Northlake Academy ~ A part fantasy, part futuristic RP


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Nodding in agreement with Peyton and Summer, Flynn spoke. "I agree; and I thought this place would look a lot more like an actual school- you know, made of bricks and with huge windows. Now that I look at it, this place only has few windows, but they're-" He pointed up at the only windows in the gym, which were way, way up near the roof. "super high up. Even that door that leads outside over there has a lock on it. Most doors at normal schools aren't locked like that. Oh, and yeah, where the heck is this office greeter person that we were supposed to meet? Heck, I haven't seen any staff walking around... And most of all, what I don't understand is why our phones, laptops, iPods, mp3s and all our other electronics were taken from us. It sucks.." Absentmindedly, his eyes began to wander around the gym, until he noticed a clock. There was only 4 minutes left until the assembly began. "****. Okay, we've really gotta find the stupid auditorium." Backing out of the gym and shutting the door, he continued walking down the hall- only at a more urgent pace than before.

"I know, " Peyton agreed. "But then again, I guess it's probably all just to keep people out." She figured that it was all just safety procautions in order to keep them same for the EU. Peyton sighed and followed Flynn's glance to the clock. "Yeah we better get going." She said heading down the hall, "I think I hear some voices this way." She said listening. She couldn't make out what was being said but from here she could here people having a conversation in what seemed like hushed tones. She tried her hardest to make out what they weresaying but her hearing wasn't that good. She also figured that even if she knew what they were saing it wasn't like she could tell them. They probably couldnt hear anything and if she could atually make out words they would probably think she was insane.

"Yeah, I see what you're saying about the prison thing. Maybe the decorator is an ex-prison worker or something." Summer shrugged, only half joking. She too glanced up at the clock, frowing at the clock hands that were dangerously close to the assembly's starting time, before following the others as they started walking. She was a little bit worried about being around people who were older than her - it wasn't that she was fazed about them being older, oh no. Well, you could say that. She was just worried if she did something wrong around the 'cooler, older students.' What if she did? Mocked and sniggered about forever until they left. Sighing and mentally yelling herself into shape, Summer forced herself to keep up with the other two as they walked along the corridor. Well, Summer had four minutes to try and at least get on friendly terms. She glanced up at the girl next to her, a small smile on her face. "So what were your names?"

After wandering for around 10 minutes, she was outside, on the edge of the school. She looked up slowly. Woah. Everything about this school fascinated Celia -- it was completely different to the small country school she went to. There was a large building up ahead of her; it looked grey, windowless, almost like a prison. Celia shuddered, guessing it was the auditorium. It looked the part. There was something about this school that she didn't like, something she didn't trust. Grimacing, she opened the back door and went inside the auditorium.

"Name's Flynn, nice to meet you." Still walking, Flynn was relieved to notice double doors at the end of the hall headed outside to a huge, ugly building that if he had seen without knowing it was part of a boarding school, he would have assumed it was a high security prison. "My god. That is the most depressing auditorium I have seen in my entire life." Walking ahead to the doors and then holding the doors open for his companions, "Well, at least we actually FOUND it. Although we'll probably get *****y seats in the back."

"Peyton, " She replied simply to the girl. She was never really sure how she should introduce herself and so she liked to keep it simple. She followed Flyyn out through the doors to the auditorium. "I don't even think this is on the map. " She said eyeing the building carefully. "she quickly hurried herself along behind him. She thanked him politely as she entered the room."And that's okay at least we'll be able to make a quick exit after it's over. " She whispered.

Celia sat down at the back, ignoring the stares of fellow students. She grimaced; she really was late. Glancing around, she noticed that there weren't actually that many students, for such a formal school. Maybe it was a private school and she got a scholarship? She doubted that, she never really paid attention in class. There was something wrong about this school, terribly wrong. Maybe it was the silent demeanor around the school or the long hallways of rooms that seemed unused. She didn't know.

Celia shook off the feeling, sighing. It was just the feeling you got when you went to a new school, nothing more.

