NeoMame's V5 Logs


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(I have 40 entry's/replies and 355 views so far!)

Uhhhh....I lost track of when my 2 Tama families will change next....They both change on the same day tho. Its either today or tomorrow. I guess we'll find out soon!

Anyway, here's the stats of my 2 tama families:

Family: Kirba

Blended Family

Hungry: 5/5

Happy: 5/5

Bonding: 50%

Generation: 4th

Gotchi Points: 1,210

Kuromametchi (Male)

Lovezukintchi (Female)

Uhyotchi (Male)

Planetchi (Female/Mother)

Papamametchi (Male/Father)

Tama: Purple V5

Family: Mongo

Blended Family

Hungry: 5/5

Happy: 5/5

Bonding: 10%

Generation: 2nd

Gotchi Points: 2,380

Belltchi (Female)

Ahirukutchi (Male)

Tororotchi (Female)

Papapatchi (Male/Father)

Mememamatchi (Female/Mother)

Tama: Tama House V5

Here's a PM that I got from TAMAGIRL2008 about my V5 log. Note: Any messages I get from other people will be in Red.

From: TAMAGIRL2008

Your Log is Awesome!!!! :D :D :D :lol:

I always read it!!!!! :D

Everytime your Log is updated I read it!!!! :D

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Yesterday was the day that my 2 V5 family's changed.

The first change was with the Kirba Family (Purple V5). I was able to use the dating show. So now I'm on the 5th Generation.

1st hatched - Female

2nd hatched - Male

3rd hatched - Female

(Sorry, but I forgot to record which babies I got...)

Then after 1 hour they evolved, here's who I got:

Female baby -> Tororotchi

Male baby -> Mattaritchi

Female naby -> Sakuramotchi

And finally here's they're current stats:

Family: Kirba

Blended Family

Hungry: 5/5

Happy: 5/5

Bonding: 0%

Generation: 5th

Gotchi Points: 1,210

Tororotchi (May/Female)

Mattarichi (Mike/Male)

Sakuramotchi (Ruby/Female)

Papakurotchi (Kuro/Male/Father) *New*

Mamapatchi (Pata/Female/Mother)

Tama: Purple V5

Then yesterday around 10 or 11pm, I woke the Mongo family up so they would evolve. And they did, right after I woke them up. Here's who they evolved into:

Belltchi (Bella/Female) -> Chamametchi

Ahirukutchi (Tamu/Male) -> Mamekatchi

Tororotchi (Daisy/Female) -> Shelltchi

Here's they're current stats:

Family: Mongo

Blended Family

Hungry: 5/5

Happy: 5/5

Bonding: 20%

Generation: 2nd

Gotchi Points: 2,380

Chamametchi (Bella/Female)

Mamekatchi (Tamu/Male)

Shelltchi (Daisy/Female)

Papapatchi (Papu/Male/Father)

Mememamatchi (Mamu/Female/Mother)

Tama: Tama House V5

Also I've started naming my V5's again.

Wow! 410 views so far!

Here's a PM that I got from A.M.S102:

From: A.M.S102

You have a nice log. keep it up , ill be reading :]

Just a little while ago I cheated to get the Mongo's Family's Bonding up to 100%. If you do not know the cheat to increase bonding, here it is:

1. Set the time to 9:59am, 11:59am, 1:59pm, 3:59pm, ect.

2. Wait 1 min.

3. Once the time changes to an even hour (after waiting 1 min) your tama family will call for training. NOTE: Sometimes they will not ask for it. If this happens, just change the time and try again.

4. After 2 or 3 times of doing this, the Bonding will go up by +10%.

That cheat takes awhile to get the bonding upto 100%, but its the quickest way to increase it.

Ok, now here are today's updates:

Family: Mongo

Blended Family

Hungry: 5/5

Happy: 5/5

Bonding: 100%

Generation: 2nd

Gotchi Points: 2,380

Chamametchi (Bella/Female)

Mamekatchi (Tamu/Male)

Shelltchi (Daisy/Female)

Papapatchi (Papu/Male/Father)

Mememamatchi (Mamu/Female/Mother)

Tama: Tama House V5

Family: Kirba

Blended Family

Hungry: 5/5

Happy: 5/5

Bonding: 10%

Generation: 5th

Gotchi Points: 1,210

Tororotchi (May/Female)

Mattarichi (Mike/Male)

Sakuramotchi (Ruby/Female)

Papakurotchi (Kuro/Male/Father)

Mamapatchi (Pata/Female/Mother)

Tama: Purple V5

The Kirba family will be evolving into teens today, and the Mongo family will be evolving into adults! But they won't be evolving until late tonight.....

