New Year Resolutions


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Get into more clubs (God, I need better friends)

Try and reach the Gold award for Girl Scouts

Stop procrastinating! >.<

Try and work on my voice acting (Lulz. I voice act XD)

Try and make money so I can afford mah own stuff

Stop being addicted to Animez'

Make more neighborhood friends

Stop being online

- Work on being an Actoresssss!

- Do one good deed a day =]

- Continue getting good grades

-->To get straight A's (Curse you for giving me a B in PE if it wasn't for that B I would've gotten a 4.0)

-->To get an acting career (Don't worry if I get on TV or something I'll let you guys know)

-->To get VERY far on my Olive Story and maybe some others

-->To make more friends

-->To save more money

-->To get green karma, maybe turn into a guide

-->To get a kitten from PetCo's new "Cat Room" where you can adopt cats/kittens (i want a black one or a black and white one)

-->To be really good at trombone

-->Try to spend less time online

-->Join the community theater

-->Get into Drama for 7th grade

-->Get into the VOllyeball team for 7th grade

There might be more I can't remember right now.


Write them on a piece of paper. Every time one comes true, cross it out. See how many you can finish this year!!

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adding on to mine

-save more money

-get more friends

-try to get more post on TT

My new Years resolutions, '08...

►Drink less pop and more water

►Better eating habits (less fast food, fried food, etc.)

►Be active

►Save money.. xD

►Become friends with a few more people

►..And possibly do something with my hair. xDD

get more green karma

be more active here

change my look

be more cool

hmmmmmm,good topic by tha way!

- b more flexible!

- make more friends

- b friendly

- b thankful 4 everything i have

- live

- laugh

- love

- acctually email victor


- practice really hard 4 competition

- study...

- do wayyyy betr in skool

- just b a betr person!

- get a jazz solo!

- get closer w/ my dance friends (hayley)

There r my resolutions 4 the 08! i hope I can make them happen! And Im gonna try my best 2!

- Get a Talent Agent (which means convincing my mom.)

- Be more open to others

- Go to all 6 of my Dance Competitions, and I know that means a lot. =|

- Stop staying inside all day.

- Love my brother, and learn that I'm lucky to have one.

- Gain self-confidence

- Eat more fruit.

- Get a fresh new haircut.

- Try hard to gain karma.

New Years Resolutions:

-Try for straight A's in school, I get A's and B's.

-Gain green karma...

-TRY to warm up to tamas again

-Be more active on Tamatalk

-Be more friendly towards family

-Take care of my new bird

-Become famous on Deviantart

-Catch up in the warrior series (I'm on Forest Of Secrets, rereading the books.)

-Read the Harry Potter series

-Finish whatever 1000 books I've never finished.

-Get off the computer more

-Learn long division

-Be more organized, make a daily schedule!

-Cut down computer time, an hour each three days and stop at 5 hours, then drop by 1h each week to 3 hours a day.

-Finish the DA 100 theme contest

-Study more!

-Stop listening to so much music

-Finish Pokemon Crystal, Silver, Yellow, Fire Red, Pearl, Diamond, and Mystery Dungeon... And Ranger. Also finish Magical Starsign, Zelda: Phantom Hourglass and the rest of my DS games.

-Reread 'If I Just Had Two Wings'.

-Make more friends

-Become way more active... when the snow melts.

And probably alot more.

I have some more

-->Better eating patterns (I keep eating too many sweets)

-->Get an agent

-->If I can't get an agent, if I'm ever in a play and I'm the lead role, to manage to get talent scout/s to come

Probably more that I can't remember

((900th post!!! W00T THIS IS MY 900th POST!!))

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