Nightpelt's Tama Log~


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Well-known member
Oct 5, 2010
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Melbourne, Australia
Hello All,

As you can see, I am attempting to log my tama's growth yet again. I hope this goes well *crosses fingers*


First of all I will be logging my V6 (I'm going to reset it) and I will be experimenting on it and try to see if there is any kind of specific care you may have to give your tama so that it may pass auditions (I'll try my best).

After a while I may get bored/tired of looking after the v6 (It is a high maintenance tama after all...) I may be logging my v3, other v3, v4 with the buttons that hardly work anymore (I might give it some surgery, Mothra reckons it has some dirt under the buttons and I'm worried the buttons might fall out like Peanut05's have), v5, and TamaGo.

I am going to look after one tama a a time because I may not have much time to look after all six tamas at once due to the fact my maths tutor is trying to kill me by giving me large amounts of homework. Or I simply get lazy :L


2011 11 01

As said in the post above, I will be logging my v6 :)

And I'm going to reset it. so here goes....

*Takes old battery out of tama*

*puts a new battery in*



*Puts in the date time, my birthday and username...*

It's hatching!!!!!!

It is a girl with a trumpet and a toy house

Me no likey

*reset, download* (A trick or two won't hurt!)

A boy with a guitar and train

Me no likey either ):< I raised like 8 generations and all of them played the guitar, I'm getting sick of that instrument e.e

*reset, download*

Boy with Piano and robot.

Oh well...That's good enough :)

Oh yes...what shall I name him?



I dunno.....I'll just call him Jonathan. I dunno, random name that came to my mind...

I fed him baby food four times to fill his hungry hearts and one baby milk think to fill up one happy heart and filled in the rest of the happy hearts when I completed all 6 levels of sound-block.

I then played sing a song and failed at level 9

Bye for now


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About 20 min later

I forgot completely about little Jonathan!

I found him with 2 hungry hearts filled and one happy heart and hurried off to play Rythm with him. He fell sick earlier and I fixed it with two doses of medicine.

He just fell asleep (With his stress level at 5%) >.<

He will be waking up soon. I can't go to bed until he wakes up. hm.....when he transforms into a toddler he will go to bed as normal he will wake up around 7 (Last time I remember). I always sleep in until like 10.....

I'll set the alarm on my phone in the morning then I will pause him. (I'm afraid this will be only way because I can't be bothered switching the time back and forth.)

And he pooped three times without me noticing.




Name: Jonathan

Username: Night

Age: 0yr

Weight: 5lb

Hungry: ♥♥♥♥

Happy: ♥♥♥♥

Stress Level: 5%


- Tone: 16

- Rhythm: 30

- Original: 30

Music Genre: Hip Hop

Instrument: Piano

Toy: Robot

Tama Species: Petitchi

2011 10 02

Good Morning everyone :ichigotchi: (it is now 10:01am)

Last night at 10:10pm I came back from the shower to discover that Jonathan became a Kutchitamatchi. I don't really want to take REALLY good care of it because I am getting little bit sick of having a Mametchi :newmametchi:

I also noticed that after Jonathan practised piano on his own accord for about just under minute, his Skill points for Tone, Rhythm and Melody all increased by three points. But the second time he practised, only one skill point was added to his Tone skill points...





Name: Jonathan

Username: Night

Age: 0yr

Weight: 15lb

Hungry: ♥♥♥♥

Happy: ♥♥♥♥

Stress Level: 4%


- Tone: 77

- Rhythm: 44

- Original: 63

Music Genre: Rock'n'Roll

Instrument: Piano

Toy: Robot

Tama Species: Kuchitamatchi

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Jonathan just got a visit from the Pre-school teacher thingy! And she gave Jono a helicopter :)

So that means he's allowed to go to preschool!

I shall go right away......

You play jump rope in pre-school with other toddlers and sometimes it can go on for ages or even just one jump. The mini-game ends when one of the toddlers screw up.


I had to pause Jonathan all day because I was going to have a busy day.

Earlier I unpaused him and brought him to preschool a couple of times. The first time he played jump rope with a Tamatchi who lost after 2 jumps. I came back and checked his stats. His stress level increased by 2% and his Original skill points increased from 98 to 106. I was't sure about the other skill points so I went to preschool again and played jump rope with a kuribotchi. And Jonathan won again. I went back and checked his stats. His stress level is now 4% and his original skill poits changed to 114 and the other skill points haven't increased or decreased.

So whenever you go to pre-school and win a game, your Original skill points increase by 8 points

Jonathan is also still eating baby food....

