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Well-known member
Mar 16, 2007
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hey guyz,

o.k, i need help. what iz a really nerd, and do u think you r 1? cuz my bf's friends call me a nerd, but i'm not! i'm punk! just cuz i got an A in maths!

laura the *pUnK*


I have a nerd side xP I think we all do, lol.

If it really bothers you just ignore them or ask your BF to tell them to shut up about it.

Getting mad about it will only make them continue.

I make A's and B's all the time... My friends don't call me a nerd. (they do call me smarty pants :furawatchi: )

You may not notice it, but mabye your friends don't notice that it bothers you. Why don't you just try telling them that it hurts.

(in a non-violent way)

It really helps to just talk it out. If they don't stop than at least don't take it as an insult. Think of it has a pet nameish like thing.

I had friends who's had the worst of nicknames and they didn't even care. (such as idiots, dork, nerd, pervy sage)

Don't try to take it too personally. I'm sure that they never thought that it hurt so much.

No, I'm not a nerd. I'm pretty popular in school, for some reason. ^.^ Don't let other peoples opinions bring ya down! :furawatchi:

I'm definetely not a nerd, and I'm sure you're not either.

I agree, we all have a dorky side to us. :furawatchi:

Please don't feel alone on that. There are lots of people out there who are struggling with labels.

Don't let mean girls bring you down- Stand up for yourself. :furawatchi:

Well, I don't believe people should have labeles.

but if you want them to see you as who you really are go ahead and tell them or make it obvious :furawatchi:

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What is so bad about being a nerd anyway? That is really not such a bad label. Nerds cover quite a range of nerdyness. Nerds make the world go around. Where would we be without the supernerd, Bill Gates or Steve Jobs? Nerds do great things. Take it as a compliment. :)

Next time someone calls you a nerd, say THANKS! See what happens.

People call you things they think you won't like just to get on your nerves. Turn it in to a compliment, it will only confuse them and turn the tide in your favor. :furawatchi:

Ha, exactly! I'm a total nerd, I admit it! So's my boyfriend, too; we both ended the school year with 4.0 GPAs. He's going to be a senior, and I won't be able to move in with him until next January, but that's off topic. When you get in high school, being a nerd won't hurt you a bit! You'll be surprised how many of those people who once made fun you now ask you to help them with homework or classwork. I'm telling you, nerds don't get picked on in the real world, so don't let it get to you! It's really a compliment!

hey guyz,o.k, i need help. what iz a really nerd, and do u think you r 1? cuz my bf's friends call me a nerd, but i'm not! i'm punk! just cuz i got an A in maths!

laura the *pUnK*

Um Punk is NOT when you get A's. Punk is a stlye/music not a grade. :wacko: But anyway you should tell them to stop.


I'm not a nerd and I'm sure you're not a nerd either. Labels are so stupid. >_> Tell them to stop or just ignore them.

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A nerd is someone who is really dorky and only cares and knows about school. They don't know about dressing, sports, basically anything except studying and academics. Kinda like Einsteins! So just because you got an a in math doesnt mean your a nerd. That's not even CLOSE to a nerd! So u should tell your friends that.

oh, srri, mayB u heard mi rong. i think i am a nerd, but i am still punk.


p.s i hope that helped suming it up

I'm not a nerd and I'm sure you're not a nerd either. Labels are so stupid. >_> Tell them to stop or just ignore them.
You copied what I said.

oh, srri, mayB u heard mi rong. i think i am a nerd, but i am still punk. laura

p.s i hope that helped suming it up
You could always just say your a smart punk. :)

I get a few A's, this loser in my class calls me a nerd but thats only because he only gets E's.

Why don't you see what your BF's friends grades are?

Haha. :) If they get all A's, you could say something like "Well, you can't talk."

Or if they get a grade lower than you, you could say something like "Atleast I put effort into my education!' or if they get low low grades.. well.. haha..


I dunno. Im a nerd but on the other hand im not. I dont act like one but at times i call myself one. My bros turned 14 and he calls me a nerd for no apperant reason whatsoever. I just ignore it and call him fred. I dont know why but whackoness is in my family so we muck around but anyway thats off-topic. If your friends (or you BFs Friends) Are calling you names then they're not really friends then are they? But if its your BFs friends then if your BF is a true friend she/he will get his/her friends to stop it. Isnt your BF relizing this hurts you? I find it utterly mean of her/him to not stop them. If your BF isnt relizing tell him/her Im sure everything will be A-Ok! :D

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