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Well-known member
Sep 28, 2005
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Hai guys, tis TWP needing help… again. xp

Here’s my new problems:

1. I’ve been so nervous and jumpy lately. My body’s reaction is to turn bright red. It’s so embarrassing which makes me turn even redder! It’s like I can’t even function. And no, it’s not just around the uber hot guy, it’s when a teacher calls on me in class for the answer, if I have to present something, if I have to talk to someone I know but very cordially.

My therapist told me to think of little, cute soft kitties to calm me down- the opposite of being nervous. But that makes me even MORE nervous because I realize I’m turning… purple by this point.

2. I’ve been extremely stressed lately. A bunch of homework, a bunch of projects [three geography projects in the time span of a month… yeah, plus all the other projects I have], a state piano theory test to get ready for, martial arts tournament, another piano thing where I have to memorize two pieces… AHH! I got out of my house a total of 5 minutes this weekend to go yell at my brother and that was it.

I need some stress relief, any suggestions?

3. I feel like I’m eating more and more and gaining weight. :[ How can I cut back on my food intake- or at least cut out the junk food. I crave sugar all the time and it’s hard to keep those levels down. Are there any healthy foods that are yummy I could snack on instead of chips or chocolate? How can I keep myself from eating 5 cookies at once?

I haven’t gotten around to see my therapist again so I need some advice like… now. LOL! xD

Thankies- I luff you guys!

Hi TW/P :]

I'm no therapist, but I'll give this a shot..

1. I never had to go through this kind of thing, but I think I can relate. What might help you is before saying anything, count to 5 and take a deep breath. This will relax you a bit and organize your thoughts before saying something stupid. ;] Also, just say to yourself "why am I nervous? There's nothing to be nervous about!" Screwing up 1 question in class is nothing, an if you practice properly the project should be a breeze. Just believe you can do something, and know if you mess up it's not the end of the world.

2. Skip it one night. Just stop everything a do what you enjoy, forgetting about tasks and such. Bubble baths are good as well, and my personal favourite, the stress relief ball. Punishing that makes me feel good. xD Also, talking about it helps too, helps clear your mind and take a load off.

3. This is completly normal, and I have the same problem. It sucks. I feel fat. Try to eat yogurt, fruit, or crackers instead of chips. But don't be afraid to indulge, or it will be more stressing.

Good luckkkk ;]

Somtimes i feel the same way that you do! I don't know what to say, exept for the sugar cravings i would say sip some sweet tea! That usualy works for me! :D


Here's what I think you should do *lightbulb lights up!*

*Meditate: It's the totally chic yet VERY relaxing way to calm yourself down. It works best if you're in a serene invironment in a comfortable position with loose clothing and soothing sounds in the backround. (Ohhhmmm... :D )

*Buy a cute daily planner to get organized: At B&N I got this totally ah-dorable Panda planner and now I can plan out my day's events stress free! It will help you be way more organized so that instead of being like "AHH!!! What do i have to do now?!!" you can just be like "Okay, it's time to do this..."

*Convince yourself that you ARE confident. If you feel confident, you will BE confident. Sometimes you may have to coax yourself extra hard, but it works. Also, just try to set of a vibe that says "I'm not afraid and I am ready" (but not in a snobby show-off way).

*If you have an I-pod, get lots of your fave calm and/or optimistic songs on it. Just do it, it works to calm stress.

*Take a few minutes to just breathe before moving on to your next task. Sometimes taking the time to just take a break can make all the diff.

*OHMIGAWD! Go to Chic, savvy recipes that actually fit into a balanced diet! *licks lips*

What you SHOULDN'T DO *bashes lightbulb into a billion kajillion pieces!*

*Waste time: If you waste time between doing your tasks, then you wont have any time later to do what you actually want to do!

*Freak out: Even if you are stressed on the outside, calm yourself and everything will be a'ight.

*Starve yourself: Don't starve yourself and/or pig out. It will just lead to physical and emotional problems.

*Feel like it's your fault: It will just cause even more stress

*Feel like your not good enough: Confidence & self esteem are the keys.

*Lastly, don't worry. You're not the only one dealing with this. TRUST ME! *wipes sweat*

Okay I hope that I could assist you!


Yes...chocolate is yummy *thought bubble appears filled with Hershey bars*, but do remember that it has sugar & a little caffeine which may make you irritable, so don't eat too much of it. *though bubble pops* :huh:

If you want more tips on eating healthy, stress, and could try subscribing to a certain magazine that focuses on those areas. I read Seventeen, and even though it talks about Fashion and Beauty a lot, it also talks about a lot those areas too. You could also try visiting some helpful websites!

So stay healthy, happy, and don't let all of that stress get to ya!

And remember, live+laugh+love


*ends dramatically by fainting and then gets up and walks away*

Aw, thank you guys so much. I really appreciate it. It's nice to get advice from your peers that go through the same things you do, you know?

Also, one more thing:

One of my friends is very ADD and because of that she really has a hard time focusing even with her medicine. I talked with my therapist about this issue with her and she explained to me how it all works in with the ADD. My problem with this friend is that she talk talk talk and when it becomes my time to speak she either doesn't even let me or seems to drift away and not pay any attention. I tell her, Kay, you aren't paying attention to me and she says 'oh sorry' and drifts away again. I feel like I can't confide in her and when she rants it's not like I can even put my two cents in. I know, sometimes you just need to get it out but she doesn't even let me try to explain maybe the other side or advice to get through it.

