Nyatchi's Guide to Tamagotchi Stats, v4


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Well-known member
Apr 5, 2006
Reaction score
[SIZE=21pt]Nyatchi's Guide to Tamagotchi Stats, v4[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]People make long,[/SIZE]

informative guides about games,

training and such, but not about

tamagotchi stats and how to

raise them. So that's why I'm doing this


#1, Status Meter

The first thing you see when you press the A button is the

status meter. When you click on this, it shows you

various stats.

#2 Hearts

On the first page it shows you the

"Happy" and "Hungry" hearts.

You want to get all of those black, not white.

You can fill hungry hearts by feeding your tama

meals. Fill happy hearts by eating snacks or playing games.

#3 Training

On the second page,you will see a box

that has the word "training" on top of it. The number

of little bars inside represents how many times you

have praised or dicaplined your tama at the right time.

#4 Skill Points

Ah.. now the first of the v4's many new features,

the skill points.The top one (pencil icon) represents your

intelagince. The second one down (star/sparkle icon)

represents style.Last, but not least, the flower icon

represents social skills. You can obtain skills by playing

games and doing well in school. The more, the better!

#5 Age, Weight and Name

Your tamagotchi's age is in years.(a.k.a days)

Weight... pretty self explanitory.

Same with name.

#6Gender, Generation

Your gender can be boy or girl.

Your generation means

how many times you've breed

your tamagotchi to make a new generation.

#7 Gotchi Points

You can earn gotchi points

from playing games.

Use gotchi points by

buying things from

the shop.

#8 User Name

When you go to tamatown,

you will be asked to enter your user name.

In case you forget,

it will always be there in your stats meter!

I hope you found my guide helpful!

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