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Nov 24, 2007
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Sorry for another Boy Topic but I need advice really badly.

Me has two problemos:

Problemo Numero Uno: (YES I AM TALKING IN SPANISH!) I really like this guy named C. I mean when i see him, I glance/look at him then look away but I keep looking at him when he's around. The bad thing is, I'm completely sure he doesn't like me either. It's almost the third day of school and we haven't even said Hi to each other. I'm really nervous about talking to him because he is one of the most popular kids and I am one of the least popular kids. I don't care about being popular, but I know he probably doesn't want to waste two seconds on someone like me.

Problemo Numero Dos: I get nervous when I'm around cute guys. There's a TON of cute guys at my school and whenever I am around them with a group of other people, I get nervous. I always know I'm going to say something embarrassing. I try my hardest not to embarrass myself but I always do. Especially when they say something funny, I either giggle too much, laugh too much, or laugh/giggle really obnoxiously/loudly for a while and I can't stop. I get so embarrassed because they look at me like "Um, it's not that funny" or something.

I need some help. Middle School will be murder on me if I don't get any advice on this.

Sorry for another Boy Topic but I need advice really badly.

Me has two problemos:

Problemo Numero Uno: (YES I AM TALKING IN SPANISH!) I really like this guy named C. I mean when i see him, I glance/look at him then look away but I keep looking at him when he's around. The bad thing is, I'm completely sure he doesn't like me either. It's almost the third day of school and we haven't even said Hi to each other. I'm really nervous about talking to him because he is one of the most popular kids and I am one of the least popular kids. I don't care about being popular, but I know he probably doesn't want to waste two seconds on someone like me.

Problemo Numero Dos: I get nervous when I'm around cute guys. There's a TON of cute guys at my school and whenever I am around them with a group of other people, I get nervous. I always know I'm going to say something embarrassing. I try my hardest not to embarrass myself but I always do. Especially when they say something funny, I either giggle too much, laugh too much, or laugh/giggle really obnoxiously/loudly for a while and I can't stop. I get so embarrassed because they look at me like "Um, it's not that funny" or something.

I need some help. Middle School will be murder on me if I don't get any advice on this.
1. Ducky, ducky, ducky! Other people have probably told you this before.. You need to find things out about people before you have a crush on them/date them.. C could be a complete jerk.. You never know! If he doesn't like you, it means it wasn't meant to be.. You might as well spend your time with somebody else that actiully does like you.. And if he was nice then he would date you, popular or unpopular! You don't want someone as a boyfriend if they're rude, obnixous, and judgemental.. These are the only things you need to do: Find out about him, does he have the same interests as you? Is he into dating? Ect, Is he nice?? Is he down to earth? If you have already done all of those then go for it! Really, whats the worst that could happen? Him simply saying, no! If he overeacts and say's "ewwwww thats so gross girls!!!!!!!" Then, why would you want to go out with him? If he doesn't like you, please! Do not cry! Rejections happens in life and it makes you stronger as a person.. There are other fish in the sea!

2. This happens to alot of people! You aren't alone.. It even happens to me with girls! Don't be nervous! Just be yourself. So what if you emberass yourself, whatever.. If they make fun of you for it, You shouldn't even think they're cute!

Your over laughing may be triggered by nervousness.. If they say "Um, it's not that funny" Say, "Well I thought it was" Nicely and calmly..

If middle school is murder on your, you can always get a councelor! I'm sure they will help you ALOT with your problems.. At first it may be uncomfortable but then you will get used to it.. Just remember to be yourself! You will get lots of friends and maybe even someone better than the guy you have a crush on right now! ;-)

Hope I could help in any way! =DD

1. Ducky, ducky, ducky! Other people have probably told you this before.. You need to find things out about people before you have a crush on them/date them.. C could be a complete jerk.. You never know! If he doesn't like you, it means it wasn't meant to be.. You might as well spend your time with somebody else that actiully does like you.. And if he was nice then he would date you, popular or unpopular! You don't want someone as a boyfriend if they're rude, obnixous, and judgemental.. These are the only things you need to do: Find out about him, does he have the same interests as you? Is he into dating? Ect, Is he nice?? Is he down to earth? If you have already done all of those then go for it! Really, whats the worst that could happen? Him simply saying, no! If he overeacts and say's "ewwwww thats so gross girls!!!!!!!" Then, why would you want to go out with him? If he doesn't like you, please! Do not cry! Rejections happens in life and it makes you stronger as a person.. There are other fish in the sea!

2. This happens to alot of people! You aren't alone.. It even happens to me with girls! Don't be nervous! Just be yourself. So what if you emberass yourself, whatever.. If they make fun of you for it, You shouldn't even think they're cute!

Your over laughing may be triggered by nervousness.. If they say "Um, it's not that funny" Say, "Well I thought it was" Nicely and calmly..

If middle school is murder on your, you can always get a councelor! I'm sure they will help you ALOT with your problems.. At first it may be uncomfortable but then you will get used to it.. Just remember to be yourself! You will get lots of friends and maybe even someone better than the guy you have a crush on right now! ;-)

Hope I could help in any way! =DD
I know C though.... he's really nice and funny.... I just know that word'll get around that I asked him out and :p embarrassing. He probably thinks I'm lame though....

Plus I'm afraid asking guys out. It'll make things even more awkward between us.

^You said he probably thinks you're lame. Never look down upon yourself. For all you know, he thinks you're really cute and kinda likes you.

As for the giggling thing, I do that too. You just get so nervous around cuties and you just feel like such a giggly girl. xD Just try to stay calm. And if you can't, just say 'I've got the giggles today!'.

I know C though.... he's really nice and funny.... I just know that word'll get around that I asked him out and :D embarrassing. He probably thinks I'm lame though....

Plus I'm afraid asking guys out. It'll make things even more awkward between us.
Hmmm, that's tough.. I agree with Tamagirl#1 Though, never look down upon yourself. If word get's around so what? Atleast you were the only one brave enough to ask a boy out! Say that to your friend's if they tease you about it. But I do agree with how it will make things awkward between you guys. Are you guys already friends? If not, follow the advice above and ask him out! If you guys are really good friends then don't ask him out! Just become close friends.. Stick to being good friends and just hang out with him alot..

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Well, be friends with C first. That would make asking him out a lot easier. Plus, then you would know if you really like him or not.

You can talk to guy like you would talk to girls. Don't say something like "Hey, wanna go out?" straight up and front. Talk to him, be his friend, then ask him if you would like to hang out.

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