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Well-known member
Oct 29, 2005
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El Paso, Texas
Okay, so I made a topic a few months ago about how my neighbors are really bad owners, right? Well, just a week ago they bought a puppy. And whats awesome is that she is exactly like my dog, Rocko. She's a full breed shar pei. So, I was hoping they'd be better owners than the other dog..and it turned out okay for 2 days or so... but everything changed the next night.


The dog was barking all night and wouldnt let me sleep. I was wondering where the owners were. None of their cars were outside(they dont have a garage). So another 2 days passed and I heard no news about them. The poor dog was barking and howling...yeah you get the point. My dad looked over the fence and noticed the dog had no food nor water. So knowing my dad, he jumped the fence and fed her.


Our neighbors didnt come back until the next day. My dad doesnt want to report them because he is gonna feel guilty of them losing the dog because of him. So I need your advice,


Should I give the neighbors a chance or call the animal pound right away?


If they're going to staver their dog they don't deserve it.

Look, Do you want me to come over there and starve them?

Or at least give them a lesson in "How to own a dog"

Dogs are loyal. Those owners obviously don't know that.

I'd call the pound too.

Call the pound o.o Those people deserve to lose their dog!

Tell your dad he shouldn't feel guilty. He's saving that dog's life by getting it out of that kind of environment.

No one deserves to have their pet taken away, no matter who they are. Everyone has the right to have a dog and love them as much as they want. I'm sure you love the dog, and I'm sure I would if I saw him, but your neighbours probably need a dog. There are reasons to get a pet. Loneliness, depression, all of that.

Instead of taking the dog away, ask your neighbours when they are going out for long periods of time such as days or weeks and offer to "dog-sit" for them for free. It might work. Who knows?

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I am a dog lover♥

Why dont you call the shelter, bring the dog there, and buy it yourself!! *lol*

Take my advice!! It will work!!

p.s: That story is so so sad!! I was crying *weep, weep*

I know you want to do the right thing, but if your Dad has said he doesn't want to get into a bad situation with the neighbours - then if you report them, won't that happen anyway?

How do you think your Dad will feel if he finds out that he explained to you why he didn't want to report them - but you went ahead (against his wishes) and did it anyway?

Perhaps you should talk about it with him some more first? ;)

Why not ask if you could put a note thru' the door and offer to your neighbours that if ever they need to go away for a weekend and have to leave the dog, you would be happy to pop by and feed it?

That way, you Dad doesn't have to worry about reporting them - it is obviously something that concerns him.

I have a dog and I care for it very much, but if you live close to your neighbours you also have to try to get along with them as far as possible. They can give you a lot more problems.

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No one deserves to have their pet taken away, no matter who they are. Everyone has the right to have a dog and love them as much as they want. I'm sure you love the dog, and I'm sure I would if I saw him, but your neighbours probably need a dog. There are reasons to get a pet. Loneliness, depression, all of that. Instead of taking the dog away, ask your neighbours when they are going out for long periods of time such as days or weeks and offer to "dog-sit" for them for free. It might work. Who knows?
not all people! Ever heard of "Dog strangled to death, owners say a wolf got him." Or, "Dog run over because of barking, owners beat it to half death." In the newspaper?!

I would tell your neighbours what they did wrong and tell them that it's cruelty,etc. and that you could call the pound if they keep mistreating animlas.

Wow, I had (almost) the exact thing happen!

The problem you may face if you call anybody or just take the dog, is getting sued by the neighbor.

You don't have any right to go over the fence to feed it, I'm sad to say. ;)

See, if you call the pound or someone, they will probably know it's you.

Unless... maybe you could say the dog was disturbing the peace....

Then the people would check it out, and all is well and legal.

I tried contacting the SPCA near me through and email, but they never sent a reply.

not all people! Ever heard of "Dog strangled to death, owners say a wolf got him." Or, "Dog run over because of barking, owners beat it to half death." In the newspaper?!
Yeah, that's not love.

