Nervous about High School...


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Well-known member
Feb 11, 2012
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I have to go to high school and my Mom is completely ballistic about it (lol she really doesn't want me to grow up, which I have to...). Anyways, that's not the point.

I'm fearing that I may not get any friends other than the ones I met back at middle school (which they are going to the same high school as I am...).

Any tips in high school so I don't get all crazy?

Be yourself. Be friendly. Don't try too hard to get people's attention on the first day. (the hey, me too! ...thing) Keep your cool in new situations. Try new things. Its really important to be yourself, people will like you better for whom you really are.

Chill out about it! High school will be great, I promise. Even if the first day goes bad. Just be yourself like SailorRosette said and enjoy yourself! Good luck!

Ignore those who try to bring your down for being different. That's all HS is about: if you're not in, you're out, and they don't like who's out. Regardless, don't let it get to you. Some kids will be cruel, sadly it happens, but we all go through it. Just stick around friends and people who matter most and ignore the idiots.

I would say try to forget all of the stereotypes you might have seen in movies, or things adults have told you about their personal experiences. I think a lot of it is dependent on the people, location, and things can change (like, if your freshman year doesn't go so well, sophomore year might be better. It's not like "set in stone"). Some people naturally form groups or what some people consider to be "cliques" based on stereotypes, but your best bet is just try to be friendly and nice to everyone. Just do what makes you happy. :)

Be exactly as you are.

High school is better than middle school in terms of girls being snarky backstabbers, in my experience.

Don't take your life in high school too seriously. You won't be in high school forever (thank the deities).

Focus on the stuff you're learning in class rather than the "social" aspect. People can be superficial and mean and care way, way too much about who likes/hates them, but when you get right down to it the idea of being in high school is to leave high school and work up to bigger things. Doing well in school can make your life easier in the long run. Caring about your friendships and reputation will only screw you over.

Friends will happen. Personally, I haven't developed much attachment to friends I met at my high school (I've got a few friends at school whom I've known for ages), but it's good to have a friend in each class. Since you'll already know many people, this shouldn't be a problem.

It might seem to matter now, but in reality, once you finish high school, it's likely that you'll never associate with most of the people from your high school ever again. Apparently, some people find this concerning. I find it to be the best aspect of high school, other than a few truly interesting, challenging classes (AP Psych was the best).

Good luck!

High School isn't too much different than Middle School. You generally have more freedom, and there will be people older than you, but those are pretty much the only major differences. Oh, and you usually have a little more homework than Middle School.

Just relax and I'm sure you'll like High School.

Focus on your education and what you like. Just go about your business, relax when you talk to people, and eventually friends will happen :p

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Yup. If you also need freshman advice or something, you can always watch Youtube videos and message us! High school's really fun, just you wait.

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Thank you all for your advice. ^^ As of right now, high school is going good for me...(I'm staying home today because my sister got me sick...)

What age do you finish High School? Is it 15/16 like Wales (UK) or 18 like England (UK)? I've always wondered haha.

What age do you finish High School? Is it 15/16 like Wales (UK) or 18 like England (UK)? I've always wondered haha.
In the US, people usually finish high school at age 18, although it's legal to drop out earlier, at different ages depending on the state in which you live/attend school.

even though you will be here for four years (if youre american), it seems like a long time, but the time will fly. start thinking about the future beyond high school a little bit. your grades matter a lot in high school, so keep up with your work too. work before play. ;)

I had the same problem when I started high school so I understand. Just be yourself, be friendly, be happy and then everyone who matters will love you for who you are. Be sure to communicate with people you see, a good start is to smile at the person sitting next to you, ask them how they're doing and then bring up a relevant topic just to casually talk about for the sake of appearing friendly. Don't worry too much about looking "cool", just talk to them as you'd talk to any of your friends and if nothing happens naturally, don't panic too much. It takes time and effort to develop friendships and it will happen naturally without you realising. Plus, next time you feel alone, just remember, I have only recently started sixth form and I have similar problems. I cannot seem to form friendships well due to me becoming anxious around strangers. Be strong and you will get through high school. Another thing to remember is to study hard and celebrate after! Good grades, good future.

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