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Well-known member
Oct 30, 2005
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Hey guys. I've been playing clarinet for 5 years and I randomly decided I wanted to play the oboe. I've been playing for about a month now and have progressed very nicely. I finished the first Essential Elements book for oboe about a week ago.

I just wondered if I could get some tips from experienced players since I am teaching myself and have no instruction except for the book heheh. So please comment with any tips you might have. Thanks!

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I'm not an experienced oboe player, but I am a clarinet player. Some tips that might be able to help you are:

1. Keep a tight embouchure, but not too tight.

2. The reeds should be held with your lips, not lip-covered teeth.

3. Keep your chin flat.

Question: Are you having any trouble with your lips getting tired very quickly?

Yay, an oboe player! :-D I've been playing now for.... a little over four years, and i plan to play through high school and maybe have it be my major in college. So, i guess you could say I'm an experienced player.

As far as tips go, nothing pops into my head, but if you have any specific questions, then i'll try to answer them.

I can't play the clarinet or the oboe :angry: . I can play the flute though. Is the oboe bass or treble clef?

Thanks guys. And I'm not having any trouble with clarinet Tori but good advice.

That's great paislypuppy! I really like the oboe. I don't think my band director would let me play it in band though because we only have 2 good clarinet players, me and a senior whose graduating so I get to be section leader next year! I'll keep practicing the oboe though.

that's great! i really love it, i'm in band and orchestra at my school, and in orchestra i'm the only oboe player. it's great cuz i get solos and stuff.

AB5798- oboe's treble cleff. about the same range as the flute, but a very different tone.

that's great! i really love it, i'm in band and orchestra at my school, and in orchestra i'm the only oboe player. it's great cuz i get solos and stuff.
AB5798- oboe's treble cleff. about the same range as the flute, but a very different tone.
I hear a lot of oboe in TV shows if you listen closely but I'm still not sure how it sounds

it's a less airy sound than flute or clarinet because of the double reed. a very rich sound.

that's great! i really love it, i'm in band and orchestra at my school, and in orchestra i'm the only oboe player. it's great cuz i get solos and stuff.
AB5798- oboe's treble cleff. about the same range as the flute, but a very different tone.
Lol that's awesome. No one plays it at my school so I guess I'm the only one. I'm practicing a clarinet solo that I picked to play for my exam. It's from Phantom Of The Opera.

People might think I'm a dork, but i love band an orchestra, it's what i look forward to every day at school. Plus, being in band is like being part of a big family, which is nice.

Yeah same here. Everyone loves me in band. And it's one of the places you can be yourself without feeling awkward lol. By the way, I'm having a problem with the lower notes of the oboe. It seems like everytime I try to hit a note lower than a B flat it squeaks. Could you help me out?

Well, that depends what kind of oboe you're using. Sometimes school oboes don't work very well, but if you're using your own, then it shouldn't be an issue. The most frequent problem is the reed though. If you have a bad reed, you're pretty much doomed. Maybe try a new one?

Also, i'm not sure if you take lessons for oboe, but if you do for clarinet, maybe ask your teacher if he/she knows anything about oboes, that might be helpful.

I'm renting it from a music store. It looks pretty old so that could be a problem. I'm getting a new reed next time I go over there so maybe that will help. I've found that I can keep it from squeaking if I loosen up my embouchure a bit while playing lower notes. It should be fine lol. And I've never had a lesson on clarinet. I was sort of just a natural at it and blessed with the talent lol.

Yeah, probably the reed. Make sure you're using the right hardness. If you just started, medium soft is best, but after you get used to it, i'd switch to medium.

^ that's awesome. our band might play Lord of the Rings, and in marching band we played "I want You Back" by Michael Jackson and "I Gotta Feeling" by the Black Eyed Peas

Haha we did a Santana show for marching band. It was beastly.

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