Need to be flexible!


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Well-known member
Jun 23, 2006
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I do a lot of ice skating, and i have to do a spiral (thats where you glide along on one foot and have your leg the same level as your hip) and various other stuff. But i can't do it. I can't get my leg higher than my knee. Are there any exercises i can do that will help?

AAAAHHHH OMG I SKATE TOO!!! Heh heh. Sorry. I just get all spazzed when people say they skate too. What level are u on? I'm on Freeskate 4...yeah.

I have trouble with spirals too. What I do is get a chair, stand with my back facing the chair, and prop my leg up on it. Then I straighten my back and stand there for as long as I can. But you might want to start out on a stool since you said you only can lift your leg to your knee.

Also there are several stretches/exercises that you can do. I have a book called "Conditioning for Figure Skating" with lots of that stuff in it. Maybe you should read that book?

Hope I helped!

When I was little I took dance and my dance teacher always told us to practice splits every day during all the commercial breaks while watching TV in the afternoon... I never tried..

Do yoga! =D It's a great way to get flexible. I did it every day for a while and now I can put my legs behind my head.

AAAAHHHH OMG I SKATE TOO!!! Heh heh. Sorry. I just get all spazzed when people say they skate too. What level are u on? I'm on Freeskate 4...yeah.
I have trouble with spirals too. What I do is get a chair, stand with my back facing the chair, and prop my leg up on it. Then I straighten my back and stand there for as long as I can. But you might want to start out on a stool since you said you only can lift your leg to your knee.

I passed gold medal... yeah. (although how i passed the spiral parts I don't know. My coach must be half blind... or double sighted... or both)

hmm... stool i can do. yoga, can do (fingers crossed), splits... no. Thanks for replying!

Well, for dance I practiced the splits everyday, and after I week I could do the right leg splits. =]

All I did was go in a straddle and try to lay the top half of my body down to the ground as low as possible, everyday, then just try to do the splits.

Now I'm a lot more flexible too.

Mainly, just try streching the top parts of your legs, then they'll be able to split.

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