No, doctor, I really am quite sick.


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I dont miss school unless I really have to. I had pink eye so I had to stay home for about a week once, when I felt perfectly fine xP

I kinda faked coughing a week or two ago... but after I faked coughed I really coughed... But for until lunchtime I stayed at my grandma's house and got cookies in the morning! =D

But then I lost my science textbook... -.-

I kinda faked coughing a week or two ago... but after I faked coughed I really coughed...
Serves you right

Mehh. I'd have to have my arm bitten off by a savage dog to skip out on school.

Usually when I get sick my parents don't care. I don't care either. I go and it usually gets worse..

Compared to everyone else in my family I get sick the most.. and because of bad luck.. it's most on weekends. lol.


I did that Alot in Grade 8, and Heck, Alot in Grade 9. [in Grade 9 I only went about 1 week in the entire school year, Which caused me to fail. So I'm in grade 9 again, but at a different school system thankfully]

But out of the Many Many Many Many Many Many Many days that I did "Fake Sick" about 1% of them I actually was sick, But that was only a mild cold.

My reasons for Skipping out so much school?

Number 1:

I hate it .

Number 2: Its just, well. hard to explain. At the highschool here, well...Its just crap.

the Discipline Sucks[example, One Student could practically yell at another student to "f" off, and the principal could be standing right next to the person and the principle wouldn't do anything], 99% of all the girls are well....You know. The "W" word. and 70% of the girls are Knocked up.

And the Guys, are all conceited, arrogant and Full of themselves, as for most of the girls there.

and Yeah, I could rant on and on about my #1 Reason why I fake sickness.

But the school I go to now, I actually enjoy it, I missed a bit of it though, But thats because I actually wasn't feeling good. At this school, Its actually an Adult Ed [its actually for Adults who never finished highschool, I'm not one, but I still go there], I'm registered through the Highschool[Evil], But I'm on a home-Schooling program, I just go the other school So I can do my work there, I could do it at home if I wanted to, But I dunno.

Plus the teachers there aren't always "DO YER WORKS PLZ" Every 3 minutes. And Break [recess, whatever] is whenever you feel like it.

and We get from 11:00 am- 1:00pm for Lunch Break.

Plus the tv there is always on a good music channel.

And Lunch is 5 bucks, Unless you make it there before 9 am. Then its free.

But yeah. Its Great there. :D

Though I might Fake Sick a few times, Just for the Rush.

Lol. I did that a few weeks ago. I had a tiny stomache ache, and right when we were at the school parking lot I told my mom to drive back home. She did, and I spent the day on the computer and watching T.V! :D

But I only did that once. I just didn't wanna go to school that day. For no reason either really.

Lol, I did that a week ago, I had a tiny tummy ache, and I exaggerated just a little.

When my Mum went to the shops, I hopped online. Lol.

How often do you skip school with a "BUT I DON'T FEEL GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD1!!!!! DDDDDDDDDDD:"?
I do it sometimes, but usually when I do actually feel sick. I just...dramatize it a little and then do a bit of school reading. Though last year, like, 3 days out of a month I'd be sick. That was a bad year for me, man. Bad year. Don't do that.

I think I might actually have a fever though, so I am skipping out mostly on school today. Though there is no confirmation. Fever and a mild stomach ache is enough to dramatize a tiny bit, amirite? amirite? 8D Anyways, I did some school. I'm not too horrible. I did literature and math and I watched something on The Valentines Day Massacre. So it counts.

...RIGHT? 8D

So my question is at the top. I don't need to put it again.
I never skip school. IDK.

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