It kinda hurts because when I'm with someone else she knows I can't say a word to either of them with out being interupted and she never seems to really listen to me no matter what I'm saying- even through IM I can tell she seems to care less. It's like she just talks to here her own voice and if you stand in her way of her infatuation of talking so much, she gets mad.

I've told her 'zomg, you aren't even listening!' but it's like she can't comprehend and is totally oblivious to me. ;___;

How can I finally get the point across? I know she likes to ramble and I have to tolerate some as her friend but I feel she is kind of taking advantage of our friendship.

I PM'd you all my 2 cents and more on all of this TWP since it's a little too longwinded for a post. Check your inbox and hope some of it works :wacko:

do you get all hot when you turn red? i sure as heck do. do you like swimming? i like it. so when you get red and hot.... think of yourself under the clear water. cool, calm, and relaxing, and amplifying your senses around you. i just love that feeling.

and for the eating, i do that too. what i do for school, i keep a plastic baggy of dried bananas, rasins, or bran cereal[with granola crunchies and strawberries!] in in my backpack bag and pull 'em out when i get hungry.

and as for i think your moral and physical well-being is more importanat than opinions.

Hmmm....tamaw/pants that's a toughie... *flexes muscles in a wannabe macho stance*

Maybe you could just sit and have a nice talk with your friend. Don't be threatening and aggressive, just tell her how you feel. The reason I'm not telling you to maybe stop hanging out with her if she doesn't stop is because it's not really her fault. ;) ADD is just like any other life condition, sometimes it interferes. I'm not pawsitive.


Aw, thank you guys so much. I really appreciate it. It's nice to get advice from your peers that go through the same things you do, you know?
Also, one more thing:

One of my friends is very ADD and because of that she really has a hard time focusing even with her medicine. I talked with my therapist about this issue with her and she explained to me how it all works in with the ADD. My problem with this friend is that she talk talk talk and when it becomes my time to speak she either doesn't even let me or seems to drift away and not pay any attention. I tell her, Kay, you aren't paying attention to me and she says 'oh sorry' and drifts away again. I feel like I can't confide in her and when she rants it's not like I can even put my two cents in. I know, sometimes you just need to get it out but she doesn't even let me try to explain maybe the other side or advice to get through it.

It kinda hurts because when I'm with someone else she knows I can't say a word to either of them with out being interupted and she never seems to really listen to me no matter what I'm saying- even through IM I can tell she seems to care less. It's like she just talks to here her own voice and if you stand in her way of her infatuation of talking so much, she gets mad.

I've told her 'zomg, you aren't even listening!' but it's like she can't comprehend and is totally oblivious to me. ;___;

How can I finally get the point across? I know she likes to ramble and I have to tolerate some as her friend but I feel she is kind of taking advantage of our friendship.
I have a friend like that. Only, he's not on ADD medicine. I try to talk to him, and he practically talks to himself.

How about just 3 blocks of Hershey chocolate?

It's 150 calories, so that's what you should eat.

Remove all the junk out of your house.

Replace it with healthy things, like gatorade, or powerade option, and fruits & veggies!

mametchi ;)

Okay well advice on the first thing, I'm not too get with this. But I can try..

1. You sound like your very anxious and nervous, and your most likely stressed with all that's on your plate at the moment.

Try deep breathing and relaxing yourself. Take a colder shower, practice speaking infront of a person you trust. Try your best to calm yourself down, and talk to someone who can help, when your not feeling at ease.

2. Ahhh, I'd be stressed out too! I spend most of my time at home, and I'm still stressin just being a kid. Sort your work out, and decide what you have to start on first. Do the best you can and create some study time. Maybe do some extra work at school, if your really having problems keeping it together talk to a teacher or your therapist about how you don't have enough time to do anything by yourself. Try to create a space or a time where you can do your own thing.

-Write, Write your feelings! Write what you like, what you hate. About yourself and about others. It helps and it feels better if you delete/or rip it up.

-Work out! Swim, Walk, Hike, Bike, I have a trampoline which is great!

-Listen to music and rock out to your favorite songs, tune out!

-Angry or stressed out? Rip up somthing of no value, or squeeze a stress ball (lame, but could work)


-Hot shower/Bath

-Relax/Take time to pamper and take care of yourself!

Food..It calls to me! I don't know why! But you could try other things.. has sugar. But it's better then eating cookies and chocolate!





You can snack on Nuts, has fat but it's really very good for you!

Vegtables, with peanut butter!

Your friend, is in her own world and dosen't mean to hurt you. She has a hard time paying attention to what your saying and wants to talk and focus on herself, instead. I don't know what you should say to her, except to try to tell her how your feeling and get it across best you can and that you need a place to speak aswell. I don't know if it would help or not, but that's I'll I can think of doing.

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Ooh, I remember when I used to get so nervous for no reason at all.

1. Just remember that nothing bad can happen, so there's no reason to be nervous.

2. Talk about your problems. And take a few minutes out of your day to just relax and do something that you like to do.

3. Instead of what you usually snack on, try eating quaker mini rice cakes with those chocolate drizzles on top, or some popcorn.

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