New Years Resolutions


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Dec 13, 2009
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So, what's yours going to be? Or did you make it early, like I often do? At school, my teacher makes us do New Year Resolutions for class, but it's really hard to come up with them and also I'm not going to post them in here. Well, I will post one, which will do for my class resolution as well. I bet you can guess which one it is!

To NEVER kill, torture or mistreat Tamas regardless of version or character.

To always be careful to pause my Tama before going to school (actually, I think that should be my friend's resolution, she forgets her Tama ALL THE TIME! (no offence to her)

To NEVER reset Tamas unless absolutely necessary

To NEVER try to debug a Tama again (R.I.P. you three Tamas of mine who were broken in debugging... :( )

To pass my SATS test and 11+ exam

To not make stupid posts on TamaTalk (something I used to do a lot without realising. If I still do, forgive me, it's because I'm really young and possibly immature XD)

To not worry about my log views

To update my log whenever there's news

Yes, I KNOW I have a lot of resolutions, but I need that many to keep myself in order. And really you will have no trouble guessing the school one so I'm not even going to SAY which it is. Well, I am, in Japanese.


~ Dazzmina ~

To hand in my homework on time next year at college, and avoid detentions

To pass my exams

Improve greatly on my maths and get the tutoring I need

Get into a stream class for English

Achieve at least NCEA level two, and get all the credits I need, if not more.

Basically school related, really.

To improve in my tests and exams

To grow taller and a little fatter (im underweight xD)

Never let my tamas die

Take care of my skin

To study really hard


Good ones! Pretty similar to mine...especially yours Angeell, although I don't really put my skin and weight first, I have spots on my face but I'm not underweight anymore. I used to get teased about my weight...

I have some homework in my schoolbag. No big deal. But it's the Christmas holidays, we're on vacation...and the homework was due in on the first day of the last week of Autumn Term. OH. NO.

~ Dazzmina ~

Eh, I've got a few. Whether I stick to them or not is another matter entirely.

- To get more of a life outside of the Internet. I spent most of my time on RPing (particularly one) this year, Eleanor needs to focus on IRL too.

- To get all A and A* grades in my GCSEs, fingers crossed.

- To do something productive with the writing skills I apparently have

- And of course, the old chestnut: be healthier and thinner and yada yada yada

- Get good grades for this year (especially in math)

- Stop being shy (even tho im in highschool -.-)

- Spend more time with friends because im always choosing the computer and games over them

- I hope to improve in my drawing skills :D

- Getting stuff i would like (Tablet, Drawing Tablet, Camera)

- Finish the Gotchi figure set (i only have wave 1)

and thts all really what i'd like to accomplish :)

but i kinda doubting myself especially for #2 (._.)

I have one, possibly out of reach, new years resoloution to try and achieve by myself. That's to be a better daughter, friend, girlfriend and person in general.

But I have two joint ones with my friend.

1. To go running every day (asides from Wednesday's when we have music) and then afterwards go for a swim in the sea wearing only our swim cozzies and rash vests.

2. To both run the race for life and raise £100 between us

- Start running after school to prepare for both of my soccer seasons.

- Edit at least one AMV every month

- Finish watching my huge list of anime.

- Try 110% at all of my practices (club and high school)

- Receive the player of the season award for my club team

- Make varsity for high school

- Straight A's for the rest of the year.

-take better care of myself

-finish projects on time

-be accepted into a school program

-study the day I hear about tests

-to not forget my tama on a chair in the library or anywhere else EVER AGAIN

So, what's yours going to be? Or did you make it early, like I often do? At school, my teacher makes us do New Year Resolutions for class, but it's really hard to come up with them and also I'm not going to post them in here. Well, I will post one, which will do for my class resolution as well. I bet you can guess which one it is!

To NEVER kill, torture or mistreat Tamas regardless of version or character.

To always be careful to pause my Tama before going to school (actually, I think that should be my friend's resolution, she forgets her Tama ALL THE TIME! (no offence to her)

To NEVER reset Tamas unless absolutely necessary

To NEVER try to debug a Tama again (R.I.P. you three Tamas of mine who were broken in debugging... :( )

To pass my SATS test and 11+ exam

To not make stupid posts on TamaTalk (something I used to do a lot without realising. If I still do, forgive me, it's because I'm really young and possibly immature XD)

To not worry about my log views

To update my log whenever there's news

Yes, I KNOW I have a lot of resolutions, but I need that many to keep myself in order. And really you will have no trouble guessing the school one so I'm not even going to SAY which it is. Well, I am, in Japanese.


~ Dazzmina ~
I translated the Japanese bit into English and it said "I'm snoring"

Anyway, I don't really have any New Year's resolutions. I don't usually have any, so yeah.

Just to better myself as a person overall, I wish to improve on everything, and I want to get my drivers licence. :D

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