oh god


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Well-known member
Sep 27, 2006
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Old Trafford
i went swimming with my fourm and some other class we were going back to school then a teacher said

"theres been a fire in school" it was in the main building,then we had to wait outside for a bit went in are form room because that was in a diffrent buiding so we were safe.

and we got are dinner late...are headteacher said the fire was set in the boys toilet,three boys did it and if he finds them

the police will arrest them. and they cant come back to that school again!.

we saw the police the fire people there...

Wow! Thats really unusual... there arn't really that many fires in Schools, well its never happened in my town anyway. I hope all the dange is fixed. i bet it was pretty strange having your school in flames...

Hmm, boys setting fires in the bathroom? Sounds like a high school thing.... are you in high school? You don't have to say though. I am, and some weird things have happened at my school. Some girl pulled the fire alarm. She got arrested and expelled.

But, it's a good thing nobody got hurt. =]

Hmm, boys setting fires in the bathroom? Sounds like a high school thing.... are you in high school? You don't have to say though. I am, and some weird things have happened at my school. Some girl pulled the fire alarm. She got arrested and expelled.
But, it's a good thing nobody got hurt. =]
yes im in highschool year7

high school people thing they can show off!!

Yea really! Somebody, *ehem* pardon this but, they went to the bathroom, not peeing that is, on the stairwell. On purpose. If you didn't catch on they pooped, but anyways, they do this for attention. Geez.

woa, in my school we have fire drills and tornado drills, three years ago there was a Gas leakage and the school was closed for a week ^^

We don't have tornado drills, but we have monthly lock-downs. They are a bit pointless I supose but if anything ever really happened I guess I would change my mind. But we are starting to have these lock-downs more than firedrills. When the administration gets too worried about one thing at my school they go crazy.

:p :) :( That is strange there has never been a fire in my city well once the heating got broken and it was to cold to go to school :D So i didnt have to go for 4 days :) :D ;)

From Trahi.

i went swimming with my fourm and some other class we were going back to school then a teacher said"theres been a fire in school" it was in the main building,then we had to wait outside for a bit went in are form room because that was in a diffrent buiding so we were safe.

and we got are dinner late...are headteacher said the fire was set in the boys toilet,three boys did it and if he finds them

the police will arrest them. and they cant come back to that school again!.

we saw the police the fire people there...
I Hope They Get Arested... Thje Only Thing That Happened In My School Was A Rubber Thing In The Lights Melted (The School had to close that day) And 2 Boys Smashed The Gym Lights With A Soccerball Twice xD

Oh and by the way was that last year or this year?.

I can relate with this because i remember i made a topic about it a while ago, a girl set a fire in one of my schools girl bathrooms. My friend had to be taken to the hospital for a precaution that she might be hurt, because she was in the bathroom at that time. they found cigarrets in the papertowel thrashcan. I was really scared that my friend might have died, but she was fine. Thank goodness that nobudy was hurt in your fire *relived*

~Reanna & Melody

Did anyone die? I hope you guys are all alright. And that the damage is all fixed.

one time in preschool the building was told too evacuate. so a few min. later when the whole building was 3 blocks away the teacher told us that over night someone had put some weird bomb thing in the school or maybe it was some toxic thing. the firefighters were running around every where in the building!!

i went swimming with my fourm and some other class we were going back to school then a teacher said"theres been a fire in school" it was in the main building,then we had to wait outside for a bit went in are form room because that was in a diffrent buiding so we were safe.

and we got are dinner late...are headteacher said the fire was set in the boys toilet,three boys did it and if he finds them

the police will arrest them. and they cant come back to that school again!.

we saw the police the fire people there...
Whoa! :furawatchi: :huh: ;)

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