Need Help with items


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New member
Aug 15, 2006
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i can't connect my my other tama cause it says my list is full or something can anyone help

That message may come up when you try to connect and your friends list is full (50), or if you are connecting to give a present and either your items list (32) and/or meals/snacks lists (15 each) are full. You may need to delete an item or eat a meal/snack or even delete a friend.


that message will appear when your friends list is full.

v1, v2 u have 50 friends delete some.

v3 u have 45 friends delete some.

best idea is to delete ones that r dead or u don't usally see.

i can't connect my my other tama cause it says my list is full or something can anyone help
you can have up to 50 friends.. and since that message is coming up, your friends list is full. you have 50.

delete some friends off of your list.


Actually this is just like another post. When you try to send a present it says sorry, list full. That is because you can only have 15 item and when you connect by clicking presents you have the possibility of getting a gift, so it won't allow you to do it. Just delete an item and everything should be okay.Hope this helps.


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