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Well-known member
Nov 4, 2005
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what should i do with my tama while im at school i came home today and they all had died please help me i dont want my tama to die!!! :huh:please help me i had over 5000 points

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u could keep it in ur pocket and when u go somewhere(lie the toilet)secretly check ur tamagotchi

or u can pause ur tamagotchi during school by pressing the first and last button, but it will take longer to grow up

I usually just keep my tama on pause until I get out of school and then when I get on the bus I'll un-pause it (Don't let the bus-driver see!) and just turn the sound off and play the games with it and get his hearts up. it should be okay till you get home. I do this every school day and the match-maker comes when it's supposed to and they always live. Hope I helped! and tamafan it dosen't take longer for it to grow up. If you go to the time thing the time is still going.

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Yeah, my shcool lets us play with it! i usually sneak it during PE and in the toilet, i keep mine unpaused it its a teen or adult. but for the babies and child just change the time for it to go to sleep :furawatchi:

if you have a desk that you put things in like i do put it in there and check on it time to time.

we have desks that you cant put stuff in and we dont have covers on the front of them so i cant check it during class, and when we swich classes we only have a coupeminutes and thats not wnough time to check it :huh:

you should put it on pause but that is only if it is v2 :huh:

you should put it on pause but that is only if it is v2 :huh:
does it still keep getting older when you pause it if its a v2?

i pause mines while im at school n leave it in my bag

but it kinda slows the growing of ur tama :huh:

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It will still get older if paused; it will just take longer. :huh: Sadly, I would have to leave mine paused fo almost the entire day! (unless weekends). I'd have to keep it in the top part of my locker until the middle and end of the day. But sneaking it to the bathrrom is a good idea.

I am NOT one for lying, but just say to a teacher, "Can I go to the bathroom?" or "I left my homework in my locker. Can I go get it?" And while you are there, check your Tama.

Best of luck,


my daughter asked my wife and i to take turns watching it while at work. my wife agreed - i haven't made up my mind but tomorrow is my turn. lol


i bring my Fred to school everyday!

i hide him in my pocket, taking him out every min or so to check him.

he never is hungry so i don't have to feed him often.

turn the sound off by pressing (a) and © at the same time.

Hope i helped.

-Fred the Magical :rolleyes:

Cut the sound of and put it in your pocket and every one and a while check it,

Just put it in your pocket with the sound off and check on it whenever no one is looking. That's what I do ALL the time at school. My friend and I are the masters at tama secrecy. :rolleyes: Or you can turn it off pause by using the a and the b button. That's what I do sometimes when I don't feel like having to hide it from all of my teachers. :marumimitchi:

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I kept mine on pause all day and it was ok, but I can't play with it at recess or anything cause I'm a guy in gr.8 and if any1 saw it the techer will like burt out a diss or sumthing and then my reputation = my tama's poop hehe... ...

I just keep it with me all the time, but mute it. :marumimitchi: It seems to work well. Except when Im in PE, then I pause it. Just don't mess with it all the time!

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