New kiddies!


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Lost Girl

Well-known member
Apr 11, 2009
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Brisbane, Australia.
So guys, I just started year ten today : D It was excellent, and there were like 12 new kids in my year which was so cool!

There is Chryssie, she's amazing! <3 I got asked to show her around and stuff. Her Mum is French like mineeeeee : D Haha it's very cool :)

Then there's a few guys but I haven't really met them yet D:

And two other girls I got introduced to, Izzy and Tuscany. They're really ugh; best friends already, not that I have anything against that lol I think it's great, but they act really weird to the rest of us all lol. Like I introduced myself to Tuscany and she just ignored me so I was like wtf 0__0 But oh well, they're new so I won't judge hah they could just be nervous :)

And of course the little year eight kids! Aw they're so cute and happy lmao! Just love them! <3 I seem to be the only one though who likes them ):

How about you guys; how do you feel about new kids in your grade? Do you approach them? What about the year eight's? Do you love them, hate them? Are they loud and obnoxious? LOL

Aaaah, I just started year eight this year!

HIGH SCHOOL! That's so different than Primary, ahaa.

So I can't really say much. I'm the new kid here haha. I made so many friends already. Laura, Georgia, Mehak, Simone, andddd my bus buddie; MELISSA! I feel very welcomed. I love this school. But at my old school I welcomed like eveeeerybody! I'd show them around at school and all that :)

I like welcoming people.

It makes me feel nice.

Well, there's only two I know. xD

That Ray child in my technology class, who makes fun of Jess, and so she's rude to him back. :']

And there's a quiet girl in math named Ashley and she's sorta cool.

As for year eights well, I am one. In my school it's grades 6-8.

My brother's a 6th grader.

6th here graders are rude and I don't like them very much. >:[

They get smaller every year, I tell you.


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...I'm only in grade 7 ._.

Anyway, we usually get one new kid a year, rarely more than that. It's a small school...

This year, we were lucky to have two new kids! Rachelle and Danie. Rachelle isn't really my friend, but she's not really my enemy. Me and Danie are best friends, but we never get to see each other really, she's in 7A, I'm in 7B.

The new kids rarely ever pay attention to me. The more popular kids almost always tell them who's nice and who's rude. Obviously I get told that I'm rude. ._.

I am only in grade 6..

There is one girl, Rebecca, she is my math IEP class,(people who have trouble with Math,(me) English.) and she is very nice. She fit's in perfectly. We always wave to each other.

I'm in Grade 7. Startiing Grade 8 in Septemberr xP

I actually liikee new kids xD Like, I actually go up to them, and attempt to start a conversation, but they're all like "APSHHH, WHATEVERRR", well, they don't actually say that to my face, but I'm pretty sure they think that xD And, well, I like youngerr kids dependingg on how they aree. I kinda hate those kids who are all "IM LIKE SO POPULAR AND COOL" and just that really annoyiing attitude, but I loveee the nice kids :) LOL, one of my best friends is two years younger than me :)

I'm in tenth grade (equivalent to year eleven). I'm in the States, so we started school back in August, so nothing new for me really.

About new kids though, our school is so big that no one really notices them. They kind of get swept it. There's about 650 in my class, and the high school as a whole has almost 3,000 kids. There's loads of people in my school that I don't know and lots I probably won't ever know. I see new faces everyday, but I like that. There's always hope for you moving on, meeting new people, and making new friends if you don't like who you're currently with.

I am in grade 8 so that would make me year 9 I think..?

So I'm starting high school next year ! :$ And I will be one of the new kids. In my class this year though, there isn't anyone new. Last year we got one new person, Spencer, and he's just like, hilarious. And I think he is awesome.

I really wanna be a new kid. a minor niner lol.

I'm year 10 this year. We haven't started school yet. We will in February. I was one of the many new kids in year 9 last year. (year 9-13 school) So I don't know about any new kids yet, apart from the year 9 kids.

I started year six this year and we have a new guy who is Kane...he isn't that great.

I'm in 9th grade (first year of high school in the U.S.) and i always try to be nice to the new people, but they always turn out reeealy strange..... Then by the end of the year i hate them and can't believe i said hi to them when they first came....XP

So far in my school, we've had 2 new girls and 1 new boy, one I knew in Primary. I started a new school last term, and so did a lot of people. So basically, we were the new ones there.

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