o.o mating and babies


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Well-known member
Dec 26, 2007
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In my head =D

1. my tamas had 2 babies at 4 YEARS. Is that normal?

2. The parents won't go away, they just stay with their baby.

3. I got beef from the king, is it rare?



1. Yes, it is normal as Tamagotchi characters turn into adults at ages 3 to 5-ish.

2. The parents will go away eventually, but not right after they mate and have their children. I don't know when they leave their children but I'm sure someone else will be able to tell you this information.

3. In my opinion, anything that you get from the king is special in its own right...not sure about the rarity.

Hope this helps! :p

The parent leave their baby when theyve been with the baby for a whole day. (24 hours)

The parent leaves at night. :]

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1. Yes, very normal. :D Usually tamagotchis evolve into their adult stage at the age of 2, 3, 4, and 5.

2. You need to have a full 24 hours with your tamagotchi without pausing it, and then it will leave. ;)

3. Well, you can buy beef at the store, but it isn't there all the time, so yes, it is kind of rare, kind of common :/

yes thats perfectly normal if you marry by connection. my pesty younger brother married our tamagotchis at age 3 and they had children.

1. It's just fine. Usually Tamas become adult characters between ages 2-5. They have to have been at least one day as an adult to mate, though.

2. When your Tama has a baby, that night it will stay with it. Then it will stay with the baby for the next full day. It won't be until the night of that full day when the parent finally leaves at 12:00 AM. These events will occur in this exact order if you do not pause your Tamagotchi at all during this time.

3. It depends on the way you look at it. If you consider "rare" as something that you can NOT buy at the shop, then beef is not rare. What I'm saying is that beef can be purchased at the shop on a regular basis, so it is not particurally (sp?) rare if you recieve it from the King.

Good luck!

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