Abuse is not love. No matter how far you try to stretch it, it's not.

But I do get the where you are going about the pet thing.

The problem is that this has happened before without change.

Another issue is that, well you haven't seen them hit the dog.

It's not the fact that they did something, it's the fact that the DIDN'T do something.

That makes it harder.

I think that you should ask your dad to talk with the neighbors and offer what a few other people have suggested, offer to dogsit the dog while they are away. remember the saying: Good fences make good neighbors. there wuuld be less stress by following that. people sometimes dont realize they have done some thing until it is pointed out to them. by talking to your neighbors it shows that you and your dad are mature people and dont have to resort to meaner tactics. If after you find that the talk resolved nothing, then it would be in the best interest of the dog if you were to call a dog shelter. look up your local dog pound and get someone to pick him up!

Hope that helps.

-dabu ;)

You must tell for example if somebody's threatned to cut your neck, you better tell unless your neck is getting cut! But come on, your dad should tell, most people are scared because they think their being nosy, but at least do something. I would at least thrown food where to dog was or something..

Have you talked to them about it yet? Maybe they don't realize how much time it takes to care for a dog. Tell them that your dad fed her because she had been barking and howling, and that if he hadn't done what he did, she would have probably been in even worse health. Its very irresponsible to run off and leave an animal that cannot feed or water herself, just leaving and not caring for her life for days. Tell them this, and that you won't do anything this time, but if it happens again that you will, and she will end up hopeless and at the pound. Maybe they could find a better home for her, or maybe you could (possibly, I'm not sure about your parents) adopt her yourself because you are capable of caring for your dogs.

I hope you come to the right decision, and please, do the right thing. :mametchi:


Have you talked to them about it yet? Maybe they don't realize how much time it takes to care for a dog. Tell them that your dad fed her because she had been barking and howling, and that if he hadn't done what he did, she would have probably been in even worse health. Its very irresponsible to run off and leave an animal that cannot feed or water herself, just leaving and not caring for her life for days. Tell them this, and that you won't do anything this time, but if it happens again that you will, and she will end up hopeless and at the pound. Maybe they could find a better home for her, or maybe you could (possibly, I'm not sure about your parents) adopt her yourself because you are capable of caring for your dogs.
I hope you come to the right decision, and please, do the right thing. :mametchi:

That seems pretty good.

If you already don't have a good rap with your neighbors, if I were you, I wouldn't tell them that you went over their fence.

They can get more edgy and maybe call on YOU for trespassing.

Just talk to your dad. Repect his opinion.

No one deserves to have their pet taken away, no matter who they are. Everyone has the right to have a dog and love them as much as they want. I'm sure you love the dog, and I'm sure I would if I saw him, but your neighbours probably need a dog. There are reasons to get a pet. Loneliness, depression, all of that. Instead of taking the dog away, ask your neighbours when they are going out for long periods of time such as days or weeks and offer to "dog-sit" for them for free. It might work. Who knows?
Sorry, but I disagree. Nobody who ignores and abandons their pet without food or water for days at a time do not deserve to own any kind of pet. Think of it as child abuse: Would you say an adult deserves to have a child if they don't have the time to feed and water it, just because they want one? This is just my opinion, so don't take it to offense, please.

I think your father had every right to jump their fence and feed and water the poor dog, and, otherwise, she would have starved, or run away and got hurt. If they aren't responsible enough to own a dog, they shouldn't own a dog, and if you want the dog to have a better life, call the pound. :mametchi: You and your dad would have no reason to feel guilty for giving a dog a second chance at a better life.

I'm agreeing with alot of people. The pound is the best place for the dog.

You said that this is there second dog? Well then that was there second chance. And most people don't even get that. If they failed the 2nd chance, the pound is best :mametchi:

Tell your dad that he was saving a life hen, even if you tell your neighbours, you can't be sued. (At least... I think :mametchi: )

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