new Tamagotchi series for Japan


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Apr 8, 2005
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I don't read Japanese, but I know hiragana and katakana and visit the Japanese official web site often. It was updated very recently with a new series of Tamagotchi.

Like I said, I don't read Japanese, but from what I can tell, it's called the "akai shiriizu", the "red series". From the pictures, it appears the screen is in COLOR: one color, though. Red.

It features some new characters:

haatotchi (heart-chi)

shirohaatotchi (white-heart-chi)

cheritchi (cherry-chi)

darumatchi (daruma is a buddhist doll, usually red with eyes and a mustache)

tomatchi (tomato-chi)

ribotchi (ribbon-chi?)

tengutchi (tengu are Japanese goblins)

I think it also includes other keitai characters since a red mametchi is shown on the screen. It comes in six colors, as you can see, two of which come with a thick keychain like the US versions (except with a clip) and four come with the mini-phone-strap like most keitai and hanerutchi do.

It features new foods, including pizza, apple parfait, and wine. The games look similar to the keitai, with some alterations like the hanerutchi. There is a still a "collect stuff in a container game" (music notes for keitai, global stones for hanerutchi, and looks like poo in akai), throwing letters in a mailbox (balls in a hoop for keitai, smiles in a door for hanerutchi) and instead of a running race game, it looks like a swimming race.

It comes out on July 23, 2005 in Japan and retails for 2625 yen (same as any other Tamagotchi). Also coming in July is a third type of deka tamagotchi (the big ones in stores), but it has a price on it like you can buy it. Not sure what that's about.

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*eyes pop out of head* that'd be soooo awsome if they did come out with color screens! i hope america will get those also! if not...e-bay here i come! :huh:

I just hope that the Dekatamagotchis will be released in the U.S. I have a feeling that these new Japanese dekas will go for quite a bit of money on Ebay :*(

I just hope that the Dekatamagotchis will be released in the U.S. I have a feeling that these new Japanese dekas will go for quite a bit of money on Ebay :*(
I agree, they will be VERY expencive.


To me, it just looks like the pixels are a diffrent color. Like the current ones are black. so the next ones wil be red.. or something like that. But, i may be wrong.

Japanese Dekatamagotchi is so cool!

The size is the same as "Yasashii tamagotchi".

can eran Gotchi Points playing games,can buy items.

There is a Tama school for tama characters,is Tamagotchi King.

the price is 3,675yen.

I saw Dekatamagotchi on eBay for $580......

The Yellow Deka sell the items to Keitai-tama.

The Red Deka play games and give Gotchi-Points to Keitai-Tma.

These Deka were not for sale and displayed in Toy shop for advertisement.

When we want to connect with Deka,we must go there.

But New Deka will be in my home!!!!!!

New one is more fun than old Dekas!!!!!

only Keitai can connect with Deka.

I'll get it next month. :D

I dont think they would just release the coloured screen tama just in Japan as it will be the first kind of tama with colour screen so they would want people all around the world to be able to experience it...Thats my opinion but i could be wrong.

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*jaw drops* That is the most awesome thing ever! *grabs tama off of CP screen and runs* They'll never catch me!!!!! *mwahahaha*

Thats not a red screen, it's just the same colour theme as the rest of the picture. Thats just a standard black and white screen with image filters to make it fit in with the rest of the picture!

The pixels themselves /are/ red, apparently. I figure it's about time they've started making tamagotchis with colored screens ;oP But this certainly won't be the first - remember the second Pikachu pedometer pet?

Hopefully BanDai will release a full-color version soon.

I agree, they will be VERY expencive.____

To me, it just looks like the pixels are a diffrent color. Like the current ones are black. so the next ones wil be red.. or something like that. But, i may be wrong.
As long as there not back! N E COLOR WOuld be better than BLACK!!!!

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