I must find a new source of food, fast!




Name: Jonathan

Username: Night

Age: 0yr

Weight: 15lb

Hungry: ♥♥♥♥

Happy: ♥♥♥♥

Stress Level: 0%


- Tone: 108

- Rhythm: 77

- Original: 114

Music Genre: Jazz Music

Instrument: Piano

Toy: Robot

Tama Species: Kuchitamatchi

2011 10 03

Good Morning everybody!

I woke up this morning at seven like I said I would a few posts earlier to pause my tamagotchi while I continue sleeping (Because I'm a lazy twit) Jonathan turned into a Kikitchi!! And while I tried pausing him I accidentally pressed the 'WAKE UP' button :(

and his stress level increased by 10% and we wouldn't sleep for five minutes. Oh well...

But this morning at 10:30am the Music Teacher came and said he was ready to go to school and met his band. He also gave him a trombone.

And this morning I went to the shop and bought 17 chocolate bars (Which is the limit for foods in your inventory) I always stock up on chocolate bars because they are only $100 each and are somehow meals. <_<

I have a bad feeling that Jonathan will be yet ANOTHER Mametchi. Because most of the time whenever I have an even generation baby boy that turns into a kuchitamatchi and then a kikitchi, the result is usually a MAMETCHI.

Oh well...

He also went to school and formed a band with a Hinotamatchi and a Ringotchi. They are in a band called .0MEGA.




Name: Jonathan

Username: Night

Age: 01yr

Weight: 20lb

Hungry: ♥♥♥♥

Happy: ♥♥♥♥

Stress Level: 0%


- Tone: 138

- Rhythm: 107

- Original: 114

Music Genre: Jazz Music

Instrument: Piano

Toy: Robot

Tama Species: Kikitchi

Band Info:

Name: .0MEGA.

Ranking: N/A

Fans: N/A

Leader: Jonathan (Kikitchi) - Piano

Player 2: Paul (Hinotamatchi) - Trumpet

Player 3: Elaine (Ringotchi) - Guitar

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2011 10 04

I had to keep Jonathan paused yesterday and last night (Yes, I got lazy...DON'T JUDGE MEHHH!!!)

So this morning I decided to unpause him and he began playing his instrument. I then took him to meet his band and then he practised with them and then I told him to practise his instrument a bit more. I will be doing that and then we shall see if it does anything...

So far I think Jonathan went to practise with the band about 4 times.

OH! And sometime yesterday morning, Jonathan was given 2000gp from the Gotchi King. This morning someone gave him hate-mail. A POOP IN AN ENVELOPE.



Name: Jonathan

Username: Night

Age: 1yr

Weight: 20lb

Hungry: ♥♥♥♥

Happy: ♥♥♥♥

Stress Level: 2%


- Tone: 206

- Rhythm: 201

- Original: 196

Music Genre: Jazz Music

Instrument: Piano

Toy: Robot

Tama Species: Kikitchi

Band Info:

Name: .0MEGA.

Ranking: N/A

Fans: N/A

Leader: Jonathan (Kikitchi) - Piano

Player 2: Paul (Hinotamatchi) - Trumpet

Player 3: Elaine (Ringotchi) - Guitar

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2011 10 06

Sup guyz,

I am basically pausing Jonathan when I am not playing with him or when I sleep, so growing up will be a bit slow for him. So far I have been practising with the instrument before going to practise with the band and then play games. As for the games, I try to keep them more or less the same (Lets see what happens). Now I am going to see how many skill points that you get when you have a successful practise session with the band....

Skill Points Now:

338, 331 and 377.


354, 331 and 377 may be random...I'm gonna try this a few more times.

Second time:

354, 361 and 377

Third time:

384, 361 and 377

Fourth time:

384, 361 and 393

hm....The skill points increase by 30 and there doesn't seem to be any sort of pattern... (+3 stress, which appears later)

And Jonathan has recievedone hate-letter this morning. Just now somebody gave him a heart.




Name: Jonathan

Username: Night

Age: 1yr

Weight: 21lb

Hungry: ♥♥♥♥

Happy: ♥♥♥♥

Stress Level: 3%


- Tone: 384

- Rhythm: 361

- Original: 393

Music Genre: Jazz Music

Instrument: Piano

Toy: Robot

Tama Species: Kikitchi

Band Info:

Name: .0MEGA.

Ranking: N/A

Fans: N/A

Leader: Jonathan (Kikitchi) - Piano

Player 2: Paul (Hinotamatchi) - Trumpet

Player 3: Elaine (Ringotchi) - Guitar

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