New Tamagotchi Characters Coming Soon?


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Well, not exactly SLOWLY... I think they already have, just like that. <_< I don't like Lovelitchi and Melodytchi, but they aren't as bad as these new characters. Kiraritchi looks like a human and Yumemitchi looks like a dog. I can't stand dogs... ._. There are too many new characters becoming the mascots. The mascot is SUPPOSED to be Mametchi, but Tamagotchi is getting too girly. Yet I'm a girl and my favorite characters are Mametchi, Spacytchi, and Kuromametchi instead of popular girly characters. I do love Himespetchi though...If the mascot has to be a girl it might as well be her.

Here are some more pictures.




If the Mascot is a girl or has to be er whatever it should be Memetchi or Mimitchi, I think Memetchi because she has been on plenty of Tamagotchi's since at least the version 2 ... So Memetchi seems like a big deal.

I think the tamagotchi anime has became a lot like Pokemon :eek: Like, in a certain way I mean...

As you could see from the new anime poster on , Kiriratchi and Yumemitchi are replacing Meloditchi and Lovelitchi. Just like how in Pokemon, the characters besides for ash and team rocket leave.

If its like Pokemon even more.. Then well, we'll still probably see Meloditchi and Lovelitchi in the show, they would just have been reduced to minor characters, like many Pokemon characters.

I think the tamagotchi anime has became a lot like Pokemon :eek: Like, in a certain way I mean...

As you could see from the new anime poster on , Kiriratchi and Yumemitchi are replacing Meloditchi and Lovelitchi. Just like how in Pokemon, the characters besides for ash and team rocket leave.

If its like Pokemon even more.. Then well, we'll still probably see Meloditchi and Lovelitchi in the show, they would just have been reduced to minor characters, like many Pokemon characters.
Like how Misty left and was replaced by May and then Dawn and now Iris...they just keep replacing old characters don't they? I miss Misty...So, I just noticed...there are no new boy tamas...I wonder why...but if in the future they make them they better not replace Mametchi...

No, the mascot shouldn't be a girl at all; it should be Mametchi. It was always meant to be Mametchi, not Mimitchi or Lovelitchi or these yukky new characters. And you should see THESE new characters:


All I can say is... ew.

No, the mascot shouldn't be a girl at all; it should be Mametchi. It was always meant to be Mametchi, not Mimitchi or Lovelitchi or these yukky new characters. And you should see THESE new characters:


All I can say is... ew.
11, 12, and 13 look nice to me, but they're nothing special. It feels like dejà vu when looking at these new characters. :p

Yeah, some of them are a bit "cookie cutter" to me... I get the same feeling from most of the characters. I still think they are all super cute, but they are all a bit too similar... I actually like 16 alot though.... and 18 looks like some kind of crepe character :T haha~

11 = Human being

12 = Rabbit-version of Melodytchi

13 = Boring human being

14 = deformed Human being

15 = Kuromametchi's girlfriend?

16 = Human being who got left in the cold too long and snow fell on her head

17 = Tall Melodytchi

18 = fat cat


11 = Human being

12 = Rabbit-version of Melodytchi

13 = Boring human being

14 = deformed Human being

15 = Kuromametchi's girlfriend?

16 = Human being who got left in the cold too long and snow fell on her head

17 = Tall Melodytchi

18 = fat cat

LOL exactly.
P.S. I think I mentioned this before but...why are all the new characters too girly??? I. DON'T. LIKE. GIRLY. THINGS. THERE'S JUST TOO MUCH GLITTER AND SEQUINS AND FRILLY LACEY PINK STUFF. (and I'm not necessarily talking about the Tamagotchis)

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LOL exactly.

P.S. I think I mentioned this before but...why are all the new characters too girly??? I. DON'T. LIKE. GIRLY. THINGS. THERE'S JUST TOO MUCH GLITTER AND SEQUINS AND FRILLY LACEY PINK STUFF. (and I'm not necessarily talking about the Tamagotchis)
Because, BanDai believes that's what sells. And sad to say for us, in Japan at least, it works. It's better then Tamagotchi L.I.F.E though.

Also, I hope not many of these characters have huge parts in the anime, which they probably won't, like what happened with the ID L characters(Got a few episodes about them at first, and then mostly became background characters).