I fell asleep last night before the Mongo family was ready to evolve (They were already asleep). Then I woke up around 1am, so I woke them up and they evolved. Then I put them back to bed and I fell asleep also. Here's who they evolved into:

Chamametchi (Bella/Female) -> Chantotchi *New*

Mamekatchi (Tamu/Male) -> Mametchi *New*

Shelltchi (Daisy/Female) -> Hotteatchi *New*

And here's they're stats:

Family: Mongo

Blended Family

Hungry: 5/5

Happy: 5/5

Bonding: 100%

Generation: 2nd

Gotchi Points: 2,380

Chantotchi (Bella/Female)

Mametchi (Tamu/Male)

Hotteatchi (Daisy/Female)

Papapatchi (Papu/Male/Father)

Mememamatchi (Mamu/Female/Mother)

Tama: Tama House V5

The Kirba family evolved into teens yesterday. Here's who they evolved into:

Tororotchi (May/Female) -> Chamametchi

Mattarichi (Mike/Male) -> Mamekatchi

Sakuramotchi (Ruby/Female) -> Shelltchi

The Kirba family evolved into the same exact teens as the Mongo family! They're even in the same oldest to youngest order! Anyway, here's they're stats:

Family: Kirba

Blended Family

Hungry: 5/5

Happy: 5/5

Bonding: 10%

Generation: 5th

Gotchi Points: 1,210

Chamametchi (May/Female)

Mamekatchi (Mike/Male)

Shelltchi (Ruby/Female)

Papakurotchi (Kuro/Male/Father)

Mamapatchi (Pata/Female/Mother)

Tama: Purple V5

Here's this morning's update:

Family: Mongo

Blended Family

Hungry: 5/5

Happy: 5/5

Bonding: 100%

Generation: 2nd

Gotchi Points: 2,380

Chantotchi (Bella/Female)

Mametchi (Tamu/Male)

Hotteatchi (Daisy/Female)

Papapatchi (Papu/Male/Father)

Mememamatchi (Mamu/Female/Mother)

Tama: Tama House V5

Family: Kirba

Blended Family

Hungry: 5/5

Happy: 5/5

Bonding: 100%

Generation: 5th

Gotchi Points: 1,210

Chamametchi (May/Female)

Mamekatchi (Mike/Male)

Shelltchi (Ruby/Female)

Papakurotchi (Kuro/Male/Father)

Mamapatchi (Pata/Female/Mother)

Tama: Purple V5

The only change from the last update was that I got the Kirba Family's bonding up to 100% (By cheating of course). So here's what the Kirba Family should evolve into:

Chamametchi (May/Female) -> Hotteatchi

Mamekatchi (Mike/Male) -> Kuchipatchi

Shelltchi (Ruby/Female) -> Chantotchi OR Memetchi

I think that they will be evolving today, but I might be wrong....If I do get Kuchipatchi, then I'm going to get him the partner, Yonepatchi on the Dating Show, so I can raise my 2nd Pure Family.

My 1st Pure Family will be on my Tama House V5 (Mongo Family. I will be getting the Mametchi Pure Family (or Smart Family). I should be able to use the Dating Show tomorrow morning right after I wake up. So on my 1st post tomorrow morning, I should be on the 3rd generation. I can't wait to get my 1st Pure Family! Mametchi is my favorite tama, so thats why I want to get the Smart Family first.

I might post again later today, but If I don't I will post tomorrow morning.

