New Tamagotchi Group Hatch


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Feb 22, 2010
Reaction score
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Group Hatch for all versions of Tamagotchi, an experiment to see how birth varies for different tamagotchi versions.

Please use as many tamagotchi's as possible... RSVP by the 26th - later entries MAY be considered.

Fill out the form (below) in your RSVP reply so the tamagotchi's are easier to identify:

Tama Talk User name:

Number(s) of Tamagotchi(s):


Name(s) (give each tamagotchi device a name that can be identified NOTE: not the actual tamagotchi's name):


You should have them set to the same time... which could cause trouble such as no sleep etc. but it doesnt really matter i think :S

No pausing - slows down the time process, do not pause.

No Resetting - then it wont be the same times

Document tamagotchi's progress each day on this thread

take good care of tamagotchi

have fun!

Tama Talk User name: TamaLove754

Number(s) of Tamagotchi(s): 1 (For sure) Possably 3

Version(s): V5 (For sure) Possably P2 and Angelotchi

Name(s) (give each tamagotchi device a name that can be identified NOTE: not the actual tamagotchi's name): White V5 (For sure) Blue P2, and White Angel (Maybe)

Also can I use tamas that just had a baby but I didn't start them yet? If so then I'll also use My Green V4.5, Red V5.5, and Red Music Star!

TamaLove754, you sure can :lol: a lot of tamagotchis in with just one reply :D

I'm gonna use my broken down v3 that barely works :D

Tama Talk User name: Shishitchi

Number(s) of Tamagotchi(s): 1

Version(s): 3

Name(s: Green FLowers

Well since the hatch is tomorow here is my final entry!

Tama Talk User name: TamaLove754

Number(s) of Tamagotchi(s): 6

Version(s): P2, V4.5 (x3), V5.5, and Music Star

Name(s) (give each tamagotchi device a name that can be identified NOTE: not the actual tamagotchi's name):

Royal Blue P2

Green V4.5

Globe V4.5

Fireball V4.5

Red V5.5

Red Music Star

Wow i'll have alot of tama babies to watch over tomorow!

Ok, I restarted my V3 :D

I got a little baby girl, I named her Pearl ^.^

She became a toddler at about 12:00 with weight of 26lb and 4 happy and hungry hearts each. She is the round circle toddler that I can't remember the name of... she has a little doll and she sleeps with it, which is kawaii!

Anyway, she has a weight of 20lb now with 4 hearts of happiness and hunger, She is in tamatown at the moment and she just went to watch a cheesy movie at the cinema :p

more detailed log soon :D

Sorry that it seems i'm so late! Out time zones must be different! Anyway here is what has happened!

P2. Is a baby

Angel. Is a baby

Green V4.5. Is a baby boy

Globe V4.5 is a baby girl

Fireball V4.5. Is a baby girl

V5.5. Evolved into a mousetchi (It's a totler). Also there was only 1 egg!

Color. Is a baby girl

As you can see I added a few tamas to my hatching crew!

I'll update again later!

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sorry im late

v4 justed pooped now at child stage. May change tonight

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