Odd Dreams?


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Well-known member
Mar 3, 2008
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Ok, well, I really like this kid, Nick, and I normally don't remember my dreams. Well, the past two nights I've had a dream about him. I don't know if it's because I think of him before I fall asleep, or what, but the second one that happened last night is really kind of creepy. I'll tell you them both, then tell you what I think they mean.

Day 1: Nick is at camp, right now, or he is coming back, I'm not sure. Anyway, I was at the camp we all went to last year as a class, the same one he is going to now. Most of my class was there, and it was like magic. No one could see us, but we could see them, we had this weird class to. And I was next to one of my friends, Jay, he was telling me how Nick wanted to ask me out [Coincidence, Nick was telling my mom that he told everyone just to ask her out, and everyone has told me to ask him out...] but then Nick disappeared. I got really worried, and skipped the class. I never found him before I woke up.

Ok, so, that was the first one. Nick had been talking to my mom, telling her that he was telling a bunch of friends just to ask the girl out, if they wanted to. Everyone tells me Nick likes me, and that I should ask him out.

Day 2: I went to this weird house, with Nick. But for some odd reason in my dream Nick and I were dating. Anyway, He started hanging out with the really rude girl. Like, she was disgusting. She had black hair, with her roots showing, so it was dyed, and she wore really revealing clothes. Nick apparently liked it, and her, he was riding in the back of a jeep with her, and they were feeding each other, whilst I was stuck with his parents, in a truck behind them, so I could see everything. I cornered him and he told me that we were never really dating, and that he wanted to like this girl. I didn't say anything, because I wanted him to be happy. Later she had gone home, or something, and we were both sitting on the icy roof, we were watching the cabin next to us's roof. There were two guys, one was my dad, and one was his. They were walking on the roof, and started to fall, they slipped, and we both started slipping. I woke up before they touched the ground in a dead panic.

I have a feeling I know what the last one meant, at camp they have a dance, on the last day [which might've been last night. I'm not sure] and I think that means I am worried he will like whoever he goes to the dance with more than me.

I would really appreciate it if you guys would tell me what you think, thanks. I'm really freaked out, like bad.

Yeah, I have terribly odd dreams. x..x

• Mom getting slashed by nife by a bad guy

• Me in a sea side huge california loft/condo on the top floor looking down from my room with waves engulfing the bottom of the building

• Not being able to get to orchestra and then a woman on a tiny island jumping into a gord and turning into a half pink half green fluffy watermelon

• My friend throwing me a huge chunk of caramel filled chocolate.. *drool*

Those are a few that come to mind. I have a lot of dream memories but I doubt you guys want me to ramble about all of them. :)

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I've had wierd dreams before.

= The walls in the bathroom started talking to me, so I got up from the toilet and then dramatic scary music came on and I screamed.

= I can't remember this one too well, but it was like I was traveling back in time to wierd things that happened in my life with this guy. Who I think was supposed to be my dad, but didn't look anything like him. Then the last thing I remember from that dream was I was with my 6th grade class not knowing if I was in 6th or 7th grade and then figuring out it was niether because I was on SUMMER BREAK. It didn't make sense at all, lol.

= I used to get this dream like once a year where I would have to hold some kind of convention or something. It was wierd, I can't remember it too well. I stopped getting this annual dream when I was like 7.

= I used to get this one annually, aswell. Where someone, somehow, would squeeze me really hard for a few seconds to the point where I couldn't breathe. It was scary. But those stopped happening around the same time.

[SIZE=14pt]I can think of some..[/SIZE]

1: In Summer Camp, there was this cute consulor named Jimmy. So I had a dream about him... Heres how it went:

I lived in a suite... by myself... o_O;; and I was walking into town and I saw him. And we were on a date, but I never planned it. o.o


2: I had a dream that my friend carrie did this.. O_O : Carrie tried taking this life-sized Almond I had... I said no and we got into a fight...


3:A radio fell on my sister and she turned to dust.. ._.

I wish that would happen to my sister lol! Here's a few:

~I was in the backyard and a random black rabbit bit my bum.

~I was at a friends place and she spilt coke on me, turning me into a mermaid!

~Ben Stiller became my new PE teacher and challenged my class to a hurdles race over some trees and soccer posts. I won and he gave me a stick of gum that said "congratulations" on it. I was like, "Mr Stiller, can I please have more than a STICK OF GUM?!

I had a dream that Guy Sebastian murdered me with a rake o_0

Lol and I remember a dream I had where my friend threw one of those vortex things and it went really far but I said it wasnt fair because she lit it on fire :angry:

In another dream I had, a terrorist put a bomb in the supermarket and I went to try and stop it but I stepped on a laser fence and everything blew up.

I have dreams about Tsunamis nearly every night 0_0

Yes! 1. I had a weird dream this boy in kindergarten who had a crush on me came back and tried to kidnap me O_O but I didn't know it was him because I haven't seen him since kindergarten lol and he was older in the nightmare.