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Last night the Kirba Family evolved into adults, here's who I got:

Chamametchi (May/Female) -> Hotteatchi

Mamekatchi (Mike/Male) -> Kuchipatchi *New*

Shelltchi (Ruby/Female) -> Chantotchi

Then just this morning, I started the 3rd Generation on my Tama House V5 (Mongo Family). And I got the MAme "Pure" Family! Right now I have 2 Mimifuwatchi's. Here's the updates on my 2 V5 families:

Family: Mongo

Mame Family

Hungry: 5/5

Happy: 5/5

Bonding: 0%

Generation: 3rd

Gotchi Points: 2,380

Mimifuwatchi (Cody/Male)

Mimifuwatchi (Daisy/Female)

Papamametchi (Tamu/Male/Father)

Mamametchi (Lilly/Female/Mother)

Tama: Tama House V5

Family: Kirba

Blended Family

Hungry: 3/5

Happy: 4/5

Bonding: 100%

Generation: 5th

Gotchi Points: 1,210

Hotteatchi (May/Female)

Kuchipatchi (Mike/Male)

Chantotchi (Ruby/Female)

Papakurotchi (Kuro/Male/Father)

Mamapatchi (Pata/Female/Mother)

Tama: Purple V5

Its past 7am, so both of my Tama Families are awake. The Mongo Family (Tama House V5) is now a complete Memetchi Pure Family! Here's who my 2 Mimifuwatchi's evolved into:

Mimifuwatchi (Cody/Male) -> Mametchi

Mimifuwatchi (Daisy/Female) -> Chamametchi

And here's the parents and pet:

Papamametchi (Tamu/Male/Father)

Mamametchi (Lilly/Female/Mother)

Bagubagutchi (Bagu/Pet)

I even named they're pet :huh:

The Mongo Family currently has 0% Bonding, but they have a new animation by pressing the "C" button. When you push the "C" button 1 of these 2 things will happen:

1. The normal 0% Bonding Animation.

2. The 2 children and the 2 parents stand at the top of the screen and Bagubagutchi appears on the bottom of the screen.

I'm not sure but they're probably is more Pure Family animations. If I notice any more, I'll post them on here.

I got 470 views so far! I'm doing pretty good!

Guess what I did! I turned the Kirba Family (Blended) into the Large Family! All 3 children evolved into Osumotchi's and the 2 parents turned into Metaboritchi's! I thought only the children would evolve! Anyway, I got them by feeding them meals (not snacks) until they didn't want anymore. I had to do this for just a little while. Since I fed them meals till they rejected them, they're Hungry hearts never decreased! They were so full, even when they went to the bathroom (Which causes them to lose 1 Hungry heart) they still didn't lose one!

Hotteatchi (May/Female) -> Osumotchi

Kuchipatchi (Mike/Male) -> Osumotchi

Chantotchi (Ruby/Female) -> Osumotchi

Papakurotchi (Kuro/Male/Father) -> Metaboritchi

Mamapatchi (Pata/Female/Mother) -> Metaboritchi

Don't worry tho! I have both of the items needed to turn them back to normal! (The Balance Biscut & Mirror) I'll use those items in a little while to turn them back, so I can get the Kuchipatchi Pure Family.

Here is today's updates:

Family: Mongo

Mame Family

Hungry: 5/5

Happy: 5/5

Bonding: 10%

Generation: 3rd

Gotchi Points: 2,440

Mametchi (Cody/Male)

Chamametchi (Daisy/Female)

Papamametchi (Tamu/Male/Father)

Mamametchi (Lilly/Female/Mother)

Tama: Tama House V5

Family: Kirba

Blended Family

Hungry: 5/5

Happy: 5/5

Bonding: 100%

Generation: 5th

Gotchi Points: 1,210

Osumotchi (May/Female)

Osumotchi (Mike/Male)

Osumotchi (Ruby/Female)

Metaboritchi (Kuro/Male/Father)

Metaboritchi (Pata/Female/Mother)

Tama: Purple V5

Yesterday I was able to use the Dating Show on my Purple V5 (Kirba Family), and now I have the Kuchipa Family! Then today, I used the Dating Show on my Tama House V5 (Mongo Family) and I now have the Smart Family!

Here's they're stats:

Family: Mongo

Smart Family

Hungry: 5/5

Happy: 5/5

Bonding: 0%

Generation: 4th

Gotchi Points: 2,440

Mimifuwatchi (Male)

Papamametchi (Cody/Male/Father)

Mamametchi (/Female/Mother)

Tama: Tama House V5

Family: Kirba

Kuchipa Family

Hungry: 5/5

Happy: 5/5

Bonding: 0%

Generation: 6th

Gotchi Points: 1,210

Kuchipatchi (Male)

Chibipatchi (Male)

Papapatchi (Mike/Male/Father)

Mamapatchi (Female/Mother)

Tama: Purple V5

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