Oh great :(


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football princess

Well-known member
Apr 26, 2006
Reaction score
Corby, Northampton, UK
Yesterday (Sunday).

My dad was on the drive cleaning the car with Alex And Callum and I was inside making cakes with my mum, then Alex knocked on the door and said "cool, cakes!" they werent even cooked yet but he dipped his muddy fingers into the mix so my mum slapped him and I hit him too, then he hit me back, so I hit him really hard and ran upstairs and shut the door in my room, then he came storming in and said "Im gonna find something to hit you with" so I panicked because usualy when he says that it something really bad and I always end up with really painful memories. So he got something,opened the door slightley and sprayd Oust air freashner in my face, I wasent wearing my glasses at the time so It went into my eyes, the pain started immediatly and I was screaming so my dad came up and said whats happened and I burbled out something he didnt understand so he asked Alex and he said I sprayed it in his face so he did it back to :furawatchi: so my dad tried to rinse it out with the shower and when I could finaly open my eyes my dad looked at the can and said I needed to go to Hospital because There are chemicals in it. so we get to hospital and I couldnt see, I had double vision so I needed to have my eyes washed out with salty water stuff in a bag, which hurt, but stopped the pain. so I have to be off from school today and go back to the hospital to make sure my eyes arent damaged :wub:

Im really scared :blink: :wacko:


Ouch. That must really hurt. I hope it all goes well, because I certainly don't want you to go blind and not be able to go on TT (even though I don't know you). Well, good luck and I hope it heals quick and painless.

PS> It must be really bad that your brother said that you sprayed it in his eyes first, so he sprayed it back. That's a really bad lie.

Poor you. Thats so awful. Don't worry, everything will be ok! :blink:

Your brother should be badly punished for what he did. :wub: What he did was very dangerous at it wasn't a joke. :furawatchi:

I feel so sorry for you.

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