New Junior Guide!


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jeremy clarkson

Well-known member
Feb 15, 2005
Reaction score
England, UK
I'm delighted to welcome Newbiekidlex to the Junior Guide Team.

I would also like to say that Tamacool, Memetchi101 and Tamakitten have all extended their "contracts" and will be staying with us.

We expect to extend other contracts soon.

My regards,

Jeremy Clarkson

*gulp now i do feel like i'm being watched
You are being watched.... It's like big brother..... You are under constant watch..... all of the time... 24/7 (except when I'm asleep).


What does a junior tama-guide do?

By the way, congrats to newbiekidlex!


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lolli911: Well, they're not exactly Guides, they just help JC and watch out for spammy topics or things that need to be moved. Sometimes, when there aren't any Guides online, and something needs to be done, a Junior Guide will point it out. :unsure: That's all I know about it.

I'll have you added to the lish of potential candidates.

I have changed the official name to: Jeremy Clarkson Administration Team

So it does not clash with TamaTalk guides.


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Poor Newbiekidlex. I don't think she even knows she is one, unless JC pmed her. She's going to faint to the floor I just know it!!!!! ;) And are we suppose to tell you we want to be Junior TamaGuides? I thought that was something you weren't suppose to do? :mametchi: Oops...........

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Poor Newbiekidlex. I don't think she even knows she is one, unless JC pmed her. She's going to faint to the floor I just know it!!!!! ;) And are we suppose to tell you we want to be Junior TamaGuides? I thought that was something you weren't suppose to do? :mametchi: Oops...........
You can ask me or Evil Tamagotchi (My poor Suffering assistant and cousin) to be added to the candidate list, or sometimes, I ask the candidate to join.


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