No Fair!


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Oh come on. Japanese have been ahead of us for ages. You can go and buy your japanese tamagotchi on eBay it's no big deal, there's no need for you to get so mad. And you can't read japanese? Well neither can I but it's easy to play actually. On the expo I always choose japanese and I have no problem with it.


It's not so hard to figure out.

No one cares??
OK, just close this topic please!!!

Hehe, we of course care. ;)

Don't be angry, we are discussing why Japan gets it. If you need any more reasoning, I think all of us would be glad to help you with your problems.

No Fair!!!Japanese always get everything. Just because the invented tamagotchis does not mean that they get to have all the glory
thats not true japaness get everything its that they have more tamas and we have burly v.5 so dont get mad at them

I also think it's fair. If the Japanese never made the Tamagotchi, we wouldn't have them for ourselves, so yes, they should get a little more credit than we do. There's really no need to freak out about it, it's nothing big to get mad over.

And another thing... if no one cares... why did you post the topic?

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The only reason that we do not get that royal ship thing is because Japan gets all the tamagotchi versions first. If you are so impatient, then just order a Royal FamiTama off the internet and look up a menu translation page so you know what you are doing, but if you cannot do this for whatever reason, or you don't want to bother with this, than the only thing we can do is wait until the next version comes out. :D And yes, I know I am just repeating what everyone else said. :D

Nobody said life was fair so suck it up and just wait.

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OK, I'm guessing YOU'RE ANGRY!!! because we don't agree with you. Everyone has different decisions. It's life. It's a ship.

Anyway, the V5.5 is in America very soon, so you don't have to wait for long...

The Royal Ship interacts with the Famitama Royal which is out in Japan, all other languages should be getting the Royal Ship when the V5 refresh launches.

Well Japan is far more advanced than us and they have many more versions of tamagotchis. They were the ones who actually invented tamgotchis. When America catches up maybe we'll have one too. Just keep hoping. Hope I helped. If I didnt then....ok....Bye....

I'm with everyone else. it takes time to change the language of one tamagotchi, modify some of the features and update a website. i have seen the royal ship and it isn't anything special, one of the games is a racing game and the other games are:make up game, music game, a game where you have to reach the royal ship by steering a smaller ship and a game where you have to serve ice cream.

Ok the japan people been ahead of us for generations and they made the tamagotchi you need to calm down plus they did all the hard work you should respect them they made tamagotchis for us and you complain that is just so rude

is not fair cuse all the orintal people have all first wats up wif the new world eh :eek: :angry: :( :angry:

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Actually, they have the right to have all the glory, as they made Tamagotchi.
And it is perfectly fair, as the Famitama Royal got released there, and we will get the V5.5 sometime soon.
your right... but now its in Canadian and u.s expo