2. And I had a nightmare this boy who's guts I hate asked me out and tried to kiss me and I shot him in the head lmfao that might have happened in real to if he had done that that or I would beat him up until he bleeds ( that won't take long to do >=] I look sweet but I'm deadly if you tick me off )

3. And I had one where all my friends turned against me and tried to kill me but I woke up before they got near me lol.

4. And one were I went into Willy Wonka's Chocolate factory but it was really a possessed haunted house that tried to kill/touch me in inappropriate places O_O.

That's all I can think of now lol.

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Eh... Here are a percentge of my dreams:

17% - I'm not in, I'm a bystander, witnessing what happenes, and like an old-fashioned movie.

65% - I am in, and I get killed in some way that all makes sense somewhat like a murder film.

12% - Someone close to me is murdered/killed.

5% - I kill someone close to me

1% - Something really ordinary and boring happenes. Sometimes someone dies.

Yeah. In 99.5% of my dreams, I get killed, I kill someone, or someone close to me dies o.o

Yeah, It's been everywhere from suicide bombers, to my mother hanging me out of my window into the front yard, to being hostage in an elevator and one of us cuts that cables so we all fall, to me crashing a car into my friend.

I don't often sleep well.

You poor person...my friend had a dream where their dad had fits of madness that wouldn't stop until he killed someone. It wasn't enough to wake my friend, but when she saw a person from her class, she woke up. She told me and another person and we cracked up!

TW/P 's Watermelon dream is hilarious lol

I don't dream a lot, but when I do, I'm usually just living in a different life, but like in the same body 0.o

[SIZE=14pt]Sorry if I am bumping a topic...[/SIZE]


I just had some the other night.. :|


I had a dream that I had eleven dents in my Trombone! O________O


I had a dream that I was going on a air plane and they forgot me and I got stuck in the airport...And the airport moved.. o.o

Then I woke up because it turned into a nightmare..


I had a dream that I was at a place(Idk where... O_O) and I had these Standard Of Excellence: Teacher Theory Books..I had the 3 books and Mr.Mount(Summer school teacher) wanted to take them(He isn't a band teacher!) but I drew something bad or innapporpiate in them, so I couldn't give them..So we got into a fight..


And I think one of them is was I killed my cat with my trombone. Sad. o_O;

Some odd dreams;;

-'Higurashi no naku koro ni'-ish dreams. Enough said.

-Walking into the backyard fighting dark Riku from Kingdom Hearts.

-Dating Digimon characters (I have A LOT of Digimon. About 2/5 of the dreams were about me/my rpcs going on dates with Tai or Davis. Sometimes other characters..)

-One dream I may not speak of. It's disturbing. It's not violent at all, but it messes with the mind. @__@;; Has to od with KH though..

Meh'. Most of my dreams are the results of too much anime/manga.

For some odd reason, my dreams freak me out. I always have dreams that I'm either pregnant, or having sex with people whom I don't know. It's awkward >w<;;

For some odd reason, my dreams freak me out. I always have dreams that I'm either pregnant, or having sex with people whom I don't know. It's awkward >w<;;
[SIZE=14pt]Wow.. O____o [/SIZE]

I often have dreams about real people and, well, I forget what most of my dreams are D=

But if I remember, I'll post.

EDIT: Post # 777!

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For some odd reason, my dreams freak me out. I always have dreams that I'm either pregnant, or having sex with people whom I don't know. It's awkward >w<;;
That's what I was gonna say. x.x Only I do know of the person. Here comes the *handfaceslap*, it's normally Naruto characters. ><;; Not the ones where they're around my age, the Shippuden ones, the Akatsuki men, or the senseis. Talk about pedophiles...

Yeah, that was really awkward.


That, or I'll have some random dream that has nothing to do with anything. Once I had one of those "Patrick Star Dreams" where you're riding one of those random rides they have outside supermarkets. xD Or just really random ones. Once I defeated Orochimaru with a Q-Tip. xDDDDDDDD Yes, I know I have a problem.

lol once I dreamed that I was Sasuke, my friend was Naruto, my sister was Sakura and my mom was Kakashi o_O and that my backyard had a huge park in it, and then my mom "Kakashi" picked me up (o_O) and said we were going to watch Veggie Tales weather I liked it or not. XD

and last night I dreamed that my house (although it seemed WAY bigger then my house) was burning down and my old cat that disappeared (=( ) was back but he had a twin. I ran outside of my house and then ran back in, and the fire was gone and nothing was burnt... very strange...

I have terribly odd dreams, Some amusing, some scary and some down right wrong.

I'm ok with nightmares of murder and blood cos i'm into that sorta stuff.

Note: I'm sorry if this offends anyone but its probably the worst dream ever!

[The other night I had a dream. A bad dream. I was having an argument with a cristian about God not being real and jesus being a glorified idiot. (Note: I'd NEVER do that in waked up life) And then out of nowhere Jesus jumped out in front of me, picked me up and took me to his 'lair'. While in the lair he r*p*d me.]

Thats an absolutely terrible dream to wake up too. And if you are old enough to work out the *ed bit then you'll see just how bad it is.

I once dreamed a really, really, really, really, REALLY! tiny comet was going toward jupiter and it bounced off jupiter and then the comet hit the earth and the earth blew up.

and it was all because some kid didn't want to wear a red sweater and a purple sweater at the same time :lol: :D :p :D ;)

I am SO wierd.


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