Needle phobia


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Well-known member
Mar 8, 2007
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Christchurch New Zealand
You've entered my longish post about my fear. Don't read if the details of what and who I vomitted over disturbs you.

Right, I know the phobia of having injections is common but mine is more like an illness.

I get a very sick feeling just thinking about it.

In the past 5 years i've had 5 immunisation shots.

The 11 year old shots are 2 injections. At the same time. One in each arm. I didn't know what to expect because the last time i'd been injected was when I was 4.

I hurt and I remember screaming so loud that my general GP [not the dang nurse stabbing me] asked me if the nurse had been abusive and if I was alright. I had one in each arm. My arms froze up for 4 days. Mum had to help me get dressed since my arms didn't work and I ate cat style. And after the injections they keep you in the waiting room for 20 minutes and I vomitted all over the place. I felt so sick.

Then through school we had to get 3 shots over 6 week period.

My first one I got through then vomited over the guy offering me a lollipop.

Second one I vomited over the nurse just at the sight of the needle then again after.

The third one they realised something and gave me a sick bucket.

All 3 times my arm was pretty much frozen for 4 days and they actually debated whether to make me get the third one.

The only injections i'm fine with are in my jaw, like for dentist surgery and stuff, those don't worry me and nothing happens.

My problem with this, Theres a new injection out free for people my age. Its for the immunisation of cerviacal cancer. Do you guys have it? Anyway its a 3 shot thing thats 3 injections! I want to be protected from the horrid cancer but if it came down to it just the needles would put me off the chance to fend off one of the worst cancers.

Oh, and the nurse has said she won't do my shots again since she would rather not lose her hearing.

Anyone got the same problem?

Got any advice? and don't say soft toys or holding mums hand. That doesn't work.

Anything else?


My sister has the same problem, but instead of puking, she passes out.

I got the guardasil shot(s). They're not too bad, but I have no problem with needles whatsoever.

The only thing I can think to help, is to close your eyes and try not to think of where you are.

The one thing good about guardasil is they aren't 3 consecutive shots. They're over a period of a believe 6 months. The only side effect I really noticed was a big of puffing and soreness.

Also, maybe don't eat for a few hours before you go in, that way there's nothing in your stomach to come up. Try not to worry yourself over it, and don't look at the needle.

My teachers tell me i look like im about to faint after my shots, but i feel fine. Its weird. They're worried about me because I almost fainted once at school.

The new ones hurt a bit more, but not as much as the varicella (chicken pox) one.


- Don't look at the needle

- Close your eyes

- RELAX!!! (very important)

I have a small needle phobia, but not near as bad. When I'm around needles and/or can smell rubbing alcohol, I get terrible, terrible migranes.

But I got the Guardasil shots, and they really weren't that bad. My arm was a little sore, but otherwise I didn't notice any side effects.

When I have to get shots, I just tell myself that once this is over, I don't have to worry about it. I don't have to stress out about it anymore, and I can start worrying about other things now. Close your eyes, and just try to relax. Don't get all tense - it just makes things worth. Try breathing in through your nose and out through your mouth. You can also try listening to a iPod/MP3/CD player while you get your injection.

Make sure you're relaxed, maybe put in some music?

If your muscles are tight, it hurts more.

Oh. You don't know needle phobia till you meet me. I've passed out various times, when people were just talking about needles. Then, when I woke up after each and every time, I threw up. Every time I go to the doctor's office, I try to escape. A few times I've actually gotten out, but the 'male nurses' always catch me and hold me down. You'd think they were trying to kill me. I have it really bad. Of course, I'm screaming all the way.

I'm scared of needles too but not that afraid I just shiver. Just close your eyes tight and think of something else. I do that when I'm getting a shot.

Well Relax its the best thing you can do if you tence up it hurts a bit just remember its just a little scratch I have to have my 3rd injection over that cervical cancer thing. Yeah close your eyes or have someone there to talk to like my friend she was sitting in front of me having it done aswell and we where talking before you know it its over. And about the arm thing it may hurt a bit after but just dont think about it. XoX-Snow is right just dont panic.

Once, I don't remember what it was, but I was in the hospital, and they tried to stick an IV in me, but I put up enough of a fight that they decided it wasn't worth it. Same thing for the cervical cancer, and flu shots for the past five years or so. The nurses gave up on me, I think they want me to get a disease and die xDD

Oh gosh. . .needles. x__x

Just reading this topic makes me feel a little uneasy.

I have had a severe case of needle phobia since I was around 4 years old. Once, when I was about 11, I was sitting in the waiting room and the nurse came up to me to tell me how I needed my blood test now and I, of course started, screaming - loudly. I drew a lot of attention to myself, actually. But I didn't notice at the time. So the lady tried to comfort me and she spread this cream-like stuff on my arms - I ended up passing out. When I regained consciousness, they had to take me to this 'special place' for 'special people' called The Butterfly Room. The butterflies were supposed to soothe me. It really didn't work. But in the end, after lying down on the hospital bed in the special room, looking away and singing loudly to distract myself, I got my injection.

I was so proud that day. :]

I've just been afraid of the major-ish injections that are supposed to hurt a lot. Like the tetanus shot and the HPV shot. The last shot I got was for something that started with and H which wasn't HPV. xDD It kind of hurt afterwords, but it wasn't too bad. Now I'll be terrified of my HPV shot. Never have I had to handle that much pain, besides my tripping and jamming my finger. Which hurt. Badly.

What I suggest is, next time you are required to get a shot, close your eyes and look away. Imagine something happy. Just take your mind away that you're getting a shot. Take a bucket just in case, and maybe bring some Pepto-Bismol tablets with you to calm your stomach. If you can't get your mind off of the needle, just start up a conversation with the nurse or someone else in the room. Maybe they cold rub alcohol to numb the pain a bit.

Well, good luck with your next shot. :D

I never look at. And how do you relax? I'm freaking out several days before. But when I got my 11 year old shots I was 10 and it was unexpected. I was getting my broken finger checked out and they are like 'Hey, wanna be stabbed with freakish needles for the protection against something you probably won't ever get?' well thats how I saw it.

Why can't they just make it in pill form? I like swallowing wierd things. My next plan is to run and yell about them abusing me. I wasn't so smart last time.

[bTW my cat hates needles too, if you go to the vet in the bright orange building and look at his face you'll see what happened when he stabbed her with the first needle. He was scared about the second, that time it was just his hand]

I've just been afraid of the major-ish injections that are supposed to hurt a lot. Like the tetanus shot and the HPV shot. The last shot I got was for something that started with and H which wasn't HPV. xDD It kind of hurt afterwords, but it wasn't too bad. Now I'll be terrified of my HPV shot. Never have I had to handle that much pain, besides my tripping and jamming my finger. Which hurt. Badly.
What I suggest is, next time you are required to get a shot, close your eyes and look away. Imagine something happy. Just take your mind away that you're getting a shot. Take a bucket just in case, and maybe bring some Pepto-Bismol tablets with you to calm your stomach. If you can't get your mind off of the needle, just start up a conversation with the nurse or someone else in the room. Maybe they cold rub alcohol to numb the pain a bit.

Well, good luck with your next shot. :huh:
Sorry for double posting.

I would ask for the bucket. They have one since theres a few people like me.

Whats that tablet? Why can't they just give me sleeping pills then savage me?

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