Now, this is an experiment....


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Well-known member
Feb 27, 2006
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Me and my friend are trying to get an oyajitchi, so I will soonly update you with what is happening. experiment tama died twice (!!!!!!) sigh.....Maskitchis are very hard to take care of...

My friend isn't sure if she can bring her Tama to school. Maybe I should start my,no....its too hard to keep 2 tamas at once...but maybe....I'll think about it....I hope I can mate the oyajitchi I'll get...I've been through too many deaths recently... :mellow:

You see, I attempted at 3 tamas: 1. Moon! a ojitchi (sooooo close.....) 2. Lunar (in honour of Moon!) a :mellow: which mated accidentally in my pocket with the matchmaker which proves that tamas can die with their babies and my latest one....3. Lunei (in honour of Moon! and Lunar) which is currently a marutchi.

Oh well.....Lunei is a Yangumametchi....its good and bad. Good: I never had this character before! I hope it will grow up in a nice adult. Bad: It'll be sad if its a nice adult and then turns into an ojitchi.......sigh...I am really starting to consider starting my v1...everyone in my school (apart from me and my best friend) think that v1's suck. I don't....but now no one has a v1, so I don't get any cool items...oh well.

THE END (sorry up there....both of the links are the same...Mistake... :huh: )

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