Oh, Gawsh.


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Well-known member
Jan 12, 2008
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Oh, Gawsh. There's these boys in my class who know who I like. I'm terrified they're going to tell the boy that Ilike him if I do something to them. It's so annoying. But they know if they tell him, they're dead.

I've been tihnking of saying that the boy I like is more of a friend and that I like him a little. It's true, but the boys in my class are...stupid.

I don't know what to do. Help, please? > ^_^

Those boys might be dumb, but they're probably not mean. And anyways, if they do tell your secret, what's the worst that could happen, eh? Maybe it'll turn into something good! :eek: And if you REALLY don't want this guy to know, and these morons tell him anyway, (this way is not the most reccommended way) then just deny it. Don't be all like "EW NO GOSH NO!!!!! EWW!!!" because then he'll know that you like him. Just calmly state "No, I don't like him."

Hope I could assist you,


Well, they're pretty mean. Well, you helped, kind of. But I can't keep a straight face if I deny it. That's a problem.

Number one- Whatever you do, DO NOT get mad/freaked out. They are only doing this to bug/mess with you. It's really hard but the next time they ask you, say something like, 'it's none of your business who I like' and just walk away. If they keep pestering you, don't talk back and just ignore them.

If they find that your reaction is just kind of the ":/" type emotion and not "D:<", they'll eventually drop it because it's not "fun" anymore. ;]

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