Nerve problem with guys! XD


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Well-known member
Jan 14, 2006
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QLD, Australia (a.k.a down under!)
Okay, well I really like this guy who is in the same grade as me but the only two main problems I have with him is that:

A. He doesn't know I exist


B. I get really, REALLY nervous around him.

The other day at assembly, his class happened to be in front of our class and as he walked in, I felt really nervous. I had this sick feeling in my stomach and I was a bit shaky-ish.

A few weeks ago, I found him by himself by the water bubblers, drinking fountains, whatever you want to call it and I thought of introducing myself but I felt glued to the spot, my legs and arms felt like jelly and my voice got stuck in my throat.

If I ever talk to him, I know what to say but I have a feeling I'll make it obvious that I like him. XD

It's okay to let him know you like him. Just do your best to try to got to know him. It doesn' really matter if he knows you like him or not. That's not exactly a turnoff XD

Just ask him a question or something that could start a conversation and then keep it moving. He's just a person XD

Well, you have to say something to him eventually. You just need to relax and remind yourself that there's nothing to be nervous about. <3 Good luck!

I have nerve problems with people, too.

What I've been told - and helps for me - is to take long, deep breathes. When you get nervous, your body freaks out too so this helps to calm down a bit. Just breathe in deeply and relax. If you feel slightly light headed for a second, you're doing it right.

Another thing, though personally hasn't worked for me, is to image something relaxing you like. For instance, I love cats and petting warm, soft cats is soothing. So, with this technique, I'd image myself in a field full of soft kitties and theoretically it'd make me relax aswell.

You can also try to "rewrite your brain". "Fake it till you feel it" - just tell yourself over and over [even when you are not around him] that you will not be nervous and you'd love to talk to him. 'Fake' that and eventually your brain will get used to the idea as being 'normal' and it should help.

You gotta find what works for you. Try these techniques. Maybe they'll help. :)

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I have nerve problems with people, too.
What I've been told - and helps for me - is to take long, deep breathes. When you get nervous, your body freaks out too so this helps to calm down a bit. Just breathe in deeply and relax. If you feel slightly light headed for a second, you're doing it right.

Another thing, though personally hasn't worked for me, is to image something relaxing you like. For instance, I love cats and petting warm, soft cats is soothing. So, with this technique, I'd image myself in a field full of soft kitties and theoretically it'd make me relax aswell.

You can also try to "rewrite your brain". "Fake it till you feel it" - just tell yourself over and over [even when you are not around him] that you will not be nervous and you'd love to talk to him. 'Fake' that and eventually your brain will get used to the idea as being 'normal' and it should help.

You gotta find what works for you. Try these techniques. Maybe they'll help. :)
Those techniques are awesome! :p I get 'boy nerves' really bad! This topic is kinda useful. :D

Oh my gosh thank you so much! ^^ Another problem I've been worrying about about this guy is that he seems kind of half like those guys you see around school that have skate boards and those funny hats that make them look "cool". Only half because he hangs around those kind of people but I haven't really seen him act all stupid at all. I saw one of his friends today and he was with a bunch of seniors who were smoking. I can't really imagine him being bad though because I think, I repeat THINK that he is friends with two people I know and they are both REALLY nice people.

I've been pretty much rehearsing what I'm gonna say to him XD. I'm gonna say: "Hey, are you friends with ______? your name....______?" and then continue the conversation from there somehow! XD

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Okay, well I really like this guy who is in the same grade as me but the only two main problems I have with him is that:A. He doesn't know I exist


B. I get really, REALLY nervous around him.

The other day at assembly, his class happened to be in front of our class and as he walked in, I felt really nervous. I had this sick feeling in my stomach and I was a bit shaky-ish.

A few weeks ago, I found him by himself by the water bubblers, drinking fountains, whatever you want to call it and I thought of introducing myself but I felt glued to the spot, my legs and arms felt like jelly and my voice got stuck in my throat.

If I ever talk to him, I know what to say but I have a feeling I'll make it obvious that I like him. XD
the most important thing is to relax. :)

I hang with alot of boys. like a plant, it starts with roots.

cecib :(

Well I DO talk to a lot of guys during class if I get placed next to them in the class seating and I get along well with them and I do have guy friends that I talk to often. It's just I have problems with guys that I LIKE. I just get really, REALLY nervous and I can't help it. XD

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Is there any other way to prevent being too nervous? I've tried the deep breathing once when I saw him 20 metres away and also when I saw his friends and thought he was coming and it helped to calm my nerves a little. ^^;

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Is there any other way to prevent being too nervous? I've tried the deep breathing once when I saw him 20 metres away and also when I saw his friends and thought he was coming and it helped to calm my nerves a little. ^^;
I'm actually going to my counselor about this kind of thing soon and when I do I'll make sure to relay her tips to you. If I haven't posted/pmed you with the info in a week or so, shoot me a pm reminding me. ;)

I'm actually going to my counselor about this kind of thing soon and when I do I'll make sure to relay her tips to you. If I haven't posted/pmed you with the info in a week or so, shoot me a pm reminding me. ;)
Thanks so much! That's a smart way of getting a good answer! ^^

Dont worry, that's the problem with like, every girl around boys. xD

You just have to try and act yourself, that way if he does like you then it's for y and not who your trying to be.

