New Smilies!


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Well-known member
Jul 7, 2005
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I've made some new smilies of different V2 characters, but I don't know how to give them to the admin. Help please!


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Does anyone have any ideas of what character I should make for a smilie?

Angelgotchi characters, morino characters, P1 characters, P2 characters, anything!

The first person that answers, will get a garuntee that the character they ask for I'll make.

You will have to post the links to the smilies, but first you must upload the smilies to a host, such as :blink:

umm....I just thought of something!!! Could I email admin the pictures I made?

yeah what i would do is:

1. send admin an email.

2. at the bottem of the screen there is a little thing that says attachments and browse. hit browse. if it is a document on paint or something, it will be there and you double-click.

3. the link thing will be there.

4. tell admin 'this is the new smiley, etc.

5. send!

6. admin should be able to click the link and see the piccy and upload it!

hope that helps,


I did thanks you guys! umm...does anyone want me to make a smiley? The first person who requests one, I'll make it and send it to admin!

Okay! I'll try to make it! Anyother requests?
Maybe you could make a Pukuten? (It's a Character from Angelgotchis)

I think we need some characters from older versions of Tamagotchi. :D

Can you pretty please make a Oniontchi and or The cute little cat/tiger one (sorry, I can't think of the name) If you don't know what I am talking about, I'll post a pic

Sure! And for the tiger one, I had that one before, so I have some visual aid!

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