New, fun, Tamagotchi Online Game!


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Well-known member
Jul 30, 2005
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I found a new cool Tamagotchi game on called Return to Tamagotchi Planet. You can either choose to be a Mametchi or Memetchi and you journey around the world looking for Gotchi Points, befrending other Tamagotchis to help you on your quest, and fighting monsters to find the ticket booth with tickets to get back to Tamagotchi Planet, your home. With the gotchi points you collect you can buy items for Otokitchi's Stand to help you on the quest. When you beat it tells you a secret code. It's awesome!!! You have to be a member of Neopets to play it though but you can just make a account real quick and play the game. (You don't have to put in the activation code.) Here's the address for the game...

I hope you like it as much as I do!

;) B)

Interesting! I did not know Neopets and BanDai were in talking or anything. Nice find. :)

I'm on, i've played the game and i like it.... I just 2 min. ago! :kuribotchi:

I love it! :ichigotchi:

sounds fun since i am a member of neopets also Ill try it out!!

it was really cool but when i got 2 the gozarutchi i couldnt move...

it was really cool but when i got 2 the gozarutchi i couldnt move...
There's a secret way to get to him but it isn't that way. I've done it before, try taking a different path that you wouldn't expect to get to him on.

:hitodetchi: *hint* *hint*


I just started the game and still don't know how to get gotchi points for

the poor frozen kuchipatchi :angry:

hah, that game is pretty addictive :kuribotchi: i like it.

I just started the game and still don't know how to get gotchi points for the poor frozen kuchipatchi :D
Break icicles and sometimes they fall out

Yes, and erm, after trundling six times through those deadly forwests, how do you break that wall to get from the forest to this desert like thing... I can't find any way to get through it, and it is very annoying seeing I have spent 200 Gotchipoints on Health potions. :rolleyes:

ive played it too i can never get to the end though got any pointers?

IT IS SO COLLEO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Yes, it is! Does anyone know how I get past the North Fprest bit? I just get blocked off, and the spiders a scary. :p

Heehee, forgte it now, EDIT. I managed to win in the end. ;) 813 NP. It is quite an exciting game!

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