o_O my tama keeps resetting its time o_O


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Nov 15, 2005
Reaction score
Tamaland XD
I sebugged my tama and it keeps changeing the time! it was set perfectly, then it went 1 hour and 24 minutes ahead. I reset the time and it went 2 hours and 15 mins ahead. o_O can someone help?

~Status: Baba is in the car -.-~

maybe your timed seconds are faster than you other clocks :)

AH, okay I bet you have been going in to HYPERTIME! Any time you speed it up, the clock will change along with the sped up time. :furawatchi:

So when you press that C button and zing along to the next event, the clock will speed along with it. That goes with the terretory of debug and Hypertime.

Fun but it messes with the clock.

AH, okay I bet you have been going in to HYPERTIME! Any time you speed it up, the clock will change along with the sped up time. :furawatchi:

So when you press that C button and zing along to the next event, the clock will speed along with it. That goes with the terretory of debug and Hypertime.

Fun but it messes with the clock.

o_O um ok. So is there anyway to end it? like so it goes, 'normal' speed? lol baba's going to fast to keep up with. lol

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