New plush toys and galerie candies at Kmart!


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Ah! I want a Kutchipatchi one!! I want a BIG plush Kuchipatchi stuffed animal to sleep with at night :)

Ah! I want a Kutchipatchi one!! I want a BIG plush Kuchipatchi stuffed animal to sleep with at night :)
Yes they are cute! :) But unfortunate they are not as BIG as you think they are... about the size of a digital camera, if you want to get into details. The picture mcrfreak-nessie provided is a big close up of the toy.

If members are wondering exactly where at Kmart® they should look for the toys, they will be located in the holiday candy aisle of the store. :( Ask an associate in that section of the store, and they should find them for you! :(


Yes they are cute! :) But unfortunate they are not as BIG as you think they are... about the size of a digital camera, if you want to get into details. The picture mcrfreak-nessie provided is a big close up of the toy.
If members are wondering exactly where at Kmart® they should look for the toys, they will be located in the holiday candy aisle of the store. :) Ask an associate in that section of the store, and they should find them for you! :(

I figured they were small.. but they should make BIG Tamagotchi plushies!! I would absolutely pay anything for one :(

Awww... cute! I would really like a Mametchi! :eek: :eek: :eek:

But since I live in Australia who knows if we'll even get a shipment... :(


I have Mametchi, Kutchipatchi and Ichigotchi. I got 3 bags of candy! But it's too late it's past Christmas they won't sell anymore..... By the way Admin already made a topic for this...

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Awww... cute! I would really like a Mametchi! :p :p :p
But since I live in Australia who knows if we'll even get a shipment... :p

Where in Australia do you live? My cousin lives in Melbourne,and she has Ichigotchi,and Kuchipathci. ^_^ :) :D :p :p B) :D

something happened to's link....they only show the trading cards again!

i think it will come back,hopefully

I bought all of the light-up cheek ones and also the pouch Ichigotchi the day they came out. I drove 50 minutes to get them...and they are so cute they were well worth it! They only cost about $4 each for me, and the candy is delicious, too. :p Buy them!!! :D

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