After the two girls entered, Flynn let go of the door and then followed after them. He was surprised to see that the auditorium itself was actually pretty tiny compared to the one in his old school back home, and that there weren't too many students. Odd. Why aren't there that many students? If this is supposed to be a place to keep kids safe while their parents go out to fight in the war, then why the heck aren't there so many people here? Noticing a few empty seats near the back, Flynn began to head towards them, and plopped down in one. The seat was similar to that of one of those plastic chairs you sat in at a major league baseball stadium.

Peyton glanced around the auditorium. She wondered why there was such a lack of children. It was almostas if only a select few got in. She wondered what their criteria were, not age because she noticed that the students varied in age it could possibly be by academic scores but then again she wasn't exactly a top student. She pushed the thought to the back of her mind and left it for later thought. She was glad she had worn more comfortable clothing today as she wouldn't want to have to try and maneuver into these seats in a skirt. Today she had worn a pair of dark black leggings and a (somewhere between salmon and peach in color because I have no clue what to name it. ) matching with a thin brown belt around her wait and strappy black heels that crisscrossed over her feet. She sat down in one of the chairs beside Flynn and waited for the assembly to begin.

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A few moments later, the assembly began. Flynn watched as a man that looked to be in his mid 40's came onto the stage with a microphone. "Hello, students. Welcome to Northlake Academy. I'm your principal, Mr. Worthington." He looked around at the students, with a gleam in his eyes that looked... Pleased, as if Mr. Worthington knew something the rest of them didn't. The moment passed, and Mr. Worthington continued. "Here at Northlake Academy, we will keep you safe from the war outside. You will do the same normal studies you do at schools back home, and also, survival classes." Mr. Worthington gave the students a grin as he mentioned the survival classes, as well as that creepy smile he had first gave everyone.

"Yeah, who wants to be at the front anyway?" Summer grinned, sitting down with Peyton and Flynn. She sighed, pulling her legs up and crossing them as the assembly started. Slowly, Summer felt her eyebrow raise and her mouth twist into a scowl as the man spoke, followed by a shudder as he grinned. "You know how we couldn't find any staff members?" She whispered. "I wish we'd kept it that way... I hate this guy." A feeling was rising within her as he mentioned survival classes, and she had a sudden urge to put her hand up and say something. But what if... Nah, everyone asked questions, right? Slowly and deliberatly, Summer raised her hand, pausing for a few moments before asking "So why aren't there more people here then? Gotta get as many survivors as possible, haven't you?"

Reese decided that maybe he should just sit alone, and found a seat right in the middle. He propped his seat up on the middle of the seat in front of him. He needed a foot rest, and this way it wasn't as noticeable. He saw more students enter the auditorium around him, but it wasn't as many as he thought. A normal school would've had the whole auditorium filled up by now, but this just looked like they were all auditioning for some really bad play. He watched the principal walk up on to the stage and introduce himself. As he watched the man speak he got the creepiest feeling. It was very strange, and by the looks that the other students were giving him he wasn't the only one that was thoroughly creeped out. What is with this place?

Celia fidgeted. The man looked... Weird. That was the only word she could find to describe it. Maybe it was his out-dated suit or his almost robotic smile that freaked her out. Gazing around, she noticed that the auditorium still wasn't full. For such a large school, surely they could take in more students to save from the war, if they were that charitable and kind? But then she noticed the pale skin of some of the students, the fatigued appearance and the strange behavior. If this was in her old school, people would be yelling and asking personal and strange questions by now. Everyone looked different or seemed different than the others at her old school. Hm.

(Feel free to play Mr. Worthington and make up other teachers and play them)

Mr. Worthington scowled for a moment at Summer's question but quickly regained his calm. "Oh, the survival classes are just war training, like training for the army. It also covers survival in the wild.." Mr. Worthington grinned and turned to a sharp nosed woman who looked to be in her mid 30s. "Anna, make sure this girl doesn't get any dinner tonight for speaking out without being called on."

Flynn sat back in his chair, arms crossed, listening to the old geezer talk. Something was seriously wrong with that guy, and possibly, with the academy itself. He hated the fact that the man seemed to just be laughing at them, the expression on his face making Flynn more irritated by the second.

