New, fun, Tamagotchi Online Game!


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if you want to free that poor frozen kuchipatchi give it something that you find hot in the shop thats what I did and later on I won the game :D (I just gave a hint) B)

I had 732 Gotchi Points!! But unfortunatley Neopets had something wrong wit the sever so I didn't get my points!!!! :9

it was a long time ago.

anyway the trick is:

you dont have to go into the top forest part where ichigotchi is.

you stay in the north forest and u buy super strength potion and flashlight at the same time.

you have to earn a lot of gp.

and then on the first forest page theres a shortcut!

you need to go to some dark area.

then gozarutchi is there.

you go to the desert and go through all the areas and u find mimitchi!

might be confusing but they closed the game so it doesnt matter.

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