NEED HELP! (marriage and ninja issues)


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Feb 18, 2008
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I GOT A NIINJA FAMILY! NINJA! ONG! I HATE NINJAS! (at least people ninjas) mine are cute! they just turened like half an hour ago. when can my kids get married??? someone?

baby-child= 1 hour

child-teen= 48 hours(2 days)

teen-adult= 48 hours(2 day)

adult - parent= 48 hours(2 day)

As someone said above, Wait two days. When they get married, If you have any Gozurutchi, When you marry it, It should become Kashiratchi. If you have any Kunoitchi, When you marry it, It should become Okugatatchi. If you want to change back your tamas into normal adults, Use the whistle or Steamed bun.

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So the ninja family is bad? Are they like the bad characters you get when you don't take proper care of your Tamagotchis?

I kinda like the petite family though .. . not that I've ever had it but I've seen them and they are kinda cute! But you pretty much have to wait 2 days for each stage.

Tama 3445521508 :lol:

Tomorrow, my tamas are gonna turn into an adult. I wonder who I am going to get

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