No water?


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Well-known member
Nov 28, 2008
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Recently there was a breakage in some huge water pipe around here, and the water froze, meaning, no water.

Well, I had water at my house, but a lot didn't.

The school didn't.

About an hour after school started, there was an announcement over the speakers saying, "The school has no water, therefor we cannot supply lunch. At this time if you have a cell phone you may use it to call your parents, the oldest sibling can come to the office to call, if needed. Thank you."

Everyone left around 9, but I was stuck there until 11 because my parents were both helping.

ahaha, how fun!

Anything like this happen to you?

The city thought that the water plant broke so the water was infected, so we couldn't use our water fountains. Thankfully the lunch people boiled the water and let it sit so it got the germs out. We had to boil our water for 2 days until it was declared that there wasn't a break in the water plant. :(

Yup they cut of out schools gas electrick and water cause' we're going into the new school they built for us. ^^ I'ts been out for two weeks and we get a month for x-mas vacation.

Yup they cut of out schools gas electrick and water cause' we're going into the new school they built for us. ^^ I'ts been out for two weeks and we get a month for x-mas vacation.
Can I swap schools with you please?

Yeah there's been disasters at my old primary school (elementary school) there was one situation when I was in p1 (err....Kindergarton I guess) when the water froze up so I got two days off and went to my Dad's work. Another time was when there was no water at all for some reason so most people in the class went home unless their parents were teachers or at work.

the only kinda funny thing that had to do with water was at my old school. the water was leaking and it got into the electric thing and the fire alarm was going off XD my class was freaking out because our glass is right next to the alarm.


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