Oh Em Gee >3< Which Tama Did You Buy? :O


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I have the ocean waves and the army one...... and I got the ocean wave's one off e-bay, and the army one at mejers

I have the green with flowers... Yes, I am a boy.

It was the only one they had. I will get a more masciline one when they get them in stock.

i gettin translucent yellow main reason it the closest to orange my favorite color hopfully it will come 2morrow (it better or else plz don't record) bought it off ebay

I have the silver one, and I'm getting the blue camo or the new black one (which i think they ruined with pink :D ) but I'll just paint it..


- Kohaku ^_^

I"m getting a cool translucent black one, and a green snake skin one!

i have bought 2 and one is going to my friend for her b-day.

i have the sky blue one with dots [no, not ocean wave]

and i also have [tho its unopened] a green snake scales.

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