If he doesn't even acknowledge your existence you shouldn't even waste your time on him.

Just casually talk to him when you get the chance.

I have no clue how to talk with guys, because I am one, but I'll just give you what I think you should do.

1. If he doesn't even know you exist, why even bother?

2. Sooner or later you are finally going to talk to him. Just start up a conversation naturally...

Really, there's nothing to be nervous about. Just be yourself. ;)

I have nerve problems with people, too.
What I've been told - and helps for me - is to take long, deep breathes. When you get nervous, your body freaks out too so this helps to calm down a bit. Just breathe in deeply and relax. If you feel slightly light headed for a second, you're doing it right.

Another thing, though personally hasn't worked for me, is to image something relaxing you like. For instance, I love cats and petting warm, soft cats is soothing. So, with this technique, I'd image myself in a field full of soft kitties and theoretically it'd make me relax aswell.

You can also try to "rewrite your brain". "Fake it till you feel it" - just tell yourself over and over [even when you are not around him] that you will not be nervous and you'd love to talk to him. 'Fake' that and eventually your brain will get used to the idea as being 'normal' and it should help.

You gotta find what works for you. Try these techniques. Maybe they'll help. ;)
That's kinda what I do, I pretend that I don't like him and he's just some guy, and then I relax and I actually speak like a normal person.

I never get boy nerves. o_O


If you do, I would suggest reminding yourself he's just a person. If you didn't like him, then you would have no problem talking to him. Just pretend you don't like him if you don't want to make it obvious.

Pretend he's just a friend, some random person, and you like his shoes.

Go up to him all confident and just tell him that.

He should notice you then.

Just start up with little things like that and don't worry so much.

You'll be fine. :pochitchi:

Hm.. isn't it always the guy who has no idea who we are that we fall for?


You should try to talk to him. Even if your head turns as red as a cherry. Even if you're legs actually turn into jelly and you fall to the floor. Actually, most guys, if you let them know that you like them, they like you a bit more, sometimes even become interested in you.

And mostly when you hide it, eventually something slips out or some eagle-eye knows what's up and you'll be picked on. Happens with my friend. She tells everyone she likes that she likes them, and no one ever picks on her.

Hm.. isn't it always the guy who has no idea who we are that we fall for?

You should try to talk to him. Even if your head turns as red as a cherry. Even if you're legs actually turn into jelly and you fall to the floor. Actually, most guys, if you let them know that you like them, they like you a bit more, sometimes even become interested in you.

And mostly when you hide it, eventually something slips out or some eagle-eye knows what's up and you'll be picked on. Happens with my friend. She tells everyone she likes that she likes them, and no one ever picks on her.
Hmm..I don't know about that. Most people in my school feel uncomfortable when people tell them they are liked. XD I have a feeling I'd just get avoided if they found out which is pretty much what happened with the last two guys I liked because a close friend I trusted just went and blabbed. x.x

I've never thought about pretending NOT to like him before. That might be a good idea actually it's just it's gonna be a bit hard when I can get nervous with him 20 metres away. XD I think I'll give it a try and maybe practice a few times and see how it goes....sorry for the late reply by the way, I've been sick and also busy with assignments and tests. I'm actually typing this in the middle of a break from one of my assignments. XD

Guess what? I talked to him on friday(!!!!!!!!)

The day before, I saw him in front of the school near the car park but if I wanted to go talk to him, I had to cross the road and somehow explain to my sister and brother why I randomly crossed the road to talk to some guy in a carpark so I didn't think it was a good idea. The next day, I was walking across the school oval and I thought that it would be cool if he was in front of the school again. I looked across and saw him where he was the day before! My friends and I crossed the road and then I kinda told them I wanted to go back because it was now or never. Who knew when I'd see him by himself again? My friend isn't very good with all this guy relationship stuff so she said "Hurry up, I want to get chips and stuff over at the supermarket." (>.<; I love it when they're utterly supportive) It was easier to talk to him than I thought and my friend's impatience kinda encouraged me in a way, funnily enough because I knew I had to hurry up if I wanted to talk to him. He kind of looked at me strangely when I talked to him. The convo didn't make too much sense, I guess. I didn't know what to say. XD

Me: "Hey umm....are you _____'s friend?"

Him: *looks at me weirdly* Umm...yeah.

Me: "Okay you're _____ right?

Him: *nods*

Me: I thought so cos I think he like mentioned you...sometime...

Him: ....

Me: Okay..umm...cya! *walks away*

It might've been worse than that but that's basically what happened. I told my friend I forgot to tell him my name but she said " least now he knows you exist, right?" That's true! XD

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I finally worked up the courage to talk to him today. I called out to him and said hi but he turned to look at me and then turned back. =[ I wasn't as upset as I usually am with guys I like but my legs were still shaky two minutes after I'd talked to him. XD

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