Nintendo DS Comp!


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Ninteno DS?

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Well-known member
Mar 2, 2007
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Hiya peeps!!! I'm holding a little comp here!! (If's thats alright with Admin!) I want to know all about YOU and your nintendo ds, whats your fav game, were you take it with you and why you like it, I will annoce the winning entry after the closing date, the winner gets a mystery prize!!!


WhAT do you win.
I told you! It's a mystery prize!!!! Anyway I will give you a tiny clue! EVERYBODY loves it but some people don't!

You know, most people would think this is a scam on other websites and react accordingly.

So, my favorite game is Not Answering, where I take it is None of Your Business, and why I like it is For Me To Know, You Not To Know.

You know, most people would think this is a scam on other websites and react accordingly.
So, my favorite game is Not Answering, where I take it is None of Your Business, and why I like it is For Me To Know, You Not To Know.
This is sooo not a scam!!! I am a very honest person. But you don't have to enter it if you don't want to, thats fine with me! And anyway, you don't have to be cheeky!

i hav a DS and my fav games are.....zoo tycoon, sims 2 and animal crossing also i live brain acamemy thats wicked

p.s i hope i win!

Hiya peeps!!! I'm holding a little comp here!! (If's thats alright with Admin!) I want to know all about YOU and your nintendo ds, whats your fav game, were you take it with you and why you like it, I will annoce the winning entry after the closing date, the winner gets a mystery prize!!!
My fave game is Tamagotchi Corner Shop because I think tamagotchis are really good friends... it reminds me of my little companions. I take it... p-r-e-t-t-y-m-u-c-h everywhere, especially when I have to go on a long car journey. I like it because when yoo are upset it can take yoor mind off all the bad things going on for a bit and yoo can get absorbed in it (absorbaloff) whenever. Yoo also get some quality fun and entertainment and if yoo don't have a DS yoo should go and get one.

I hope yoo like my entry!

did you pm a guide?

p.s. here is my entry.

One Christmas, i got my D.S. I was soooo happy!

i loved to play mario and luigi partners in time, and Contact, and all of those other games...

i played with my friends on pictochat, and faced them off in two player.

there are so many cool D.S. games out there now... but... i can't play them...

one day i was playing elite beat agents, when i accidentally scratched the touch screen on Christmas eve!

that screwed it up a little...

but then, i was very sick, and my mom made me get up from the couch from laying down, but i was so dizzy, and i dropped my D.S.!

one of the latches that connect the top and bottom screen came off...

my D.S. still works, but i fear i may break it even more, plus it still doesn't work that well...

i hope to get a new D.S., but if i get one, it will replace my Electric Blue D.S. with one of those D.S. Lites...

i miss my D.S....

Well, I would like to enter.

One very special Chrsitmas Eve morning, my mom came into my room and woke me up. It was about five thrirty in the morning, and my mom wanted to wake me up and talk to me. We started talking, and she told me I could pick out one present that day. I knew I was getting a NintendoDS, so I told her to bring me the DS, and one game. I sat in my room, my heart was pounding, and I was thinking of how great it was going to be. Finally, she came into my room, with a box and one game. I took the box and looked at it. "Nintendo DS Lite" It read at the top in big letters. It was light pink, and beautiful. I opened it up, then opened the game up. The game was Tamagotchi Corner Shop 2. I played it for hours and took it everywhere with me.

Where do I take it you ask? I take it to friends houses, I take it to school sometimes, and I take it with me on car trips and to other places where its going to be boring.

What is my favorite game you ask? My favorite games have to be Nintendogs, and Hannah Montana.

My DS and Games

Thanks for your time!


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Both my brothers have a DS lite they take it everywhere their favorite game of ALL TIME is all the pokemon games. And the sims bustin out.

I have a white nintdo DS Lite thta I got for Christamas!! I love it !! My favorite game is nintendogs ~ IT ROCKS .. this is what & my nintendo have been through

Today has been a long day for me, it started a while ago though. Here it is :

Iy - Eye ey ~

For christmas I got a nintendog DS Lite that was white. I loved it. then, about a month ago I dropped in on the floor. nothing much happend, then I dropped it again about 2 weeks from then. The edge came off. ( the part where the top screen and the bottom screen connect ) but only a little. then, this morning, i notice it wiggling. i was gonne be super careful then. my friend asked me to go to his house, i was about to go and bring my DS Lite when the edge completely came off, it still worked but .. >_<

I got it from Sams Club but i called Best buy to see if i could exchange it . they said if I didnt get it from them, i cant exchange. they gave me the number from the nintendo company but i guess it was a fake >_________> really pi**ed me off !! so then , I got smart and called sams club. i was like DUH!! xD I told them what happend in a shakey voice. The lady said if I come back with a reciet they would exchange !! So i`m going there tomorrow ;D

See, I told ya it would end happy :3 but Im happy. wait !! Im scared something bad is gonne ruin it. but if i do get a exchange, i`ll take extra special care of it!!! PROMISE .. 0.o

Also, people ask if they can have it when I get tired of it like all my other stuff, but NO WAY! im never gonna get tired of it. Me and my nintendog will be together till colledge dorms next year ..W00T NINTEND0~

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