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Well-known member
Jun 25, 2006
Reaction score
Playing with my Tamagotchi
TamaTalk has been having definite problems now. I was literally holding my breath getting this page to load - 5 "Page Cannot Be Displayed" Messages in a row. Except for when I tried to access another site as a test - then the computer swiftly and correctly loaded the other site.

I have a really bad feeling about this - my computer loaded another much more complex website quickly after failing to access TamaTalk 5 times in a row... :(

In other words, the problem is not with my computer, and it is not new - but it's getting worse.

Sadly, I think we may need to remove some features from TamaTalk. I know :( :( but seriously this is serious! Something bad could happen!

Sorry if I went on a bit... but I'm really, really getting majorly concerned now...

StarTama :D

Other people have been having these problems but it's admin's choice.

Yes, Sweet Kandi is right EXACTLY. The admin and guides may like a suggustion and close down the board for a new board surprise. Also, it may be closed down due to repairs needed. Sometimes, it just dosen't load. Sometimes, you should shut a video game off or a cell phone or phone off. Phones and video games will make your internet connection slower then usual. Thats why when I was just in the middle of a video game except wanted to go on tamatalk too, I shut it off.

Yes, Sweet Kandi is right EXACTLY. The admin and guides may like a suggustion and close down the board for a new board surprise. Also, it may be closed down due to repairs needed. Sometimes, it just dosen't load. Sometimes, you should shut a video game off or a cell phone or phone off. Phones and video games will make your internet connection slower then usual. Thats why when I was just in the middle of a video game except wanted to go on tamatalk too, I shut it off.
Yes I agree! :D

OK, sorry about this topic! I was just a bit hysterically worried about TamaTalk! :)

If you have any problems with TamaTalk, why not post them here?

StarTama :(

No problem!

SK was right, TT goes down once in a while and we have nothing to worry about, unless hundreds of memebers' accounts go down for a long time....

TamaTalk has been having definite problems now. I was literally holding my breath getting this page to load - 5 "Page Cannot Be Displayed" Messages in a row. Except for when I tried to access another site as a test - then the computer swiftly and correctly loaded the other site.I have a really bad feeling about this - my computer loaded another much more complex website quickly after failing to access TamaTalk 5 times in a row... :p

In other words, the problem is not with my computer, and it is not new - but it's getting worse.

Sadly, I think we may need to remove some features from TamaTalk. I know :( :( but seriously this is serious! Something bad could happen!

Sorry if I went on a bit... but I'm really, really getting majorly concerned now...

StarTama :(
same here

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