No one remembered my birthday!


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Well-known member
Dec 1, 2006
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<-------That Way------->
Ya know those tv shows where the person yells "It's my birthday!" They get to school and none of their friends remember - and later they are surprised with a birthday party and everyone who "forgot" is there?


My friends are my BFF'S We are ALWAYS with eachother. WE LOVE EACHOTHER TO DEATH

I was never mean to them

I went to their house a day before their birthday and gave them a present, even if they DIDN'T have a party!

How could they do this?!

I have a friend, Kyla. Her birthday is June 2nd. Mine is June 7th. 5 days off.

Well, a month ago, on May 7th, my friends shouted "IT'S KYLAS BIRTHDAY IN LESS THAN A MONTH!" I reminded them that mines in exactly a month, and they were like "oh" :D

It's 3 days from my b-day. NO ONE SAID ANYTHING!! :D :D

7 days before Kylas birthday, everyone was counting down the days until kyla's birthday.

My principal sings loud and annoying "Happy Birthday" to who ever's birthday it is. He sings like elvis, a girl, anything really...

2 weeks before kyla's b-day, They were like "PRINCIPAL PRINCIPAL SING TO KYLA ON JUNE 2ND!" And NO ONE said anything about my b-day

I'm so sad! My mom who devorced my dad (I don't live with my mom) hasn't even called me to say "happy birthday'"

I remind them, and they just say "oh" not even a "happy birthday!" "cant wait!" etc...

I'M CRYING SO HARD! :D (it's not my friends who make me cry, it's my mom not calling me)


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Maybe they want to do something different? How can you be so sure that they aren't planning anything?

Don't let that get you down. :D Its going to be your birthday soon. ENjoy it!

Well, I would be pretty hurt too if my mom didn't call me. I know what it's like, my parents are divorced and my Dad forgot about my band concert which I played the piccolo in for the first time, I'm the only one, and he forgot. It made me realy sad.

Don't worry. I'm sure they're planning something super-special for you!!

Oh, and happy birthday!

Don't worry about it. :D On your birthday, you'll probably get a super special surprise party that Kyla didn't get! ^^

I felt the same way.

In fact, my friend crew can't remember eachothers birthdays!

I got one friend's wrong, and with the other, I remembered because of the school system for Happy Birthday wishes! And with another one, I'm totally blank.

Its so normal for buddies to forget birthdays.

If you want them to remember, make sure you tell them of how you hope your dad(?) will do something special for you or will get you something special. Tell them. Maybe even twice. But don't go too overboard or they'll get annoyed.

Also, whenever your crew talks about Kyla's birthday, say "And mine's on June 7!" in a hyper way. That might get a little message in them.

And, don't lose hope yet. There's always something nice, neat, and even great on a birthday.

yeah well one of my friend's bday is 2 days before mine and everyone was counting down the days until her bday and tried to throw a party for her and gave a her chocolates and cheered for and when she came in EVERYBODY lined up in the playground and sang happy birthday to her.

2 days later... [SIZE=8pt]nothing [/SIZE]

no singing or chocolates or cheering or parties or countig down. just work, break, work, lunch, work home.

If I where you I wouldn't be concerened. They're probably throwing a suprised party for you and pretending to foreget about your birthday.

I can barely remember my own b-day. ^.^" I have to ask my friends to remind myself...

-feels stupid-

It's just a couple days before. It's not even your birthday yet. You have nothing to worry about.

Aw.. Don't worry! People are like this. Everyone of my friends also forgot my birthday even if I told them a thousand but they seem to remember other people's birthdays. Then two days after my birthday two of 'em send me E-mails saying happy birthday.


Maybe they're planning a surprise party. Maybe they're not. But in this type of situation I think it's best to be positive. ^-^

Happy Birthday ^.^

Did you have a nice day? What happened?

Oh, and now since it's over, I hope they did something REALLY special for you - otherwise if they didn't I will come and kick their butts -.- No one can be so mean as to 'forget' your birthday, but be so hyped-up about your friend's.

Don't worry - it's your birthday, after all. You should be celebrating your being yet another year older then last year :wub:

Hαppy Bithdαφ! I hope you hαd α greαt timε!

Lεt us know how it wεnt :wacko:

[SIZE=12pt]Hαppφ Birthdαφ! Hαvε α grεαt dαφ! ♥ ♥[/SIZE]

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If it's a couple of days before your birthday, then why would they say anything. today's your actual birthday, so if they don't say anything today then that's the time to get sad. Happy Birthday though!

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