Neighbor hood pool - Haunted


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Aug 6, 2008
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I think my neighbor hood pool is haunted. Last week at around 3:00 pm I went to the pool and over to the deep end. Every time I went under water I heard screaming and crying. I assumed it was just the other kids playing around. Then I went about 3 days later around 8:30pm ( the sun doesn't really set here till about 9 ) and I was the only one there but the life guards . I heard the same screaming :lol: So I went home , because I was scared. and today when we were driving to the pool my mom was like 'you see that?' and I looked and it was a cementary , right behind our neighbor hood pool! so I said "why is that here?" . She told me that it was illegal to move it or something . When she dropped me off , I went and looked at the grave stones ( there were only like 6, not a big grave yard ) and I saw the name "harriet Marson" on one of them. so next time I go i'm gonna be like "harriet!? you here!?"

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Wow spooky stuff. I think you just imagined it or water got in your ears I don't know. But that is weird to see a cemetery by a community pool kinda freaky in a way too.

Whoa, weird. .

It would be kinda fun to figure it all out, nothing exciting ever happens where I am, except when a new beehive appears or something, talk of the neighborhood stuff -.-

Lol, you should do the Harriet thing

Crazy as in voices.
Don't worry. You get used to it.
How can I GET USED TO IT? i mean .. I don't think I'll ever want to swim there again. And this reminds me : I went swimming with my friend Brianne and I thought she was tugging on my leg so I was like 'quit it' and she said it wasn't her. I was like , whatever , because I didn't believe her. Omg :mellow:

I think it would be scary and creepy yet kind of interesting at the same time. But stop screaming at people. And lol princess08

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Princess08 : Gah .. All my life , i've never known the supernatural ... until now. What an awaking exprerience :mellow:

*BellaTrix* : That's it , im not going to that pool anymore o__________o

Wow, haha. My aunt once saw a little girl on her bed with really long hair once when she was going into her room. The girl looked up at her and my aunt ran out because she got freaked out. This happened a few years ago though, they moved already o.o

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