Not exactly new to Tamagotchi's but I have some questions about old Tamagotchis I might want to buy.


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TamaTalk Angelgotchi
Mar 3, 2013
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Sorry for making topics with a lot of questions, but I'm thinking about buying some more Tamagotchi's after I get my Mothra one (Not right away though! I will give it some time before buying others.) I'm not really interested in the Connection ones or whatever the new ones are called, I'm mostly interested in the older ones, but I have a few questions about them that I haven't seen answered elsewhere.

Angel Tamagotchi:

This one looks very interesting to me, it did when I was a kid too, but all the commercials made it seem like it was only for girls so I didn't buy one (I thought that the people who made Tamagotchi didn't want boys to buy it.) anyways now I'm older (twenty three now, I was like eight or nine when they came out.) and I'm still interested in it, but I'm wondering if it would be better to buy a Japanese version? is there anything in the American version that is different from the Japanese version? I heard some of the characters got taken out or something.

Tamagotchi Ocean:

This one also looks VERY interesting to me, but from everything I've read it is very VERY difficult to take care of, apparently it can be killed off by Polar bears? but is that the only reason it is difficult to care for? or is it also really demanding, what I mean is there more to it being hard to take care of besides the polar bears.

Also I see the secret character in the Japanese version is a mermaid, is it different for the english version? if I do get it which one is better?

Mori No Tamagotchi:

I've always loved insects so this one is also very interesting to me, but would the people here recommend it? is it hard to take care of? I heard you have to save them from Frogs, and Feet.

Tamagotchi Devil:

The only thing about this one is the price, the only place I've seen them is on Ebay, and they seem to be hundreds of dollars, which if it's under $300 I might be willing to pay that much, but I'm wary about dumping that much money into a Tamagotchi, and I've seen a lot for even $500!

Anyways besides all that one last question, is Ebay the best place to buy them? or is there another site with a good selection and prices? I've already checked Amazon, but they don't seem to have much in the way of the old Tamagotchis.

Thanks for any help!

The Oceangotchi is very difficult to care for, as far as I know, you need to be the obsessive type to make sure they don't die. Morino is not as hard to take care of. As for the Angel? Just get the Japanese Angelgotch because, they're cheaper (around 30-40 dollars as opposed to 80-100).

The Oceangotchi is very difficult to care for, as far as I know, you need to be the obsessive type to make sure they don't die. Morino is not as hard to take care of. As for the Angel? Just get the Japanese Angelgotch because, they're cheaper (around 30-40 dollars as opposed to 80-100).
Alright for the Ocean Tamagotchi are both the American, and Japanese versions the same?

Go for an IDL/ P's

They go for $70 on ebay and its in colour!!! GREAT FEATURE

Angel Tamagotchi:

This one's very low-maintenance. I used to neglect mine all the time with no problems. It also evolves every day, which is unique for a vintage Tama. The characters are cute, and it's a nice one to have running if you're really busy. I personally prefer Tamas that are a bit more challenging, though. Many have said that the Japanese version is better than the English version, and since the Japanese ones usually go for less, I'd recommend going with that one.

Tamagotchi Ocean:

It's so demanding because it loses hearts very frequently, it's attacked periodically by polar bears, and when you play the game, there's a chance that a squid/octopus will ink the screen, which causes the water skulls (indication of how clean your water is) to fill up and drop all of your happy hearts. However, I've always been able to raise mine to the adult stage. There are lots of tips and tricks online for this Tama. As far as I know, the secret character is the same for the US version; the only difference (that I know of) is that the growth chart got kinda mixed around, so the same characters require different care methods in the US version. The US version is much rarer than the Japanese one, so it's usually more expensive. I'd just go with the Japanese one unless you desperately want one of the US shells.

Mori No Tamagotchi:

This one's pretty cool, as it replaces the teen stage with a cocoon stage where the only thing you can do is adjust the temperature of the cocoon to affect which character you get. You also don't know which cocoon you have until your character becomes an adult. There are lots of characters. I ran mine only once, and while I was able to get the cute secret character, I didn't enjoy the run as much as I thought I would. That might just be me, though, because I know that many love the Morino. Yes, you have to save your character from the "predators" by tapping on the side of the Tama. This is exactly like the polar bear attacks on the Umino.

Tamagotchi Devil:

Lately, Tamagotchi prices have dropped, and I've seen Devils go for under $300. Now's the best time to grab one if you can find one for a price that you're willing to pay. This Tamagotchi is hands-down my favourite one, and I've been running mine non-stop since mid-October when I got it. I love the characters, it's not too high-maintenance depending on the character you're trying to get, and the animations are very cute. This one's a great addition to any collection.

