New Official Names Released


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Well-known member
Aug 31, 2004
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3 new names have been revealed thanks to the Poll. Flowertchi, Butterflytchi and Toratchi (as previously expected).

Eventually I will ammend the Tamadex to reflect this. Sorry I havn't been so diligent with it. :/ School gets in the way of the Internet you see.

But, aren't these names fairly corny?

Haha, yeah you would think they would be more creative like the other. :x

Finally we know the real names! ^_^ Thanks for this! It will solve a lot of confusion. :eek: And yes, I have to agree the names are a bit corny, no originiality was really put in to them, oh well :D

3 new names have been revealed thanks to the Poll. Flowertchi, Butterflytchi and Toratchi (as previously expected).....But, aren't these names fairly corny?
Very corny IMHO...sounds as if BanDai has taken the easy way of 'Anglicising' the first two they did with Androtchi vs Robotchi and Urutchi vs Wooltchi....

there's bound to be a Japanese equivalent of Flowertchi and Butterflytchi announced some time (good grief, I hope so...not sure I could bear to keep calling them that....)

Best, etc.

TamaMum - chi...

Gosh - i can't believe it has taken them THAT long to come up with THOSE names!! They really are very corny, very unoriginal, and pretty untamagotchi-like. I don't like them at all.

Bleh... Those names are corny! Well, whatever. "Wooltchi" to me will always be Urutchi. -nods-

Keitai has the same character and it is called urutchi which is what I will be going with. I refuse to resort to the americanised names. Now flowertchi is just wrong and is definately Americanised because we already have furawatchi which is the Japanese way of saying flowertchi in English. If they are trying to honestly tell us that they have one character called Flowertchi the English way and another character called furawatchi the Japanese way... well that is just plain dodgy!

Well, since these American-ish names are way too odd-sounding for me, I've taken the liberty of devising new ones for the time being. These are not official, but they're Japanese.

Flowertchi: Kusabanatchi (long name, but I dunno...)

Butterflytchi: Kouchoutchi, Choutchi, or Batafuraitchi (take your pick...)

:) I wonder what the whale and the frog will be called...

I believe there was a Japanese sight that had the Butterfly listed at Batafuraitchi or something along those lines...

I am fairly sure also that the frog character is kaerutchi or close to it.

I expected the Toratchi one, I think I actually invented that one ^^ Go me!

But Butterflytchi?! Too corny. For tama's sake, if they put off telling us the offical names for the characters for that long, you'd expect them to come up with something more...intelligent.

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THey're kind of wierd. I think Bandai has messed up on all their marketing for the v2. The commercial itself made me almost puke! and the names? I can't believe them! They are (I hate to say..) BAD

They are a tad on the corny side. However, I am glad we now have a name. :gozarutchi: . Thanks for posting this!

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