Ninjasaurus' Ninja Log!


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Ninjasaurus Rex

Well-known member
Apr 2, 2012
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Um, somewhere in your house...I got lost playing h
Ok, I started up my brand spanking new iD L on friday the thirteenth! So here is my log, written down as what happened in my ipod, Here we go!



Ok, Today, is the day, I have started up a iD L that I got for my birthday. So I took a hour of care (not saying if its bad or good) to my little thing. I got the baby girl that looks like the squashed waffle with a bow. No offense!! I like squashed waffles. MmMmMmMm...So, good care or not, I have heard that toddler stuff is random, I got painting pallet! Yayz. I think... Is the iD L toddler care? And then she fell asleep. Because it was eleven. twenty six. So goodbye Sauce.


I think I will try something I did in my old math class at my old school. It is called Date challenge. You try to make a correct math equation for the date, like January first, 2002 (1/1/2) can be 1+1=2 see? So today you can use 4/14 4/14/12 or 4/14/2012 I can only think that 4x1=4 so pm me with yours! Burn maths. So! on to the logging. Today I have a full day with the paint pallet person. (PPP) and the first thing I will do is give her a name. How about Hera? Because thats what spell check thought I meant to type when I put in her a. So! Anyways...She planted a seed when she woke up! Yayz. Gardener tama, Here Hera coomes! So we planted it, and it grew like, twice her size in less then ten seconds! I mean, Seriously, Gardener much? So of course, she only works her magic in the morning, so I have to wait another day untill I can figure out what Hera planted. So, after that, we went to the park about a million times. Seriously! a Million! And we Found pets, devil chamametchi like thingamabobs, and yeah. The most hearts a pet ever gave us was one. I jope that Hera doesnt have to be an adult before we can get a pet, Because that would stink. Alot. Because I am not paitent, And as you can see, I am weird. So,Yeah. We played games about a million times. seriously, million, stop laughing. and if you arnt laughing, start so I can tell you to stop. We only tried the burger game once. It was the fling mametchi over the pooh that kutchipatchi pooped after eating too much hamburgers! That was fun. We got lots of money, so Hera and me bought A paint pallet, and a microphone. And we had some fun at the interior shop. We bought the 1000 points one with music notes, then the cloud one, then the candy one, then the pink messy one, then back to the music notes, now we are saving up for the submarine wallpaper. Then I checked the seed, and it was the same. After that, we played games and made sure there was always 4 hungry bowls, and full friends. Bye sauce.



That was easy, anyways, ONTO THE LOG! *excessive amounts of cheering* So, I have a thank you to give out, It is to you! thanks for reading. Unless your my brother. Then GET THE BRICKYBLOCK OUT. So it turns out that Hera is a gardener, Because after only one day, her plant grew a fruit in one day! it was only a blueberry I sold for 100 dollars, but still, I bought a new seed and she planted it. It was stormy today, so that was a surprise. But, I can always trust my trusty pineapple to go out to play at the donuts park. (Hera evolved into a pineapple) We checked our plant, still the same, then played games.

She is still a gardener. The seed still grew her height in less then ten seconds, but after that it was the same for the whole day. hooray. Huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay. OH! take that spell check! you dont have a replacement for that now, do you? HUH? DIDNT THINK SO. Yeah, I am weird and I know it. I am also sexy and I know it. ANYWAYS, I went to the park, and instead of just tama marche, There was tama market! I thought there was no market, but maybe it is just on sundays. So I went there, And bought this BEUUUUUUUUUUUUUTIFULL! Dress that wouold look adorable on Hera as a pineapple, But you have to be an adult. Dang! I spent all my money on that! Now, before it is time to go, Lets play a little game called...


Spellcheck thought that fbgbtnfjgh was actually Fan Bringing. Dang, they are good...Toooo goooood....




So today not much happened. Except I found out that it takes two days for a teen to turn into a adult. So yeah. Blah. Thanks to *your name here* and EMFagotchi for reading, and EMFagotchi for following. YOU COULD BE NEXT. Please be next. So I woke up, and set the time to like, 7:42 because that was just changing the hour to 7 pm because I don't want to take care of a sixty plus dollars tama during school. Ok, turns out it doesn't take two days. Or maybe it does. I don't know. But when I changed the time back to normal, Hera turned into a *dramatic pause* LOVELYTCHI!!! Yayz. So I put her in that blue dress I told you about, and guess what? She got...up off her feet and jumped up and winked at me. No happy symbol. But, I still like lovelytchi. So take that! And I thought you couldn't get her from a pineapple. For your sake and mine, I should learn the names. But I think the paint pallet person is paletchi? I think so. Reading many iD L logs with pictures (violetchiluver3) I think that is the paint toddlers name. So, vote and stuff. It makes me happy. And I will post a thanks and a add to your log (if you have one) By the way, I heard that one of Heras happy symbols is a mic. And I just so happen to have one. So I'll take pictures of the whole thing. Sorry if they don't work or are blurry.


That is her taking the stage. TuT they grow up so quick.



So, Bye Sauce.

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Ok, alot has happened since I last posted. FIRST! I have sucsessfully sneaked a tama in to school. DONT WORRY!! I have not lost it or dropped it, except for once when my friend was the only one there, and so I told her it was my phone. =3 SECOND! I got two more of Hera's happy symbols, Shaved ice and a parfait that had hearts in it. THANKS TO ORANDATCHI FOR HER HELP WITH HERA'S HAPPY SYMBOLS! THIRD! Is that I took Hera to the date place, and she married an acorn man. FOURTH! They had a baby boy, who at around 4:00 turned from a plant baby to a leaf toddler... FIFTH! At school, they learned how to talk. '-' so yeah... they can talk.


Oh gosh, let the annoyingness begin.




Bye sauce!


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I guess I kinda lied. I didn't post yesterday due to excessive amounts of homework. So, yesterday.



So today Mr. Snoopy got a evolution. He went from flower to leaf to star! Yayz. So thanks to EMFagotchi and ayan300 for following. You could be next! And please be next. Please? So yeah and stuff. He evolved into a teen, so he is a star. I am aiming for the blue yellow striped tama. He likes the cloud candy, and I bought that recently. So we harvested a dirty carrot. And we sold it for one hundred dollars. Dang, the economy these days. But, yay for me because I was the one getting excessive amounts of money for a carrot that is not even washed right. So that is pretty much it for today, so bye sauce.



So today I got a candy man, and he can! I mean, the candy man can. So I was afraid I gave him too many care misses, but apparently I put zero to one there, so yay! So snoopy and I haven't really done much, as days go, I've had better, but I have had worse. So, on other words, I got one of Snoopys happy symbols! It was cloud candy. Yayz. So sorry for the sucky update. I stink at this log thing. So bye sauce. I'm just here to annoy people who follow it.