For vintages, you're going to have to resort to eBay, TamaTalk or Tama-Zone. There's also the option of using a middleman service (if you're unfamiliar with this term, please search it up here or on Tama-Zone, as I know others have asked about it) to buy from Japanese sellers on YahooJP Auctions. As the Tamas are being sold straight from Japan, you'll find lots of vintages and other Tamagotchi stuff.

Ok thanks for all the help, I just ordered a Tamagotchi Angel (Japanese version.) on Ebay because I found it for $30 new (All the cheaper ones were either used, or you had to bid on them, ugh.), I will probably get the Ocean, and Forest one when I get my next paycheck.

As for the Devil one, I only have a couple hundred dollars in my bank account now, so I will still have to wait a bit before buying it since I have some games preordered that I have to get to.

EDIT: Ok HERE is why I didn't buy the Tamagotchi angel when I was younger, I saw this and thought that they only wanted girls to play it even though I wanted one a whole lot.

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Sorry for making topics with a lot of questions, but I'm thinking about buying some more Tamagotchi's after I get my Mothra one (Not right away though! I will give it some time before buying others.) I'm not really interested in the Connection ones or whatever the new ones are called, I'm mostly interested in the older ones, but I have a few questions about them that I haven't seen answered elsewhere.

Angel Tamagotchi:

This one looks very interesting to me, it did when I was a kid too, but all the commercials made it seem like it was only for girls so I didn't buy one (I thought that the people who made Tamagotchi didn't want boys to buy it.) anyways now I'm older (twenty three now, I was like eight or nine when they came out.) and I'm still interested in it, but I'm wondering if it would be better to buy a Japanese version? is there anything in the American version that is different from the Japanese version? I heard some of the characters got taken out or something.

Tamagotchi Ocean:

This one also looks VERY interesting to me, but from everything I've read it is very VERY difficult to take care of, apparently it can be killed off by Polar bears? but is that the only reason it is difficult to care for? or is it also really demanding, what I mean is there more to it being hard to take care of besides the polar bears.

Also I see the secret character in the Japanese version is a mermaid, is it different for the english version? if I do get it which one is better?

Mori No Tamagotchi:

I've always loved insects so this one is also very interesting to me, but would the people here recommend it? is it hard to take care of? I heard you have to save them from Frogs, and Feet.

Tamagotchi Devil:

The only thing about this one is the price, the only place I've seen them is on Ebay, and they seem to be hundreds of dollars, which if it's under $300 I might be willing to pay that much, but I'm wary about dumping that much money into a Tamagotchi, and I've seen a lot for even $500!

Anyways besides all that one last question, is Ebay the best place to buy them? or is there another site with a good selection and prices? I've already checked Amazon, but they don't seem to have much in the way of the old Tamagotchis.

Thanks for any help!
The American angel is very expensive, the Japanese one will cost tons less. As far as we know the Lucky Unchi-kun (lucky poop) may have been removed in the American version, but its near impossible to get on the Japanese one, so we don't know.

American oceans are ridiculously expensive, they'll run you about $200 sometimes. They are exceedingly high-maintenance and you will have to check them obsessively if you don't want them to die. Personally, I don't think the characters are particularly cute either. But if you insist on getting one I'd advise getting one in Japanese.

Mori-no's are fairly easy to take care of as far as I am aware. The only downside is the cocoon stage, as its probably pretty boring.

Devils are really more of a hardcore tama-fan thing. They will always be incredibly expensive and will only get more so. The care isn't too bad apparently, but not particularly easy either.

Why not a mothra ? :eek:

I have one and it's very fun to play with. Very slow to evolve though, unlike the Angelgotch. It has a cocoon stage too, like the morino, except that it lasts only a few hours... Maybe one or two.

It's also one of the first vintage (maybe the first I'm not sure) that can lay an egg if you take a very good care of it. After that you can try to have secret characters such as Gozzila...

It's average maintenance and pretty forgiving ^^ I love mine,especially the way that it sounds, and it's not very expensive.

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Why not a mothra ? :eek:

I have one and it's very fun to play with. Very slow to evolve though, unlike the Angelgotch. It has a cocoon stage too, like the morino, except that it lasts only a few hours... Maybe one or two.

It's also one of the first vintage (maybe the first I'm not sure) that can lay an egg if you take a very good care of it. After that you can try to have secret characters such as Gozzila...

It's average maintenance and pretty forgiving ^^ I love mine,especially the way that it sounds, and it's not very expensive.
Ehhh I'm not sure if you're telling me to a get a Mothra one or not, but that's the first one I ordered about a week ago (Right before I found this site and started posting.) when I got nostalgic for the Tamagotchi's again since I absolutely love Mothra, and Godzilla, and I didn't know the made it.

I mentioned that I would get the others after the Mothra one at the start of my first post.

EDIT: Speak of the Devil!!! my Mothra just arrived!

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Yeah I realised that after i posted this rofl ! Sorry about that ^^

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