Need help with My V6!


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Well-known member
Sep 26, 2004
Reaction score
Las Vegas, NV
Well here my problem. I just got my new Music Star toy few weeks ago. I have a issues of achieving health/average/bad/very bad characters I wanted. Well you see.... I been taking bad cares of my character. Leaving few hungers and happy heart empty. I didn't even play any games. But instead I end up with a "very healthy" characters that I didn't want again(Kikitch and Mametchi). I never got any characters under "health care", even in my previous versions(V2 and V3). I guess it much difficult to raise them in bad care for me now like it used to be. I am so used of taking care of them really good.... I just don't want to keep getting them over and over again! Don't get me wrong..... I do love having healthy care characters but not like this! Dx



So my question is....

How did you take care of your characters to get that exact Tamagotchi?

What did you do to be able to get them?



I was just wondering if it only effect when they are babies or the beeps for hunger and happy of the times counted. Just to get those characters. Please help!? I want to learn how to get every single Tamagotchi in every care. Its just so hard for me.... -T~T-

Pretty difficult to get exactly what character you want unless its the worst care or best care.

How happy the tama is counts, also how hungry they are and weight (I think).

I would give you more help but I'm a bit lost getting characters.

Pretty difficult to get exactly what character you want unless its the worst care or best care.How happy the tama is counts, also how hungry they are and weight (I think).

I would give you more help but I'm a bit lost getting characters.
Well I am talking about the bad caring characters. I know about all those, which made me a super health freak. xD No wonder I don't get any bad care Tamagotchis... Sucks for me. ;x


I heard having a overweight character doesn't effect a thing to care. Every time I have my teen Tamas over-weighted, I still be resulted with a very healthy character(like Mametchi for example). Weird huh? xD

I was messing with its heart too. I thought it was working with the baby one and manege to get kuchitamatchi(three empty hunger and two empty happy hearts). But I was also doing the same with the child(just like the baby). Left "one" hunger heart fill and 3 happy hearts fill(by accident with a snack or food). Well, I ended up with a Kikitchi(healthy teen). I really wanted to get Nonopotchi but failed to get him. So my real plan was to now trying to get Shimashimatchi(healthy care). I was leaving three hunger and happy hearts filled up. So then today, I left it with three hunger and two happy hearts filled..... I thought I was going to be able to get Kuchipatchi(good care) in that way just to test it. After the long waiting evolution..... I got Mametchi(again) in my third gen. D; I didn't even play games with it at all! >x<


So yeah that it.... =/

My question is....... Tell me which character did you get out of caring?

Only talking about the "Care Groups", not the characters.

Please I would like to know..... :D

Don't touch you're tama for a day. Problem solved. xDD Works for me anyway.
I don't think I want to do that. o_o;

I am afraid of killing it or leaving me. I always took care of mines and never killed it.


No one is answering my question though. D;

Not even telling me what characters you got..... ; . ;

let its hearts drain frequently and dont take it aong with you everywhere and leav it unpaused dont pay games and overfeed it

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