Boss: Hey! what do you think your doing! We're all people here! Put down yur gun before I have to call the cops on you. *Sammy lowers gun* Now return to wat you were do'in and get away from each other, now!

*Everyone leaves stage exept for bollie and rapper inters*

Rapper: Hey Bollie, have you seen Lil' Romeo anywheres

Bollie: Look here he comes now! *Enters Lil' Romeo*

Wuz Up!

Romeo: is it still morning?

Bollie: just turned nine.

Romeo: Uh, today is such a drag!

Bollie: What's wrong, bro.

Romeo: Bollie, I met a girl.

Bollie: Is she hot?

Romeo: She's a redneck, and I love her.

Bollie: yer an idiot, Lil' Romeo.

Romeo: yea, I know.

Scene Two:

*Romeo enters*

Romeo: Man! why does she have to be a redneck.

*Julie-May enters and stands on chair*

Romeo: Hey baby! I can see you in your beauty. You hot baby, like the sun in the morning and the sunset. I love you baby! Ohh Julie-May! I love you baby!

Julie-May: Lil' Romeo, Romeo, Where you at boy! Forget what yo dady say and get your butt up hur!

Romeo: I can't your too high!

Julie-May: That's too bad. I'll just talk hur then.

Romeo: I love you, Julie-May! Please leave with me and get out of this town!

Julie-May: I can't! I've lived hur all my life and I can't bear to leave! If they find out you’re here they'll kill you! Get out of here. I know it's you Lil' Romeo. Just go!

Romeo: but baby! I just can't! I love you far too much.

Nanny: Julie-May! Get yo butt in hur befo you catch a cold!

Julie-May: Coming Nanny! I gatta go! be back in a sec!

Romeo:*speaking to himself* Man! She's hot!

*Re-enter Julie-May*

Julie-May: You gotta go! If my daddy finds ya, yur sure to get shot deader than a duck in season in Arkansas County!

Romeo: Night Baby!

Julie-May: Don't let the dear ticks bite!

*Julie-May and Lil' Romeo exit*

Scene 3:

*Romeo lies dead on ground*

Julie-May: Lil' Romeo! I told ya you'd get shot! My dang daddy don't know no better than what he does. If only… *Leans in dramatically then slaps upside face*

You idiot! I never really did like you! *walks offstage with head upturned*


Lil' Romeo-_________ Rapper-__________

Julie-May-__________ Nanny-___________

Greg-______________ Mr. Boss-_________

Sammy-____________ Opener-__________



It takes a lot of time to learn it, but It's worth while and isn't as long as it seems.

Singing, juggling, acting out a comedy scene with a friend, playing an instrument, dancing, reciting a funny poem, and maybe a magic trick are some ideas.

So listen up all you ladies and rednecks.

Romeo: She's a redneck, and I love her.

Bollie: yer an idiot, Lil' Romeo.

Romeo: yea, I know.

Romeo: Man! why does she have to be a redneck.
Actually i think that skit is neat and original. But maybe you should have everyone in the play calling each other "rednecks" and such, it kinda discriminating.

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