Odd Connexion colors...


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Well-known member
Sep 27, 2004
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As someone who lives in the US, I haven't had the opportunity to really check out all the different Connexion colors that were released in Europe. I /thought/ I had seen all the colors, but as I was browsing TamaTalk I noticed an advertisement for tamagotchis...and it was a design I had never seen before. So I clicked the link, and here are all the colors I'd never seen:

1) Pink tropical (different from the US release)


2) Plain clear-orange


3) Gorgeous yellow tropical


4) Pale clear-purple


Those are the only "new" ones with pictures available. I love them! I wish these were released in the US instead :*( Are they v1s or v2s? Has anyone seen these for sale anywhere? I haven't even seen them on Ebay...

I have never seen them before either, but I think that they are nice colors. :D

Well, I live in the UK and I don't remember seeing these colours & designs when the V1s were launched last Summer - although to be honest, I'm not a collector or 'afficionado' of Connexions, so perhaps I am not qualified to comment.

Even so, they are not V1 designs that I recognise from the huge number of local kids that have V1 tamagotchis in my area of London.

The wording on the sales pitch does seem to imply V1 - there's no mention of the shop or wrapping/sending presents, which I would have thought is a key selling point for V2s.

The designs are quite nice, but actually I rather like the simple bi-colour ones the most....

Best, etc.


Well, I live in the UK and I don't remember seeing these colours & designs when the V1s were launched last Summer - although to be honest, I'm not a collector or 'afficionado' of Connexions, so perhaps I am not qualified to comment.Even so, they are not V1 designs that I recognise from the huge number of local kids that have V1 tamagotchis in my area of London.

The wording on the sales pitch does seem to imply V1 - there's no mention of the shop or wrapping/sending presents, which I would have thought is a key selling point for V2s.

The designs are quite nice, but actually I rather like the simple bi-colour ones the most....

Best, etc.

hmm, then I'm thinking these could be colors that were never released at all, which is unfortunate because they're great colors :*( We can only hope that they are the next wave of v2 Connexions and that Amazon just hasn't fixed the wording on the pages, and will do so once they get them in stock...But who knows?

I would think they are v2s, because I think almost every v2 has a Mametchi on the screen when it is first purchased, right? :D . But they are very pretty!! :huh:

I would think they are v2s, because I think almost every v2 has a Mametchi on the screen when it is first purchased, right? :D . But they are very pretty!! :huh:
Oh, you're right! The v1s have a Mimitchi sticker on the screen, while the v2s have Mametchi :*) Good observation.

*moan* That yellow is so pretty! I want a yellow V2, but they don't seem to have released any yellow ones at all in the US. I hope they come out with new colors here, and I really hope that one of them is yellow, preferably like the one in that picture. It's really pretty.

Oh, you're right! The v1s have a Mimitchi sticker on the screen, while the v2s have Mametchi :*) Good observation.
I was thinking they were a v1, because the v2 connexions have at the top of the egg:



with connexion written below it in small font.


Down here in Australia, i have not seen them colors before. Although, i do not look at tamagotchis in store much, because they are always sold out :(

i havent seen those but i live in usa not uk so i dunno. they dont exactly say 'made by bandai' but it does have a link for other bandai products. i dunno...

I Have The First One

( Mine A Pink Tropical Fun )

i wish i had the yellow connextion one it looks pretty lol :D

i just got an american v2 today. it's light blue tropical, but a different kind of tropical--more of an island, really. a color i've never seen (although it's my first v2, i've looked at millions of them). i love it.

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Most of the ones that you showed are available here in the U.S.A. I don't know about the transparent ones though. I think that will only be available to Canada.


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