Summer opened her mouth to respond, only to let her breath out in an outraged gasp when Mr Worthington talked to the other teacher. "What?!" She asked, leaning forwards in her chair and looking in disbelief between the two teachers. "You- you can't do that!" Obviously, they could, as Summer realised when she revived several glares off the teachers. Sighing, Summer settled back and dished out some glares of her own, mainly towards the principal. Absentmindly, Summer pulled out a pencil she'd left in her pocket and started quietly drumming it on her leg, not really paying attention. She was too caught up in her own thoughts and plots to - she'd never tried drawing a whole meal and bringing that into the real world. Could she manage it? Or would it be the half melted remains of the chocolate she had been eating on the way up for dinner? Either way, at least the drawing option was available. Summer doubted the staff here knew about the weird thing she could do... after all, it wasn't like anyone much knew about it. Her mother had taken as little interest as possible and her dad hadn't known at all. Shaking her thoughts away, she briefly glanced at Flynn. "You look like you're having fun." She muttered, turning her eyes back to the front.

As the principal got back on topic and diverted his attention away from Summer and where they were sitting, Flynn whispered back to Summer. "The **** is wrong with this place? It looks like a prison, the principal is an ***, there aren't too many people here in an academy that's supposed to be holding kids to keep them safe during the war, and the punishments are like early American school punishments." Flynn was aware his irritation was causing his fist to generate some electricity, but he didn't care.

Peyton gave the man at the front of the room an inquiitory glance. He looked like one of those teachers in movies that gave small children nightmares. It wasn't until he spoke to another on the stage that she noticed a little huddle of around five other creepy looking people. "I wish we had too." Peyton mumbled in response to Summer. She leaned slightly toward Flynn and whispered. "Is it just me or does this place suddenly not feel so, safe? Its almost as if he knows something we don't" She felt almost as if these people would go to extreme lengths to conform their behaviour into what they wanted. This made her certain that she couldnt let them find out about her, nobody could find out for that matter, she just couldn't risk it. The man's sheer amusement from what seemed to be the students ignorance made Peyton uncomfortable. It also made her wonder what this school and it's staff was hiding.

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Celia groaned. This definitely wasn't going to be what she'd imagined; completely the opposite, in fact. She had a feeling that this was going to be a very long school year, and well, looking at most of the teachers, most of them would be dead by then. They looked old and slowly decomposing, perhaps due to how their skin seemed to be hanging off from their bones. With that thought, she slumped down, supporting her head with her elbows and sighed. This was even worse than her old school, and that was bad.

After a little bit longer of talking, the assembly ended, and Flynn was relieved that it was FINALLY over. Getting up and stretching, he groaned. "Oh, that's right. We all have to go to our homerooms first." Getting up and stretching, he put his arms down and then looked at his wrist in order to see the time on his watch. Quickly remembering his watch was taken away along with the rest of his electronics, he let out a groan of misery. "Man, my parents are gonna flip when they don't get any calls from me tonight, or any nights for that manner. I doubt they'll let us call home."

ooc: Just noticed your note about the teachers x) I'll pass on playing Mr Worthington, as you created him and I'd probably fail. I might take a teacher at some point though :)

Summer groaned as she got up and stretched, also realising Flynn was right. "I don't know... we can only ask, I suppose. But then again, I really don't want to cross any more teachers..." Summer twirled the pencil around and stuck it in her pocket, making sure the sharp end wasn't digging into her leg. "One thing I do want to do, however, is try and make it up with Mr... Worthington, was it?" She gave a small grin. "He is definatly not worthy of my apology, but I don't want to have him out to get me within an hour or so of being here. Maybe catch you later, yeah?" She said, before beginning to weave her way in amongst the chairs and the students until she got to the front. The familar panic was rising within her again - what if she messed this up? There was a whole school year ahead of her! Taking a breath, Summer gave a small cough being speaking, choosing her words carefully, but not being able to make them flow due to her fear of getting it wrong. "Uh, Mr Worthington... Sir... I guess I just wanted to say... sorry?"

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