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Well-known member
Dec 22, 2006
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Ok some im one of them girls that,....well dont get asked out

Well I THINK that someone likes me!

And he's really short.......

but he's not the ugliest guy in the world

What would you do?

Anthor thing is that, theres this REALLY HOT boy, in ALL of my classes

and i've been trying to flirt but, not working out!

and i mean im confident about my self, but you no, im not the "pick of the litter"

This dude that likes me, this is like the frist cute guy that likes me!

so i need help!

Ok some im one of them girls that,....well dont get asked out
Well I THINK that someone likes me!

And he's really short.......

but he's not the ugliest guy in the world

What would you do?

Anthor thing is that, theres this REALLY HOT boy, in ALL of my classes

and i've been trying to flirt but, not working out!

and i mean im confident about my self, but you no, im not the "pick of the litter"

This dude that likes me, this is like the frist cute guy that likes me!

so i need help!
Go with the guy who likes you. Those guys that everyone likes really can hurt sometimes. (I know this from pure experience of being 'Just friends'..)

And, I am sure the guy who likes you will care for you a lot more. Who cares how short he is? It is something that makes him, him!

If you like him too then go out with him - it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks.
Do you mean both guys like you or just the one?
just that one......

Another thing is PICTURE DAY!

Ok, im a tomboy, so i, well , im not a girly person.

I think i sould dress up, but i have no clue what to wear!

The bad thing is , i dont no if he likes me for me, or win i dress up

just that one......
Another thing is PICTURE DAY!

Ok, im a tomboy, so i, well , im not a girly person.

I think i sould dress up, but i have no clue what to wear!

The bad thing is , i dont no if he likes me for me, or win i dress up
[SIZE=8pt]If he really truely likes you, then he will like you for who you are. as for picture day, I would wear something that feels comfortable to wear but at the same time takes a great pic. :lol: [/SIZE]

Just become friends with the two guys. You have to have a firm friendship foundation before you even think about dating one of them. If you become friends with them- I mean really know them [which will take some time, no doubt]- maybe you will realize they aren't the one for you and the relationship is better off as just friends.

I do suggest you wait a bit on the whole deal- even if you are friends already- to adjust to your new school, *maybe talk to your mom or sister ;]*, things like that. Personaly I don't think it's a good idea to get into that sort of thing but I can't exactly stop you thousands of miles away.

Just become friends with the two guys. You have to have a firm friendship foundation before you even think about dating one of them. If you become friends with them- I mean really know them [which will take some time, no doubt]- maybe you will realize they aren't the one for you and the relationship is better off as just friends.

Just become friends with the two guys. You have to have a firm friendship foundation before you even think about dating one of them. If you become friends with them- I mean really know them [which will take some time, no doubt]- maybe you will realize they aren't the one for you and the relationship is better off as just friends.
There already are my best friends

You haven't talked any about their personality.

I mean -- not to be mean,

but to base your dating choices on solely looks

is pretty shallow.


im kinda like you, but the thing is, im not real resprate. See this kid that makes fun of me...well...he has a crush on me, and i have to sit by him everywhere its annoying.........he stares at me! Well its kinda scary lol......Also i am liked by 2 lil kids, and the one is someone in my classes lil im not the one to get asked out..but the scary thing, i had to dance with him at a party (dont worry not slow dancin) and theres and dance comin up..oh geez.

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There already are my best friends
Well then good, but I don't think it would be a good thing to risk your relatioship esecialy beacause it's a crush and you'll probably get over it in a little bit. I think you need to just stay friends. If you are still friends in highschool, then's the time to start thinking about it.

Look, I'm your cusin and I'm not trying to be mean or crude or anything, but I really think you should wait.

Ok some im one of them girls that,....well dont get asked out
Well I THINK that someone likes me!

And he's really short.......

but he's not the ugliest guy in the world

What would you do?

Anthor thing is that, theres this REALLY HOT boy, in ALL of my classes

and i've been trying to flirt but, not working out!

and i mean im confident about my self, but you no, im not the "pick of the litter"

This dude that likes me, this is like the frist cute guy that likes me!

so i need help!
You didn't mention their personality, thats pretty shallow..

You never know. That dude could eb a real jerk, and the 'ugly' one could be real sweet.

Go with the guy who likes you. Those guys that everyone likes really can hurt sometimes. (I know this from pure experience of being 'Just friends'..)
And, I am sure the guy who likes you will care for you a lot more. Who cares how short he is? It is something that makes him, him!
Hah, I know that feeling. I cried when my boyfriend broke up with me, in front of all of my friends, because let me tell you, he was the best boyfriend I ever had. We were still buddies, and I talked to him on the phone still, and he told me he liked another girl. Eventually I started to get over it because I didn't like him anymore and started encouraging him to ask her out, but she said no. I felt bad for him. ;)

Anyway, I say if you like a guy, take the risk to ask him out. You shouldn't go out with the guy who likes you just because you're afraid you'll hurt his feelings. If you don't like him, it's not worth it. Good luck. ^_^

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