The new characters are cute, but they shouldn't become main characters. The main characters should be more gender-neutral, older characters like Mametchi, Memetchi, Kuchipatchi and Violetchi. I remember the old mascots used to be those, 2 boys and 2 girls, all with fun personalities. We were happy with those but then girly characters started coming along. They're okay as background characters, not featured in every Tama or anime episode, but not as main characters. There has been no significant decrease in male Tamagotchi fans since the old Tamagotchi anime and Yume Kira Dreams, so why suddenly turn it girly? All they're doing is putting boys and older girls off Tamagotchi.

The new characters are cute, but they shouldn't become main characters. The main characters should be more gender-neutral, older characters like Mametchi, Memetchi, Kuchipatchi and Violetchi. I remember the old mascots used to be those, 2 boys and 2 girls, all with fun personalities. We were happy with those but then girly characters started coming along. They're okay as background characters, not featured in every Tama or anime episode, but not as main characters. There has been no significant decrease in male Tamagotchi fans since the old Tamagotchi anime and Yume Kira Dreams, so why suddenly turn it girly? All they're doing is putting boys and older girls off Tamagotchi.
Since the first movie came out, tamagotchi has been aimed towards young females in japan. That's their target age for the anime, toys, and video games for quite a while now. It was different during the vintage age(Which in Japan, apparently many adults had tamagotchis) but, now they aim towards only children.

Me, I just want the vintage ones back. I mean, look at these three: :puroperatchi: : :kusatchi: : :mametchi: . They are cute, fun, and simple. When Lovleytchi fist came out, I was like, "What is this!?!?" I mean, I like her now, but ONLY because I saw the other new characters and decided Lovlin is fine compared to them. Melodytchi is alright too, but that's about as far as I'll go. I mean, LOOK at KeroPyontchi (You can see the sprite on my profile photo), and compare him to Melodytchi. The human clothes thing irratates me. Mimitchi's and Mametchi's hats are okay though. And Mametchi was perfectly fine as mascot. Why did they let him go? Oh, yeah. Because apperantly, no more boys play Tamagotchi, right? (I'm a girl) Wrong. I know tons of boys on here that play. I love Tamagotchi, but not these new ones :rolleyes:

--Kero<3 :ichigotchi:

Me, I just want the vintage ones back. I mean, look at these three: :puroperatchi: : :kusatchi: : :mametchi: . They are cute, fun, and simple. When Lovleytchi fist came out, I was like, "What is this!?!?" I mean, I like her now, but ONLY because I saw the other new characters and decided Lovlin is fine compared to them. Melodytchi is alright too, but that's about as far as I'll go. I mean, LOOK at KeroPyontchi (You can see the sprite on my profile photo), and compare him to Melodytchi. The human clothes thing irratates me. Mimitchi's and Mametchi's hats are okay though. And Mametchi was perfectly fine as mascot. Why did they let him go? Oh, yeah. Because apperantly, no more boys play Tamagotchi, right? (I'm a girl) Wrong. I know tons of boys on here that play. I love Tamagotchi, but not these new ones :rolleyes:

--Kero<3 :ichigotchi:
This has been like this for months lel

And yeah, tamagotchi is aimed towards very young girls in Japan, you know that, right? It's been like that for the past 4 or so years and it's been a good success for BanDai Japan.

Yes, I know. I have nothing against BanDai Japan deciding that their market would be aiming for young girls there. But BanDai America and Europe arn't making anything new anymore and Japan is the only one left, therefore all of the new characters are girly. I just want the old simple ones back... let's hope Tamagotchi LIFE ins't as big as a flop as I'm imaganing. But I'm glad they fnally realized the vintage ones need to come back. Sorry if any of my posts sounded a little harsh, I did not intend for them to come out like that, I'm just stating my opinion ^_^


The problem I have with life is how freaking casual and how it's aiming towards people who probably barely remember tamagotchi. They are not trying anything new at all, they are just attempting cash in on it. :/

I see your point, but I can assure you I know a good chunk of everything there is to know about Tamagotchi. But anyways, let's not question my loyalty to Tamagotchi here. All I'm saying is that I think it's nice how they decided to bring something from 1997 back. I like the vintage series better then the modern versions, but I don't HATE the modern ones :rolleyes: I just prefer the Ocean, Angel, the origionals and the v1-v4.5. Remember its only my opinion, it's not like I'm stating that for a hardcore fact :rolleyes:


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