o.o That's odd....


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Well then.
I'm not sure how that relates to predicting the future, but I am sure that kid needs help. :]
OFF TOPIC: Yes, he does. He smilies really creepily at girls during class. Mostly me and my friend Shaina because we sit near him. And he steals my stuff to get my attention. He is a pervert too. He once asked my teacher about breast feeding.

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Since im only 10 (turning 11 soon) you may think this kind of stuff doesnt happen to little kids

But, your wrong (;

Ok i was watching wheel of fourtune and i guessed a T and the next guy said "T"

Another time i was thinking about my crush and then his car passed mine and he said to me at school this morning "I saw you too......"

That kind of freaked me out a little bit that time......

And his mom was wearing the same color shirt as him.......Orange

Now i feel psychic

But it gets even weirder

I was hoping that they would put the umbrellas on our lunch tables outside today and they did

Also when we were electing student council people i voted for me and my friend Katie

And we got elected

We had to add another student council person and i hoped it was my crush and he got elected!


Haha, that happens to me lots. I'll be sitting on the couch, and I'll start thinging about an episode of something, and then when that show comes on, it's that episode. And when I was younger, I used to be able to predict the songs on the radio.

Yesterday was really weird. :|

I was watching T.V when suddenly I heard the phone ringing really loudly in my head. At first I thought it really was my phone but I yelled out to my mom, "Whos on the phone?" and she said the phone never rang. A second later, my phone rang with that same, loud, unusual ringing that I heard in my mind. o.0

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